
Introductions Geoids, Vertical Datums Presentation Pam Fromhertz - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introductions Geoids, Vertical Datums Presentation Pam Fromhertz DRCOG Data Collection Effort/Data Portal Ashley Summers DRCOG Launches the Denver Regional Equity Atlas Ashley Summers Global Mapper Demo Blue

  1.  Introductions  Geoids, Vertical Datums Presentation – Pam Fromhertz  DRCOG Data Collection Effort/Data Portal – Ashley Summers  DRCOG Launches the Denver Regional Equity Atlas – Ashley Summers  Global Mapper Demo – Blue Marble Geographics

  2.  In January, DRCOG sent an eblast asking for data.  It was our largest data request so far because we consolidated requests from across the agency.

  3. 1. Municipal Boundaries (31%) 2. County Boundaries (40%) 3. Parcels (50%) 4. Open Space (33%) 5. Trails (33%) Due this 6. Building Points (19%) month! 7. Land Use (21%) 8. Zoning (33%) 9. Bike Facilities (12%) 10. UGB/A (14%) Percentages exclude jurisdictions that do not have GIS.

  4.  Metro Vision 2040 Scenario Planning  Metro Vision Goal Measurement  Land Use Modeling and Forecasting  Transportation Modeling  DRAPP Planning  Development Type Modeling  Creating the UGB/A

  5.  Duplicate requests to your jurisdiction.  Submission is “messy” because the methods are varied.  Communication is not well tracked (we do have a spreadsheet)…  With 56 jurisdictions and a request for 10 datasets each, we have a lot of room for manual error in collecting and tracking data.  The response rate is low.

  6.  In January, our team gained Executive approval of the Data Portal idea.  The Data Portal is an online application for data exchange between DRCOG and its members that makes data collection and distribution easier for everyone.

  7.  One-stop shop for uploading and downloading data from DRCOG  Secure section of the Regional Data Catalog that allows transfer of non-public data  One profile per member with multiple logins  Tracking of all transactions  Tracking of all data agreements/ restrictions

  8.  We would like a small focus group to meet with us to help us gather requirements and design the site.  If you are interested, please let me know!  How about next Wed. 2/26 at 11am?

  9. An online mapping application for interacting with data in our region

  10.  Version 1 completed by Mile High Connects in 2011  Series of static maps at a regional scale  Shows housing, education, employment, demographic, and health data in relation to transit

  11.  To allow interaction with the data at local level  To provide detailed tract-level analysis with dynamically updated charts and graphs  To allow the creation of custom maps – you choose the layers you are interested in!  To allow users to save, print, and share their work

  12.  All the 1.0 maps have been recreated in the interactive environment for your convenience! Example: Distribution of Denver Residents who are 55 and older Version 1.0 Version 2.0

  13.  DRCOG and Mile High Connects partnered on the development of version 2.0 of the Regional Equity Atlas  DRCOG developed the application  The Piton Foundation supplied data from its Colorado Data Engine  Reconnecting America advised the project team on design, message and continuity with version 1.0

  14.  The site was advertised and officially “launched” in early February.  In terms of ongoing maintenance, DRCOG will house and maintain the site; Piton will supply the data.  Data updates will be annually.  It’s available now for all of you to explore!

  15.  Newsletters and DRDC Meetings feature your content!  The next newsletter goes out on April 15 th .  The next DRDC meeting is on June 26 th .  Please contact me one month in advance if you’d like to contribute.


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