multilingual services

Multilingual Services Seal of Biliteracy: Updates and Highlights - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department of Multilingual Services Seal of Biliteracy: Updates and Highlights Samuel Aguirre and Madeleine Polovick Bilingual Directors Conference September 26, 2019 Whole Child Whole School Whole Community Agenda

  1. Department of Multilingual Services Seal of Biliteracy: Updates and Highlights Samuel Aguirre and Madeleine Polovick Bilingual Directors Conference September 26, 2019 Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  2. Agenda  History of the Seal and Commendation  Overview of requirements for program participation  New Application  Seal and Commendation Proficiency Requirements  Data, Trends, and Stories  Key dates Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community


  4. Seal of Biliteracy History  Concept developed by Californians Together (2008)  California was 1 st state to adopt (2011)  Illinois was 4 th state to adopt (2013)  Awarded in 37 states and Washington, D.C.  Under consideration in 3 states, and early stages in 9 others  In Illinois: Statute changes now permit awards to public and non-public high school students. Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  5. What is a Seal of Biliteracy?  For Illinois high school graduates who demonstrate a high level of proficiency in four domains in:  English, and  A language other than English  Seal designated on the student’s diploma and transcript Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  6. Why the Seal of Biliteracy?  Encourages the study of other languages  Benefits to the student  Increasing employment and academic opportunities  Benefits to the global community  Communicating with people from other cultures  Developing economic opportunities

  7. What is the Commendation toward Biliteracy? The Commendation toward Biliteracy is awarded to students who demonstrate progress toward biliteracy, but do not fully meet the requirements of the Seal of Biliteracy. (23 Ill. Adm. Code 1.442(c)) Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community


  9. General Program Requirements  Designate district coordinator  Notification of Participation by 10/1  Application on SIS  Participation in Training  Making decisions about district’s program  Inform families and students about the program Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  10. General Program Requirements, Cont.  Create the Seal or Commendation itself  Identify students who qualify  No age or grade requirement  Awarding the Seal or Commendation  Annual report Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  11. New application on SIS  Located on IWAS in SIS  District Seal of Biliteracy coordinator must have access to SIS to complete application  Must first have enrolled students on SIS before application is available to submit Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community


  13. Methods to Qualify  Standard Assessment Method  The Alternative Portfolio Method, used when:  Intermediate mid composite score, or its equivalent, on a standardized assessment in the four domains of the target language;  No standardized assessment exists for targeted language;  The standardized assessment for a student with disabilities is inappropriate; or  The standardized assessment for targeted foreign language does not assess one or more of the four domains  Using methods that are not on ISBE’s approved list Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  14. Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community

  15. Demonstrating Proficiency in English: Seal of Biliteracy ELP on ACCESS in 9-12 th grade (Emergent Bilingual)* 1. “Meets” or “exceeds” in ELA on SAT * 2. ACTFL Intermediate High on TOEFL, TOEIC, etc* 3. ACT Composite of 21 or meets college ready 4. benchmark for English area test* Final ELA GPA of 3.0 or above with college credit* 5. Scores a 5 on AP English Language and Composition 6. Exam* * Will qualify for Commendation if student doesn’t meet Seal criteria in World Language category

  16. Demonstrating Proficiency in English: Commendation toward Biliteracy 3.5 overall composite on ACCESS in 9-12 th grade 1. (Emergent Bilingual) ACTFL Intermediate Low or above on TOEFL, 2. TOEIC, etc ACT Composite of 21 or meets college ready 3. benchmark for English area test Final ELA GPA of 2.5 of above with college credit 4.

  17. Demonstrating Proficiency in a Language Other than English Seal of Biliteracy: ACTFL Intermediate High on TOEFL, TOEIC, etc* Commendation towards Biliteracy: ACTFL Intermediate Low on TOEFL, TOEIC, etc


  19. SY 2017-2018 Award Data Seal of Biliteracy Commendation Towards Biliteracy o o 5,756 aw 5,75 awar ards 3,057 aw 3,05 awar ards Other Arabic Other Chinese o o 1% 86 sch chool dis districts 58 sch chool dis districts 3% Arabic 4% Chinese 4% 1% o o 23 23 lan languages 17 17 lan languages 4% German German 3% French 3% 9% Italian French 2% Additio Addit iona nal Repr presented 10% Italian Polish Languages Langu 2% 2% Bulgarian Portuguese Spanish Greek Romanian 76% Polish Add Addit itio iona nal Repr presented Hebrew Russian Spanish 2% Languages Langu 74% Hindi Serbian Japanese Turkish Bulgarian Korean Korean Ukrainian Greek Latin Latin Urdu Hebrew Lithuanian Lithuanian Hindi Portuguese Japanese Russian Whole Child ● Whole School ● Whole Community 19

  20. Seal & Commendation Awards 5756 4444 Seal Number of Awards Comm 3057 2693 2601 959 504 214 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 School Year

  21. Districts Awarding Seals & Commendations 86 70 Number of Districts 58 Seal 47 Comm 44 32 15 14 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 School Year

  22. Languages Represented in Seal & Commendation Awards 23 18 17 17 Number of Languages 14 Seal Comm 10 9 6 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 School Year

  23. Impact on Emergent Bilinguals: Seal of Biliteracy 184 Number of Recipients 205 EB Former EB 1634 1171 25 11 200 71 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 School Year

  24. Impact on Emergent Bilinguals: Commendation toward Biliteracy 269 138 Number of Recipients EB Former EB 622 567 31 24 7 54 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 School Year

  25. KEY DATES 25 25

  26. Key Dates Dates Activity October 1, 2019 4:00pm Seal of Biliteracy application for SY 2020 due Or, 45 days prior to awarding the Seal/Commendation Seal of Biliteracy Award data for SY2019 due October 15, 2019 4:00pm *Note: This year only due to recent reporting code changes At least 45 days prior to awarding Program Coordinator completes the Seal/Commendation mandatory annual training 30 days after school year ends Submit final report to ISBE

  27. Questions? Department of Multilingual Services (312) 814-3850 Whole Child • Whole School • Whole Community


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