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Coppell ISD Empowering Educational Excellence Advanced Academics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Coppell ISD Empowering Educational Excellence Advanced Academics Performance and Participation ACT Exams, SAT Exams, Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Course Participation and Exams Class of 2017 Empowering Educational

  1. Coppell ISD Empowering Educational Excellence

  2. Advanced Academics Performance and Participation ACT Exams, SAT Exams, Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Course Participation and Exams Class of 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  3. ACT District Highlights

  4. CISD ACT T Participation Trends 1000 871 869 900 846 800 700 600 512 496 500 400 300 200 100 0 Number of Learners Assessed 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  5. 5 Year ACT T Trends 30 25.2 25.1 24.9 23.8 25 22.9 21 21 21 21 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.7 20 15 10 5 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CISD State Nation Empowering Educational Excellence

  6. 5 5 Year r Trends – Co College Readiness ss Be Benchma mark rks CISD 100 90 90 83 81 80 80 77 80 72 70 70 69 67 65 65 70 63 63 60 58 60 54 53 53 52 49 45 45 50 38 40 30 20 10 0 English Mathematics Reading Science All Four 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  7. Instructional Targets Based on ACT Data English Benchmark for College Readiness is 18. 12% of learners are scoring in the 16-19 range. Mathematics Benchmark for College Readiness is 22. 32% of learners are scoring in the 16-23 range. Reading Benchmark for College Readiness is 22. 33% of learners are scoring in the 16-23 range. Science Benchmark for College Readiness is 23. 38% of learners are scoring in the 16-23 range. Empowering Educational Excellence

  8. Career and Educational Aspirations Planned Educational Major Percent Business 19% Undecided 11% Health Science and Technologies 17% Engineering 10% Sciences: Biological and Physical 8% Communications 4% Education 4% Arts: Visual and Performing 7% No Response 1%

  9. Sc Score Report rt Preferences University Number Texas A&M 116 University of Texas at Austin 106 University of Texas at Dallas 68 Baylor 48 Texas Tech 49 University of North Texas 57 University of Oklahoma 45 University of Arkansas 47 University of Texas at Arlington 23

  10. Next Steps • Continued action planning a curriculum alignment to address areas where learners are not meeting the College Readiness Benchmark • District-Wide ACT Administration scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2018 for all juniors at Coppell High School and New Tech High @Coppell. Empowering Educational Excellence

  11. CISD District Highlights Empowering Educational Excellence

  12. CISD SAT Participation Trends 740 717 720 693 700 680 660 # of CISD Learners 660 637 640 620 604 600 580 560 540 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  13. SAT T Mean Score 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 CISD State Nation CISD State Nation Empowering Educational Excellence

  14. SAT Mathematics Mean Scores 700 631 598 594 591 589 600 533 514 513 511 508 507 499 495 486 478 500 400 300 200 100 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CISD Texas Total Group Empowering Educational Excellence

  15. Historical SAT Critical Reading Mean Scores 600 567 564 559 554 553 496 496 497 495 494 477 476 474 500 470 466 400 300 200 100 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CISD Texas Total Group Empowering Educational Excellence

  16. Historical SAT Writing Mean Scores 600 554 551 552 546 542 488 488 487 484 482 500 461 461 461 454 449 400 300 200 100 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CISD Texas Total Group Empowering Educational Excellence

  17. NEW SAT T Reading/Writing Mean Score Series 1 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 CISD State Nation CISD State Nation Empowering Educational Excellence

  18. Advanced Placement May of 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  19. Advanced Placement Students Number of CISD Learners Taking AP Exams 2000 1786 1800 1593 1600 1408 1400 1314 1220 1200 951 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  20. Advanced Placement Exams Number of AP Exams Taken 4000 3414 3500 3000 2888 3000 2535 2375 2500 2000 1758 1500 1000 500 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  21. Advanced Placement Exams Number of CISD Learners Scoring 3+ 1600 1396 1400 1288 1139 1200 955 950 1000 771 800 600 400 200 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  22. CHS % of Total AP Learners with Scores of 3+ 90 82 82 79 79 80 74 70 61 61 61 60 60 60 52 51 50 50 50 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CHS Texas Global Empowering Educational Excellence

  23. NTH@C % of Total AP Learners with Scores of 3+ 80 71 70 65 63 61 61 61 60 60 60 56 52 51 50 50 50 48 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 NTH@C Texas Global Empowering Educational Excellence

