official presentation bfut institute of soccer educating

OFFICIAL PRESENTATION BFUT - Institute of Soccer EDUCATING THE NEXT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OFFICIAL PRESENTATION BFUT - Institute of Soccer EDUCATING THE NEXT SOCCER GENERATION TO EDUCATORS ( COACHES) AND ATHLETES (PLAYERS) IN NORTH AMERICA. The most popular sport in the world with more Than 209 countries registered through FIFA.*


  2. The most popular sport in the world with more Than 209 countries registered through FIFA.*

  3. Important Factors of Youth Football In average, from every 10 children between 5 to 9 years old, 6 will have soccer as their first sports’ choice.

  4. The 9 Educational Areas of the BFUT Methodology: 1. History of the game Football 2. Sports Management 3. Sports Nutrition 4. Sports Sociology 5. Sports Psychology 6. Sports Medicine 7. Sports Physiology 8. Technical Development 9. Tactical Concepts

  5. The Success of the Brazilian Philosophy Through out the years, Brazil has been 
 one of the most successful soccer philosophy in the world; 5 times World Champion and 1 Olympic Gold Medal Has been U-15, U-17 and U-20 champions Brazilian players represent the top clubs in the world

  6. BFUT is an educational Institute preparing educators and players to understand the why, when and how of each concept of the game Football. The five factors to implement a successful soccer program are: Planning ( 3 - 5 years) Facilities Educators Curriculum Players BFUT is the only Brazilian educational institution with a methodology from youth to professional level.

  7. Mission Statement Teaching the unpredictable and winning Brazilian/ North American Soccer philosophy thru the BFUT methodology to develop future positive leaders on and off the field , beside be very unpredictable and effective soccer player, always respecting the cultural and social factors of each country.

  8. BFUT - Establishing the USA soccer Philosophy We develop athletes and human beings, preparing great leaders inside and outside of the field. BFUT Brazilian methodology has been developed through analyzing, researching , implementing, and consistent education to educators and athletes. BFUT Methodology is based on the following six principles: Planning,(Sports management), Behavior(Sports sociology), Sports Psychology , Psycho - Motor (Physical Conditioning), Technical abilities and Tactical concepts. 

  9. THE HISTORY Today, The BFUT methodology has reached more then 43 countries with more then 65,000 players and 10.200 Educators .

  10. The Methodology BFUT methodology has proven to be very effective in empowering players around the world. Players develop a faster speed of thought and a more unpredictable style of play on the field. Development Dept. Competitive Dept. High Performance Dept. U- 3 to U-12- U-13 to U-18 BFUT U19 - U20 BFUT School BFUT Academy College or Professional

  11. Educational Curriculum • BFUT Soccer School 3 - 12 years - Boys and Girls Development Department (vertical educational integration) – Provide a fun environment focused on holistic child development (emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, physical, mental) Application of the lesson plans – – Development of the 12 techniques, both feet in 4 phases – Implementation of the positioning concepts from 1v1 to 9v9 plus the transition to the 11v11 of the U13 – Consistent development of the physical capacities such as body coordination, agility, fast reaction, flexibility (elasticity), etc.

  12. The Player Profile BFUT Player profile is a complete analysis and web publication of the athlete’s results on various educational areas . The analysis is related to the age group and will be register for this individual player analyze when move from the Development Dept. ( Soccer School) to the Competitive Dept. Physical (I) Analysis Player Technical (II) Positioning/ Tactical (III)

  13. Educational Curriculum • BFUT Academy 12-17 years – Competitive Department (vertical educational integration) –Continuation of the fun and competitive environment focused on holistic youth development (emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, physical, mental) –Application of the BFUT curriculum by age group – 4 cycles of 12 weeks –Use of the of the Football Made in Brazil software (tactical development) from U12 - U17. Tactical schemes, systems and strategies in a 11v11 game conditioning –Perfection of the 12 techniques, both feet in game situation and game condition –Continual development of the physical capacities such as body coordination, agility, fast reaction, flexibility (elasticity), muscle strength, etc –Participation in state and national programs and competitions –Participation in international competitions (understanding the different philosophies)

