wecc openpdc implementation

WECC openPDC Implementation Godfrey Capiral GPA User Group Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WECC openPDC Implementation Godfrey Capiral GPA User Group Meeting August 22, 2012 1 Highlighted Requirements Manage High-Speed C37.118 Data Transfer data to consumers such as PI, PhasorPoint, and EMS. Communication shall

  1. WECC openPDC Implementation Godfrey Capiral GPA User Group Meeting August 22, 2012 1

  2. Highlighted Requirements • Manage High-Speed C37.118 Data • Transfer data to consumers such as PI, PhasorPoint, and EMS. • Communication shall support Spontaneous UDP, Mixed Mode, and Multi-Casting • NERC CIP Compliant 2

  3. WISP Progress • 18 Entities Participating (8 cost share / 10 other volunteers) • Where we are now: o ~75 PMUs o ~150 freq/dFreq o ~448 Phasors • Where we want to get to: o ~350 PMUs o ~700 freq/dFreq o ~1750 Phasors 3

  4. Architecture (Phasor Apps) • PhasorPoint / MAS • PI • EMS • Failover o NLB / VIP 4

  5. openPDC Lessons Learned • Administration Issues (Need for Alarming) o ID code changes o New PMUs Added o Latencies o Dead Streams o Stream Statistics • Pre-emptive Publishing • OpenPDC Console 5

  6. Other Apps • WECC Registry • PocketPDC (Refactoring) • Config 2 Sniffer • Splitter • C37 Reader o COMTRADE o CSV • C37 Admin (Under Construction) 6

  7. WECC Registry • History o More than just a PMU registry o Will store configuration for all devices • Uses o Entities can access and update their devices o Single source of device information • Built on Asset Framework o Possibly auto configure devices o COMTRADE Files • APIs o Why PI AF? 7

  8. PocketPDC 8

  9. Config 2 Sniffer 9

  10. Splitter 10

  11. COMTRADE C S V C37 Reader 11

  12. C37 Admin (Under Construction) 12


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