women in rail

Women in Rail Julie Bullas February 2015 Women in rail Office of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Women in Rail Julie Bullas February 2015 Women in rail Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 2 1972 Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 3 Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 4 Office of the National Rail Safety

  1. Women in Rail Julie Bullas February 2015

  2. Women in rail Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 2

  3. 1972 Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 3

  4. Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 4

  5. Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 5

  6. Women in rail – recent historical data 2014 2013 2012 Participants (orgs) 21 20 12 Headcount 44,404 44,739 30,174 Females 17% 14% 18% Source: http://www.ara.net.au Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 6

  7. Women in Rail - Today Source: ARA Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 7

  8. What are women looking for in a workplace? • Strong and visible female leadership Availability of female mentors for new graduates; • • Flexible working arrangements • Female friendly locations/facilities; Adequate support structures; • • Flexible remuneration alternatives; • Work evaluated on the basis of outcomes, achievements of goals and productivity, rather than presence. Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 8

  9. Women in Rail – by occupation > X Source: ARA Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 9

  10. Women in Rail – into the future Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator 10

  11. Julie Bullas Executive Director Policy, Communications & Planning ONRSR


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