rowing technique

Rowing Technique Oarstruck Duncan Holland About this presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rowing Technique Oarstruck Duncan Holland About this presentation My model for good rowing How to row well How to coach good rowing Oarstruck Duncan Holland Oarstruck Duncan Holland Oarstruck Duncan Holland

  1. Rowing Technique Oarstruck Duncan Holland

  2. About this presentation • My model for good rowing • How to row well • How to coach good rowing

  3. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  4. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  5. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  6. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  7. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  8. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  9. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  10. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  11. Oarstruck • Duncan Holland •

  12. MODEL: How you want your crew to row LOOK : How is the boat moving? Is it fast? 
 How are the oars / sculls moving? 
 How is your crew rowing? 
 What is the most important improvement to make? 
 ACHIEVE: What is required to make this improvement? Strength? Flexibility? Technical skills? Crew cohesion? PRACTISE: How to learn and practise this improvement. Exercises, games, cross training. Oarstruck Duncan Holland

  13. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for • Boat running through catch, stern stays up • Blade(s) close to water at catch • Blade(s) timed at catch with full extension • Handle height with blade(s) buried (below shoulders) • Shape of the back(s) • Back shape / position constant through catch • Knee movement from catch – first and together

  14. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Set the feet correctly • Be strong and stable in the core, pelvis neutral • Sit tall • Sweep – rotate shoulders to parallel handle • Scull - open arms wide • Grip well • Sweep - place with outside arm • Scull - place with arms

  15. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Have a good core programme • Have a good flexibility programme • Front stop taps • Front stop push • Legs only rowing • Backing down drill • Stand ups • Aussie slap

  16. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat starting to accelerate, stern beginning to move on • Blade(s) entered at full reach • Blade(s) buried • Arms staying extended and relaxed, shoulders relaxed • Back shape staying constant • Hanging off the handle(s) • Shoulders / upper back relaxed

  17. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Time the catch correctly • Learn the drive sequence on land first, erg, squats, jumps • Push on the foot stretcher • Hang off the handle • Shoulders / upper back relaxed • Hold core firm

  18. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Build the stroke from the catch • Well executed squats / jumps / lifts • Catch and release drill

  19. Oarstruck What to look for: Duncan Holland • Boat starting to surge • Blade(s) well covered • Handle(s) below shoulders • Athlete(s) tall, in middle of boat • All legs together • Back angle opening with shape constant • Leg drive accelerating • Arms, shoulders relaxed

  20. Oarstruck How to achieve this: Duncan Holland • Have strong legs and core • Feel a rhythm in the leg drive • Drive as if you were jumping • Accelerate as you move down the slide

  21. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Short strokes • Build from the catch • Back only rowing • 0% to 100% drive • Straight arm rowi ng

  22. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat running well, stern up • Blades still well buried • Bodies tall, shoulders down • Shoulders starting to open • Back past vertical • Knees down together • Handle(s) accelerating

  23. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Strong legs, core, back • Learn proper sequencing • Keep pushing against the stretcher • Keep pushing knees down • Look to keep handle(s) accelerating

  24. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Build the stroke from the catch • Short finish rowing • Learn and practise proper sequences in jumping, lifting • Build pressure through the stroke • Look to keep handle(s) accelerating

  25. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat running fast • Blades still locked and buried • Knees pushed down • Pelvis in neutral, bodies tall • Elbows drawn past the body • Elbows, wrists 1 st knuckles in a horizontal line • Handle(s) at height of first rib

  26. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Boat rigged to suit weight of crew and height of athlete • Feet still pressing on stretcher • Knees pushed down • Pelvis in neutral, sit tall • Elbows drawn past the body • Elbows, wrists 1 st knuckles in a horizontal line

  27. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Arms only rowing • Arms and body only rowing • ¼ slide rowing • Square blade rowing • Feet out rowing

  28. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat still running • Blades out of the water together and square • Wrists stay flat • Body stays strong, pelvis in neutral

  29. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Arms tap down • Wrist stay flat initially • Fingers roll to feather blade(s) • Outside sweep wrist stays flat, grip stays constant • Body stays strong, pelvis in neutral

  30. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Tap downs • Tap down and feather, extend arms. • Arms only rowing • Wide grip rowing (Sweep) • Outside arm only rowing (Sweep) • Arms and body only rowing • Square blade rowing

  31. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat running fast, bow beginning to rise • Blades feathered and clear of water • Bodies stay still • Arms extended • Constant handle speed • Knees nearly straight

  32. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Fingers (inside) roll to feather blade(s) • Outside sweep wrist stays flat, grip stays constant • Body stays strong, pelvis in neutral • Arms extend to nearly straight • Carry handle(s) around finish at same speed as end of drive • Knees are soft

  33. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Pause body at finish, arms extended • Double finish, (cutting the cake) • Arms only rowing

  34. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat running on • Shafts all parallel • Arms extended • Pelvis in neutral, back rocked forward • Handles slowing • Athlete(s) moving slowly and together off finish position

  35. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Rock over from hips with pelvis neutral after arms and shoulders extend, this requires good core strength and flexibility! • Shift weight from seat to feet • Sit properly forward on seat • Slow handle down to control speed forward

  36. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Arms and body rowing. Check sequence! • Pause at rocked over position • Erg on a hill • Bananas • Double finish including rock over

  37. Oarstruck Duncan Holland What to look for: • Boat running consistently fast • Blades beginning to square • Blades constant height off the water • Athletes looking up • Sweep, trunks rotating to follow handle, shoulders loose

  38. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to achieve this: • Put weight on feet • Feel that the handle(s) are pulling you forward • Let the boat push your feet to you • Look up and forward • Sweep, start to rotate trunk to follow handle • Square by rolling wrist(s) up

  39. Oarstruck Duncan Holland How to practise this: • Pause rowing at ½ slide • Slow rowing (rate < 12) • Wide grip (Sweep)


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