  24. 2017 AP Highlights • 5 AP Exams had 100% of learners score a 3 or higher: • Art History (13 learners tested) • European History (1 learner tested) • Microeconomics (25 learners tested) • Studio Art 3-D Design (4 learners tested) • Studio Art Drawing (1 learner tested) Empowering Educational Excellence

  25. Exam Participation by Grade Level • 45 Freshman sat for AP exams • 475 Sophomores sat for AP exams • 511 Juniors sat for AP exams • 333 Seniors sat for AP exams • Unknown = 422 Empowering Educational Excellence

  26. 2017 2017 AP Highlights Exam Scores • 776 exams received a score of 5 (22.7%) • 957 exams received a score of 4 (28.0%) • 948 exams received a score of 3 (27.8%) • 515 exams received a score of 2 (15.1%) • 218 exams received a score of 1 (6.4%) Empowering Educational Excellence

  27. AP Recognition AP Scholars = 297 AP Scholar with Honors = 127 AP Scholar with Distinction = 270 National AP Scholars = 59 Empowering Educational Excellence

  28. AP Course Revisions and Next Steps • Traditional “content coverage” model of instruction to one that focuses on enduring, conceptual understandings and the content that supports them. (Revised CMP) • This approach will enable learners to spend less time on factual recall and more time on inquiry-based learning of essential concepts. • 2018-2019 AP US Government and Politics • Submitted AP Capstone Application for both Coppell High School and New Tech High @ Coppell

  29. CI CISD SD AP AP Ce Celebrations • We were notified Friday, December 8, 2017, that CISD has been named an AP Honor District for the third year in a row! This is an honor bestowed on districts who have increasing AP course enrollment/exam participation and increasing AP scores on those exams. Empowering Educational Excellence

  30. Questions for Consideration • How do we continue to increase AP enrollment in some subject areas? • What barriers exist that inhibit learners from taking AP courses? • How can we encourage learners to take AP courses in their areas of interest? • How can we continue to support our AP educators as their learner enrollment increases? Empowering Educational Excellence

  31. International Baccalaureate Class of 2017 Empowering Educational Excellence

  32. IB Program Overview 2017 • 6 subject areas (Language A, Language B, Individuals and Societies, Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, The Arts) • Subject Score Range: 1-7 (4 is a qualifying score) • Up to 3 bonus points for Extended Essay / Theory of Knowledge course performance • Learners must earn 24 points and avoid any failing conditions to earn the IB Diploma (Average of 4) • Learners complete assessments for 3 (or 4) subjects at higher level (HL) and the remainder standard level (SL). • All HL and most SL subject are taught over 2 years Empowering Educational Excellence

  33. IB Performance Rates • Class of 2017 IB Diploma Rate: 89% (83% in 2016, 87% in 2015, 78% in 2014, 82% in 2013, 68% in 2012) • Compares to US & Worldwide IB Diploma Rates – US IB-66% – Worldwide IB-77% • All learners in IB courses must complete the associated IB assessments in each of their six subjects • *All learners in Honors courses at CHS receive IB preparatory instruction. Empowering Educational Excellence

  34. IB IB Statis tistic tics: Diplo iploma a Program am Candida andidates es School Diploma Candidates Earning Diploma Percentage Earning Total Number in Diploma Senior Class A 96 74 77% 694 B 100 62 62% 817 C 102 82 80% 1236 D 77 62 81% 581 E 19 13 68% 650 F 47 21 45% 724 H 65 58 89% 786 I 44 25 57% 525 J 17 10 59% 642 K 52 7 13% 784 M 49 49 100% 1551

  35. Participation in Duke TIP Grades 4-7 Grade 4: 334 learners in CISD qualified for Duke TIP Grade 5: 441 learners in CISD qualified for Duke TIP Grade 6: 486 learners in CISD qualified for Duke TIP Grade 7: 555 learners in CISD qualified for Duke TIP Empowering Educational Excellence

  36. Gif Gifted an and Tale alented Service ices Ph Philo ilosophy an and Assumptio tions • Gifted learners are a diverse group. They have different gifts and their talents manifest themselves in different ways. • We must differentiate our services for the gifted to meet their demonstrated needs. • A continuum of services in gifted education allows specialists to support cluster educators and individualize for gifted learners. Empowering Educational Excellence


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