secondary advanced academics class of 2026

Secondary Advanced Academics Class of 2026 For Later Reference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Secondary Advanced Academics Class of 2026 For Later Reference This presentation will be available on the HEBISD website. Search Advanced Academics. What is my end destination? International Baccalaureate Most challenging program

  1. Secondary Advanced Academics Class of 2026

  2. For Later Reference • This presentation will be available on the HEBISD website. • Search Advanced Academics.

  3. What is my end destination? International Baccalaureate • Most challenging program • 11 th and 12 th grade Advanced Placement Classes • Choose college-level courses • 9 th -12 th grade

  4. How do I decide what’s right for me? Talk to your Think about teachers your goals. and your counselor. Consider Talk to your your grades family. so far.

  5. International Advanced Baccalaureate Placement • Both offer college-level pacing and complexity and require a high level of commitment from the student. • Both require that students learn to manage their time and deal with challenges. • Both offer possibility for college credit.

  6. Advanced Academics Program 7 th grade Pre-AP/IB or Pre-AP/IB Pre-AP/IB Pre-AP/IB/GT Texas History Math Science Language Arts Other Athletics or PE Elective Language I A

  7. Advanced Academics Program 8 th grade Pre-AP/IB or Pre-AP/IB Pre-AP/IB Pre-AP/IB U.S. Pre-AP/IB/GT Algebra I Science History Language Arts Other High School Elective Language I B Credit Elective

  8. Advanced Academics Program 9 th grade AP Human Pre-AP/IB or Geography or Pre-AP/IB Pre-AP/IB Pre-AP/IB/GT Geometry Science Pre-AP/IB World Language Arts Geography Other High School Elective Language II Credit Elective

  9. Junior high counselors will visit each elementary campus April 1-5 to discuss course selections. Each 6 th grader will bring home a schedule card for you to sign indicating your agreement with their choices for classes. Rising 7 th grade night at junior high schools is April 15. Watch for news from your campus. 6 th graders will visit their new junior high during the school day on May 22 or 23.

  10. You do not have to take all advanced classes. Some may be a better fit for you than others. Being in Pre-AP/IB in 6 th grade does not necessarily guarantee placement in 7 th grade. It is possible to enter Advanced Academics in 7 th grade, even if you were not in Pre-AP in 6 th grade. Be ready to work hard if you do sign up for advanced classes!

  11. Rigor and Struggle If your child is being The most accurate predictor appropriately challenged, he of success in college is the or she will probably struggle. amount of rigor the student It is often through struggle experiences in the that real learning takes secondary classroom. place.

  12. In AP and IB courses, “success” in the class does not necessarily equate to an A in the course.

  13. How Can I Support My Student? Stay in contact Make sure with teachers Encourage Monitor he/she takes as and monitor him/her to scheduling of many advanced grades, but READ, READ, classes. courses as are allow your READ! appropriate. student to take responsibility.

  14. How Can I Support My Student? Encourage your child to BE Stay involved Know where Attend all INVOLVED in in your child’s your child is sports, music parent education and and with and other social social life whom your information activities. (especially child sessions. Require him/her social media). associates. to join something!

  15. School demands Lack of time Adolescence management and hormones skills Sources of Stress Perfectionist Procrastination tendencies Too-high expectations

  16. Time Management for Students Set a Study your consistent most difficult time for subject first. studying. Make sure surroundings Make time for are conducive relaxation! to studying.

  17. Parents’ Role in Stress Management Monitor the Prioritize healthy effects of stress on eating and behavior and sleeping habits. health. Model stress LISTEN to your management and teen! life skills.

  18. Questions about Advanced Academics? • Cheryl Harris Coordinator of Advanced Academics and Global Initiatives 817-399-2072 • Carla Docken Coordinator of Guidance and Counseling 817-399-2065


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