
Welcome First Time AP Takers Meeting Agenda Purpose and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome First Time AP Takers Meeting Agenda Purpose and expectations of Advanced Placement (AP) classes Student Expectations Growing Concerns Health and Balance Support FAQs Next Steps/Questions What is an AP

  1. Welcome First Time AP Takers Meeting

  2. Agenda ● Purpose and expectations of Advanced Placement (AP) classes ● Student Expectations ● Growing Concerns ● Health and Balance ● Support ● FAQ’s ● Next Steps/Questions

  3. What is an AP (Advanced Placement) class? ● College level course ● Curriculum developed through the College Board (makers of the SAT) Advanced Placement program ● Students who take an AP class typically take an AP exam at the end of the course.

  4. Purpose ● First-hand look at what a college-level class is like. ● To give students the opportunity to challenge themselves academically, personally, and socially. ● To become better-prepared for college: ● workload - time management ● independent learners ● develop critical thinking and problem solving skills

  5. Expectations ● Students have the ability to read, write and think critically at a college level ● Complete, on average, an hour of homework per class, per night ● Keep up with the pace of the class and prepare for the AP exam. ● School work is a high priority ● Manage themselves independently and s eek help if necessary

  6. Growing Concerns ● Increased levels of stress and anxiety ● Lack of sleep (need at least 9 hours, nightly) ● Integrity violations ● Burn-out ● Many students who were not recommended for AP, Honors, or higher level courses who are on waivers are struggling ● Students earning lower grades than they are accustomed to ● Snowball effect.

  7. Healthy Balance ● Take AP classes in areas that most interest the student - Is the student passionate about the subject area? ● Keep in mind the rigorous and demand of other classes (Pre-calculus, AS Physics, AS English, world languages, etc.). ● Keep in mind extra-curricular activities and the amount of hours that are expected for each activity. ● Sleep is vital to brain function and overall good health (need at least 9 hours, nightly) .

  8. What Can Students Do? ● Take classes in areas that most interest them - students should be passionate, excited about the subject area! ● Complete summer work and prepare for the following school year. ● Attend school/classes everyday ● Take notes in class and review/summarize notes and what they are learning ● Communicate with teachers ● Work hard, be consistent, and seek help!

  9. How Can Parents Help? ● Have that conversation with your child ● Help provide a healthy balance ● Encourage your child to seek help: work with their teachers, after school tutoring, work with peers (study groups) ● Create time and space for your child to study!! ● Keep them in school every day ● Stay in touch, checking-in to be sure they are ok. ● You know your child best

  10. Support Available ● Communication with teachers ● After School Tutoring Center (F-Wing) / Homework Center (Library) ● Writing Center (F-Wing): ● One-on-one help with writing ● Zero period and after school ● Guidance Counselor ● StarVista for Non-Academic Counseling

  11. (Still deciding?) The Holistics Approach ● Preparedness ● Skills ● Extra-Curricular Activities ● Drive and Motivation / Focus and Attention ● Purpose ● Work Ethic ● Health ● Maturity ● Priority ● Family Discussions

  12. FAQ’s

  13. Question: Do students receive an extra grade point for taking an AP class?

  14. Extra Grade Point Answer: Yes and No Students who earn a grade of an A, B, or C in their AP course will receive an extra grade point added to their overall M-A GPA (Grade Point Average). Students who receive a D or F do NOT get the extra grade point.

  15. Question: Can my student earn college credit for their AP class?

  16. College Credit Answer: Yes and No Some colleges will give students credits while others may not. If a college offers students credits, they will most likely use the student’s AP Exam score as the determining factor. When the time is right, students can start researching colleges to see if they offer credit for AP classes.

  17. Question: Are some AP classes more difficult than others?

  18. Rigor Chart Answer: Yes mabears.org has a rigor chart which breaks down each AP class by rigor and average daily homework http://www.mabears.org/documents/11guidancefix11/courserigonchart.pdf However, there are also many other factors that students should consider when assessing “rigor” such as interest, preparedness, etc. (see the holistic page).

  19. Question: My student is struggling in their AP class. Can they level down to a non-AP class?

  20. Level Changes Answer: Yes, however…. ● Level changes can only occur 3 times during the year: 1) Now through September 26, 2018 2) September 27 through October 19, 2018. Students who level change during this time period will receive a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail - this will affect the GPA) on their transcript. 3) 2nd Semester- January 9 through January 31, 2019

  21. Level Changes continued ● There are no guarantees that request can be accommodated (schedule conflicts and/or full classes) ● No level change possible for these classes… AP Art History AP Biology AP Calculus AB and BC AP Chemistry AP Comp Sci Principles and Java AP Environmental Science AP Physics AP Chinese, AP Latin, AP Spanish, AP French

  22. Question: What is the school’s policy for dropping an AP class?

  23. Dropping a course Answer: ● Courses dropped by September 26, 2018 will not appear on a student’s transcript. To replace the dropped course, students’ only options are to be a teacher’s aide (TA), student clerk, or unscheduled 1st or 6th period if schedule permits (seniors only). ● Courses dropped between September 27 through November 30, 2018, will be appear on the transcript and students will earn a WP (withdraw pass) or WF (withdraw fail - this affects GPA). To replace the dropped course, students’ only options are to be a teacher’s aide (TA), student clerk, or unscheduled 1st or 6th period if schedule permits (seniors only). ● The last to drop a course is Nov 30, 2018. Note: Any student who drops an AP course used to meet a graduation requirement will need to complete the course outside of M-A. See counselor for recovery options.

  24. Question: How can a student make-up a D or F grade in an AP class?

  25. Repeating a Course Answer…. ● Colleges will not accept D or F grades for required courses ● Majority of the students who need to make-up an AP course will recover it outside of M-A. However, very few programs offer these courses making it difficult to repeat. ● Students can repeat the course, but must follow the district’s concurrent enrollment policy and wait until the start of a new semester or summer to begin the coursework.

  26. The Goal ● We want your child to learn as much as possible and be successful. ● We want them to work hard. ● We want to support them. ● HOWEVER, we do not want them to put themselves in an unhealthy situation.

  27. Next Steps ● Make a final decision on ALL course selections by April 19, 2018. No course changes will be allowed after this date. ● Summer preparation - visit the M-A website for summer work information.

  28. Guidance Counselors Jenny Hoffman A - Cap jehoffman@seq.org Karina Escobar-Weaver Car - Fa keweaver@seq.org Silvia Torres Garza Fe - Go sgarza@seq.org Laura Duran Gr - K lduran@seq.org Claudia Gonzalez L - Mi cgonzalez@seq.org Lara Sandora Mo - Ra lsandora@seq.org Francine Andrade Re - S fandrade@seq.org Jason Kubo T - Z jkubo@seq.org

  29. Thank you to the Foundation for the Future ■ The Foundation has generously supported the Guidance Office by funding two of our eight counselors. ■ Without Foundation support, our counselor to student ratio would be more than 380:1, instead of less than 300:1.


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