hhs advanced placement dual credit information night why

HHS Advanced Placement / Dual Credit Information Night Why Take - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HHS Advanced Placement / Dual Credit Information Night Why Take Advanced Placement or Dual Credit? Jump start on earning college credit. Huge savings versus what a student (parent) will pay once they graduate HHS. Helps prepare students

  1. HHS Advanced Placement / Dual Credit Information Night

  2. Why Take Advanced Placement or Dual Credit? — Jump start on earning college credit. — Huge savings versus what a student (parent) will pay once they graduate HHS. — Helps prepare students for post-high school experiences.

  3. Advanced Placement / Dual Credit — Both offer a way for high school students to earn college credit. — This college credit earned at a fraction of the cost they would pay on campus. — There are pros and cons for both. — So … What’s the difference, and how do they work?

  4. Advanced Placement — Program created by The College Board — Offers college-level curriculum and exams to high school students. — Taught by HHS AP trained teachers. — Students enroll in an AP class for the school year, and then take the AP Exam for that class at the end of the year. — Students can earn a score of 1 through 5. — May, or may not be awarded college credit (Depends on score and individual college)

  5. Advanced Placement Pros — Taught by HHS AP trained teachers — Exposes student to college-level curriculum and instruction — Don’t have to be “admitted” — No ACT or Accuplacer score needed — Students can take class, and choose not to take the exam — Lower grade in class does not affect college transcript — Cost - $94 to take the AP Exam — Weighted GPA – 1.0 (4.0 = 5.0)

  6. Advanced Placement — Things to consider … — Homework intensive — Reading and writing intensive — Do you have the work ethic? — College credit is dependent upon score on AP Exam and the college or university the student is transferring to — Most require a minimum score of 3 or 4 — UCM requires a 3, while NWMSU and MU require a 4 — Currently 11 AP Classes offered at HHS

  7. HHS AP Classes Offered — AP Biology — AP Chemistry — AP Physics — AP Calculus — AP Statistics — AP Language and Composition — AP Literature and Composition — AP United States History — AP World History — AP Government — AP French


  9. Dual Credit — College level classes taught by a HHS Teacher that has been approved by a college or university. — Curriculum and textbooks are determined by college or university awarding the credit. — Students earn both high school and college credit — .5 unit of high school credit for 3-hr college class — 1 unit of high school credit for a 5-hr college class

  10. Dual Credit — Pros — Students can leave high school with several college credits already completed. — Credits are much cheaper than once on campus. — Helps prepare students for college level classes. — Simply requires passing the class to receive the college credit. — Does not require a certain score on 1 exam.

  11. Dual Credit — Things to consider … — Do I have the work ethic? — Will credit transfer if I don’t attend UCM or UMKC ? — Homework intensive. — Grade earned will appear on a college transcript. — Weighted GPA 1.0 (4.0 = 5.0)

  12. Dual Credit — HHS currently offers the following dual credit classes: — College Algebra (UCM - $85 per credit hour) — Composition (UCM - $85 per credit hour) — Spanish 4 & 5 (UCM - $85 per credit hour) — Psychology (UCM - $85 per credit hour) — Music Appreciation (UCM - $85 per credit hour) — Chemistry (UMKC - $92 per credit hour)

  13. Dual Enrollment — College level classes taught by a college professor, either on the college campus itself, or on-line. — Curriculum and textbooks are determined by college or university awarding the credit. — Students earn both high school and college credit — .5 unit of high school credit for 3-hr college class — 1 unit of high school credit for a 5-hr college class

  14. Dual Enrollment — Pros — Students can leave high school with several college credits already completed. — Credits are much cheaper than once on campus. — Helps prepare students for college level classes. — Simply requires passing the class to receive the college credit. — Does not require a certain score on 1 exam. — Guaranteed credit transfer if part of the Missouri CORE 42. — Weighted GPA 1.0 (4.0 = 5.0)

  15. CORE 42 ? — Missouri’s 2 and 4 year colleges, along with the Missouri Department of Higher Education have established a core curriculum of at least 42 semester credit hours that will transfer to any public college or university in Missouri.

  16. On-Line MCC Courses — HHS will begin offering on-line dual enrollment courses through MCC next school year. — Cost is $91.50 per credit hour — Students may take these any hour of the school day. — 38 on-line courses are offered; 26 of those are part of the Missouri CORE 42.

  17. On-Campus Dual Enrollment HHS-Jump Start Track — HHS will be allowing students to enroll in on-campus dual enrollment classes next school year at Longview. — Students would need to provide their own transportation. — Would attend Longview for their “AM Block”. — Classes at Longview are at 8:00, 9:00, and 10:00. — Would return to HHS for afternoon classes.

  18. Dual Enrollment — Things to consider … — Do I have the work ethic? — Am I self-motivated? — Will credit transfer if it’s not part of the CORE 42 ? — Homework intensive. — Professor is off-campus — Student’s ability to drive to Longview for On-Campus Dual Enrollment. — Grade earned will appear on HHS transcript and a college transcript.

  19. Student Eligibility for Dual Credit / Enrollment — Must have recommendation from HHS — Juniors or Seniors with overall GPA of 2.5-4 and written permission from a legal guardian. — Sophomores with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and written permission from a legal guardian. — Freshmen with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and written permission from a legal guardian. Additionally freshman must score at the 90 th percentile or above on the ACT or SAT . (Correlates to a 28 on the ACT) — All students must meet a certain required score from ACT or Accuplacer (Required score depends on the class)

  20. Example of Cost Savings — All tuition examples are based on 15 credit hours. — MCC - $2745 — UCM - $3315 — Mizzou - $4702 — UMKC - $4875 — Missouri State - $3720 — If your student completes 15 credit hours at HHS — $1275 - $1372

  21. Summit Technology Academy — STA is designed for Junior and Senior students who are self-motivated, and have a strong interest in a STEM career. — Interested students would need to meet program requirements, and apply to be admitted through HHS. — Interested students would be required to provide their own transportation to the STA Lee’s Summit campus. — Student would spend ½ day at STA, and ½ day at HHS. — STA offers programs for the following STEM career pathways: — Engineering — Health Sciences — Computer Science — Arts & Communication — Human Services & Finance

  22. Summit Technology Academy Signature Programs The Missouri Innovation Campus — Accelerates the time it takes to earn a college degree — Includes working in a high-demand internship — Students can earn a bachelor’s degree just 2 yrs after graduating high school

  23. Summit Technology Academy Signature Programs The University of Kansas Degree in 3 Program — Students earns college credits through KU Edwards Campus while in high school. — Student completes associate’s degree 1 yr after high school — Student would finish bachelor’s degree 2 yrs later.

  24. Summit Technology Academy Signature Programs Cerner Scholars: Next Generation Program — Provides students with an opportunity to gain a deeper learning experience related to their interest in computing and technology. — High School students intern with Cerner at one of their multiple locations. STA Website: https://sta.lsr7.org/

  25. Things you should be thinking about now … — What are my future plans? Don’t have to be set in stone, but possibilities … — Begin exploring requirements for college admissions and/or career path. — Am I taking a rigorous course load that will prepare me for college-level classes? — How am I preparing for ACT ? (ACT Prep Class)



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