  14. Educational Curriculum • BFUT High Performance Department – Complete integration of the U20 Dept. with the Professional level. • Players from the U20 will play the Pro club system and it will develop players to feed the pro level of the club. Players can go to the first team , and compete in a high level, minimizing the club costs. Players from the U20 can be put in a loan system to other pro clubs. • The Professional Dept. will participate in a high level competitions. BFUT will have a player representative from the club and identify the players to be sale to generate income to the club. • Compete at the top professional division in the USA - State level and in preparation to move to the National level. • Planning to participate in Internacional competitions –Participation in state and national programs and competitions –Participation in international competitions (understanding the different philosophies)

  15. Professional Players to the European Market / North American • BFUT will provide professional players to the different markets Markets • Players with technical potential will come to Brazil for a period of preparation at the BFUT Pro club partner and will return to play in a higher level

  16. THE COLLEGE OF SOCCER Preparation of the educators (coaches) to educate the BFUT Methodology •BFUT Level 4 – Introduction of the methodology - 40 hours of education - on line and the practical application ( classroom and field) U6 to u11 ( PBSA - BFUT laboratory •BFUT level 3 – Football Symposium - Become a Soccer educator - 80 hours of education. On line - Theory concepts and practical on the field( during the level 2 ) • BFUT Level 2 – Become a Director of Education - 120 hours - Residential program - 7 days - 6 nights - • BFUT level 1 – Become a Professional coach - 180 hours - 11 days - 10 nights - Offered in Brazil - Live the day by day operations of a Brazilian pro club.

  17. Tours Players Educators Brazil/USA Individual Team and Team Programs Brazilian Soccer Seminar 
 Programs Clinic 
 Individual National Symposium 
 IPT Half-Day Camp International Symposium Day Camp Brazil/USA

  18. Team Programs Clinic Half-Day Camp Programs to be offered to help the Team or Individual development of educators (coaches) Day Camp and players Residential camp Individual Programs IPT USA | IPT BRAZIL

  19. The programs are implemented in a group basis 
 (usually 24 players per Brazilian educator ). The educator will apply the methodology in schools, clubs , etc. Clinic HALF Day Camp 
 •The first educational step in 15 HOURS INTRODUCING BFUT’s player cycle of education. • Group program focusing on •Location is determined by the organization’s request. different aspects of Brazilian soccer. •3 days or 15 hours of education. • Location is determined by the •Coaches and players from PBSA will be educate together organization’s request. • 3 days or 15 hours of education.

  20. Player’s Programs The programs can be implemented in a group or individual basis. An educator can go to a designated location to work with the team • Day Camp 
 30 HOURS OF LEARNING • Program focusing on the development of technical, decision-making and problem solving skills of the tactical concepts and much more • Location is determined by the club partner . • 5 days or 30 hours of educate 6 hours a day

  21. Player’s Programs The programs can be implemented in a group or individual basis. An educator can go to a designated location to work with the team • 
 RESIDENTIAL CAMP 80 HOURS OF LEARNING •Program focusing on the COMPLETE PLAYER DEVELOPMENT IN PREPARATION TO GO PROFESSIONAL •Development of technical, decision- making and problem solving skills of the tactical concepts and much more •Location - The BFUT Educational Center in Palm Beach Gardens- FL -USA •7 days - 6 nights

  22. IPT USA 
 IPT Brazil A GREAT STEPS TOWARDS A A GREAT STEPS TOWARDS BECOMING College SCHOLARSHIP or be a pro A PROFESSIONAL PLAYER player in the USA • International individual program • International individual program that offers players from the USA that offers players the the opportunity to be part of the opportunity to players from Brazilian professional soccer anywhere of the world to come to experience - the BFUT Center in The USA and get the opportunity to training, • Four Weeks program to 1 year play , study and have the socio - Sao Paulo- Brazil cultural experience • Located in Palm Beach Gardens - Florida - Monthly program- Year round (International exchange program)


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