we rise by lifting others

We Rise By Lifting Others Robert G Ingersoll 19 th Century Orator, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

We Rise By Lifting Others Robert G Ingersoll 19 th Century Orator, Attorney, and Politician Creating and delivering a financially inclusive future for all Financially Inclusive Futures Our vision is to intervene, transform and revitalise

  1. ‘We Rise By Lifting Others’ Robert G Ingersoll 19 th Century Orator, Attorney, and Politician Creating and delivering a financially inclusive future for all

  2. Financially Inclusive Futures Our vision is to intervene, transform and revitalise lacklustre insurance markets by introducing a bespoke strategy. This strategy is designed to enable such markets to grow exponentially by investing in the grassroots in order to create vibrant hubs of economic growth out of communities currently described as ‘deprived’ and to ensure that through all our activities, financially inclusive futures are made available and accessible to all citizens.

  3. ‘The Pearl of Africa’ Sir Winston Churchill Uganda is a beautiful country renown for its beautiful mountains, rainforests, waterfalls, lakes and safari parks; as well the most beautiful wildlife and enduring generations of primates. Winston Churchill described the magnificence he experienced by writing: “For magnificence, for variety of form and colour, for profusion of brilliant life; bird, insect, reptile, beast; for vast scale, Uganda is truly “The Pearl of Africa.”

  4. No Access to Insurance Access to insurance is economically denied to those who need it most Linda Pressly uncovered a surprising yet familiar story from Nigeria that reveals examples of the suffering experienced by as many as 3,000 people every month, as a direct consequence of their lack of access to insurance. WRBLO stand ready to introduce practical solutions that connect insurers to communities who desperately need access to affordable insurance premiums. Watch the Video Trailer ‘Nigeria’s Patient Prisoners’ is a Crossing Continents BBC Production for BBC Radio 4. Hear Nigeria’s Patient Prisoners (With the kind permission of the BBC.)

  5. Facts & Statistics 29 insurers, 35 brokers, 21 loss assessors, 6 health maintenance orgs, generate 634 Billion UGX Industry Less than 1% blighted by of Ugandans fraud, currently have inefficiency any kind of and low insurance productivity 0.7% growth recorded since 0.3% growth is 1997 by forecast for Insurance next 10 years Regulatory Authority View detailed Insurance Market Reports here

  6. WRBLO’s Inclusive Programme Incentivise insurers to fund designated Provide projects funding for the Disrupt poverty expansion of and revitalise local farming deprived “Being insured is a basic and business communities enterprise protection against the struggle with poverty and insecurity, and secures the fundamental right to live in a Introduce Establish low cost healthy, stable community”. practical steps comprehensive to financial community inclusion insurance Team WRBLO premiums Financially Create trusted support local general community healthcare education facilities upgrading and cohesion

  7. Insurers Rewards & Benefits Operational Efficiency Increased Productivity Sustained Profitability Lower Operating Costs Eradication of Fraud

  8. Insurers Seeing the Light 1,000 senior insurance figures were recently surveyed: 90% agree that insurers can no longer afford to be “just an insurance company” 87% believe shifting value-added services to the core of propositions will allow insurers to create pull platforms In a world where it is said that a billion people subsist 84% agree there will be a shift from product-focused on under $1 a day, is the innovation to business model innovation in the next 5 years pursuit of profit above all else socially acceptable or (Source: Insurance Innovators, The Future of General Insurance Report, Value Added Services, Towards a New Insurance Model.) commercially viable?

  9. Sponsorship & Collaboration WRBLO is seeking collaborative and financial sponsors to work with us in enduring partnerships that commits social capital to the development of deprived communities on a par with financial success. We need assistance in three main areas: Financial & Collaborative Assistance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Capital Raise £1,000,000 £1,000,000 £1,000,000 Bespoke Premiums Development £500,000 £500,000 £500,000 Proof of Concept Market Testing £500,000 £500,000 £500,000 You can be a philanthropic venture partner and together we can transform the lives of millions.

  10. Economics of Mutuality #EOM Bruno Roche, Chief Economist, Mars “I envisage in the next few years management will evolve and realise it is good for business to invest in human, social and natural capital programmes and will these to become part of accepted management theory.”

  11. ‘We Rise By Lifting Others’ A Partnership with us will deliver this dynamic programme of sustainable social investment to chart a new paradigm for the insurance industry. Support and collaboration with us will empower the less well off who need this economic boost of strategic assistance to become productive citizens who will then drive economic growth. Become a pillar standing on the sure foundation of the 'economics of mutuality' growing your business as “we rise by lifting others.”


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