college bound 2015 16

College Bound 2015-16: Refreshed, Renewed, & Reallocated June - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

College Bound 2015-16: Refreshed, Renewed, & Reallocated June 2015 OSPI Counselors Institute Beth Ahlstrom, Assistant Director for College Bound Washington Student Achievement Council College Bound Scholarship Program 1 College

  1. College Bound 2015-16: Refreshed, Renewed, & Reallocated June 2015 OSPI Counselors’ Institute Beth Ahlstrom, Assistant Director for College Bound Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 1

  2. College Bound Primer • Process • Tools & Resources • Myths and Misunderstandings Discussion of Best Practices Agenda • Middle School • High School • Vertical Teams & Baton Passing Data Update • Sign-up Numbers • High School Graduation Rates • College Enrollment Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 2

  3. College Bound Primer Overview: Process, Tools, and Myths & Misunderstandings. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 3

  4. • Meet income requirements. • Foster youth (any grade). • Apply by end of 8 th grade College Bound year. • Commit to high school Initial Eligibility graduation.  2.0 GPA and remain crime- free. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 4

  5. What is the College Bound Secure Portal?  A specially-designed webpage which displays College Bound application information in a user-friendly manner. Portal Access: How can I access the Portal?  Email your name, title, phone number, and the schools you serve to The Key to Success  Instructions to activate your account will be emailed to you. You must activate your account within 48 hours! Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 5

  6. A resource to monitor middle school sign-up efforts and track student application status.  Must have portal access to use. Middle School  Must agree not to share information. Toolbox  Allows user to:  Upload list of eligible students  Edit student information  Print Signature Pages  Track events Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 6

  7. Portal Login Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 7

  8. Middle School Toolbox Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 8

  9. Student Lookup Tool Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 9

  10. Student File Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 10

  11. Printing ALL Signature Pages Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 11

  12. Student File: Edit Information Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 12

  13. Download to CSV Files Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 13

  14. Order Free Materials Online MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL BROCHURES POSTERS POSTERS Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 14

  15.  Student Identification:  How can I see the names of the students who have signed up for CBS?  If we use the upload feature, will our student names be secure?  How do I know which foster youth are CBS?  What can be done about duplicates? Myths &  Can I remove student names? Misunderstandings  Portal Process  Why don’t my numbers match?  How often do you send the batches to the schools?  Communication to Families  How often are letters sent home to the families?  What makes a complete application? Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 15

  16. College Bound Primer • Process • Tools & Resources • Myths and Misunderstandings Discussion of Best Practices Agenda • Middle School • High School • Vertical Teams & Baton Passing Data Update • Sign-up Numbers • High School Graduation Rates • College Enrollment Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 16

  17. Discussion of Best Practices Middle School, High School, & Vertical Teams Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 17

  18. • How do middle schools track their sign-up numbers and students? Sign Up • Do you have a school or district coordinator for the program, and is everyone aware of who that is? Sharing Best • How do middle and high schools coordinate support of CBS students? Practices • Are there district meetings regarding College Bound sign-up rates, Support GPA/graduation requirements, FAFSA completion, etc.? • Where are the gaps? How could they be addressed? Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 18

  19. College Bound Primer • Process • Tools & Resources • Myths and Misunderstandings Discussion of Best Practices Agenda • Middle School • High School • Vertical Teams & Baton Passing Data Update • Sign-up Numbers • High School Graduation Rates • College Enrollment Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 19

  20. Data Update Middle school, high school, and college attendance. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 20

  21. Cohort Report As of 6/1/2015 Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 21

  22. 35,000 89% 30,000 80% 25,000 More Students 79% 77% Apply for CBS 70% 20,000 56% 15,000 57% Applic a tio ns a s o f Ma rc h 2015: 10,000 Ne a rly 220,000 stude nts • 94% o f c urre nt 8th • 5,000 g ra de rs 60% o f c urre nt 7th • 0 g ra de rs 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 CBS App lic a nts 15,947 16,070 20,903 23,398 25,272 28,980 32,195 E lig ib le No n-Ap plic a nts 12,146 13,530 8,953 7,151 6,651 7,414 4,013 Source: WSAC CBS Application Data 2006-07 to 2013-14. OSPI State Report Card (2006-07 to 2013-14),. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 22

  23. Students sign-up from across the state. Number of College Bound applications vary by zip code. Source: WSAC CBS Applicants matched with OSPI, May 2014. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 23

  24. F our - Ye ar High Sc hool Gr aduation Rate s CBS students Sta te wide a ve ra g e Othe r lo w-inc o me CBS graduate high 77% school at higher 2012 60% rates. 79% Graduation rates for CBS 76% students are at least ten 2013 60% percentage points higher 76% than those of their low- income peers who didn't 77% sign up for the program. 2014 62% 75% Source: OSPI staff analysis of WSAC CBS applicant data. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 24

  25. 69% of CBS students. CBS students are 64% of all attending students. postsecondary programs. 50% of low- income students. Source: WSAC CBS Application Data, class of 2012 verified as graduated per OSPI data, met pledge requirements (n=9,160) and National Student Clearinghouse, 2012-13 (n=6,389). ERDC Research Brief 2010#5. Participation in Postsecondary Education. Washington State High School Graduates, 2008-09. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 25

  26. 4,690 2012-13 6,972 re c ipie nts CBS college 8,344 enrollments 2013-14 12,762 re c ipie nts are growing. 2014-15 11,067 15,836 re c ipie nts initia l Note: Enrollments include data from the National Student Clearinghouse. The 2014-15 data are as of February 2015. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 26

  27. 2014- 15 CBS Re c ipie nts by Se c tor (initia l) 1% Over half of college enrolled CBS 43% students 48% attend four- year institutions. 8% Pub lic 4 Priva te 4 CT C Priva te 2 Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 27

  28. College Bound combines with other state aid. Covers the average tuition (at comparable public colleges), some fees, and a small book allowance. Program Messaging Students must be eligible when they apply. Income eligibility will be verified using the information on the FAFSA when the student applies for college. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 28

  29. Students may use the scholarship to earn a certificate or degree. Must be used for an approved program at one of Washington’s 69 eligible institutions ( Program Messaging Students must maintain SAP. Once in college, students must follow the college’s Satisfactory Academic Performance (SAP) guidelines to retain the scholarship. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 29

  30. College Bound Scholarship is a 4-year scholarship that must be used within 5 years of high school graduation. College Bound students do not have to graduate with High School their class, but they must graduate. GEDs do not qualify. Student College Bound students must enroll in college within one Reminders year of high school graduation. They may enroll in an out-of-state college, return to WA, and, if they meet all the other requirements, receive College Bound. Once in college, College Bound students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress, as defined by the college, to continue to receive the scholarship. Washington Student Achievement Council – College Bound Scholarship Program 30


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