re por t for rotar y club of woodland se pte mb e r 17

Re por t for Rotar y Club of Woodland Se pte mb e r 17, 2013 Dr. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Woodland Joint Unifie d Sc hool Distr ic t Re por t for Rotar y Club of Woodland Se pte mb e r 17, 2013 Dr. De b ra L a Vo i, Supe rinte nde nt Woodla nd Joint Unifie d Sc hool Distric t Our Vision of L e a rning 2 Safe Supporting

  1. Woodland Joint Unifie d Sc hool Distr ic t Re por t for Rotar y Club of Woodland Se pte mb e r 17, 2013 Dr. De b ra L a Vo i, Supe rinte nde nt

  2. Woodla nd Joint Unifie d Sc hool Distric t Our Vision of L e a rning … 2 Safe Supporting Environment  Feet on Ground

  3. Woodla nd Joint Unifie d Sc hool Distric t Some F a c ts Se r ving Woodla nd, Yolo, Za mor a , a nd Knig hts L a nding  9,826 stude nts   5 Pr e sc hools 4 T r a nsitiona l Kinde r g a r te n Pr og r a ms   10 E le me nta r y Sc hools 1 De pe nde nt Cha r te r E le me nta r y Sc hool   2 Middle Sc hools 2 Compr e he nsive Hig h Sc hools   1 Continua tion Hig h Sc hool 1 K- 8 Home Study Pr og r a m   1 Inde pe nde nt L e a r ning Ce nte r 1 Adult E duc a tion Sc hool  Budg e t for 2013- 14: $77,979,562  $16,000,000 c ut fr om budg e t sinc e 2008   $4,000,000 + r e stor e d 3

  4. Stude nt De mog ra phic s 4

  5. Stude nt De mog ra phic s (Continue d)  E ng lish L a ng ua g e L e a rne rs  30.3%  F re e / Re duc e d L unc h  66.2% 5

  6. Stude nt Ac hie ve me nt WJUSD API Growth Re port 2008- 2013 6 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Ye a r Growth 745 765 766 WJUSD 714 731 733 +43 E le me nta ry Sc ho o ls Be a me r E le me nta ry 768 778 739 765 778 801 +33 Ding le E le me nta ry 784 807 759 741 773 741 -43 752 746 740 F re e ma n E le me nta ry 778 789 780 -38 754 723 726 741 743 +20 Gib so n E le me nta ry 723 Pla infie ld E le me nta ry 790 819 783 785 804 830 +40 800 772 782 Ra mo n S. T a fo ya E le me nta ry 751 791 796 +31 771 798 780 783 784 Rho da Ma xwe ll E le me nta ry 743 +41 T . L . White he a d E le me nta ry 710 713 704 749 793 801 +91 Wo o dla nd Pra irie E le me nta ry 711 750 725 722 758 745 +34 857 874 868 Za mo ra E le me nta ry 840 850 872 +28 Middle Sc ho o ls Do ug la ss Middle 737 758 749 762 799 809 +72 761 771 752 L e e Middle 704 721 749 +48 Hig h Sc ho o ls Pio ne e r Hig h 686 683 671 720 742 742 +56 Wo o dla nd Se nio r Hig h 656 688 708 718 732 733 +77 ASAM Sc ho o ls 527 484 562 482 586 501 Ca c he Cre e k Hig h (Co ntinua tio n) -26 Sma ll Sc ho o ls Sc ie nc e a nd T e c hno lo g y Ac a de my*** 812 857 859 +47 6 *** me a ns the sc ho o l did no t ha ve a va lid 2010 Ba se API a nd will no t ha ve a ny g ro wth o r ta rg e t info rma tio n

  7. Awa rds/ Ac c omplishme nts Gra dua tio n Ra te s 1.  Wo o dla nd Hig h Sc ho o l: 93.8%  Pio ne e r Hig h Sc ho o l: 91.3%  Yo lo Co unty: 85.7% Ca lifo rnia : 78.2%  Numb e r o f Stude nts Re -de sig na te d E ng lish F lue nt 2.  2012-13: 467  2011-12: 446  2010-11: 384 27 Biling ua l/ Bilite ra te Se a ls fo r hig h sc ho o l diplo ma s 3. 226 Adults g ra dua te d fro m Adult E duc a tio n 4. Po sitive c e rtific a tio n fo r WJUSD b udg e t [3% Re se rve ma inta ine d in the 5. b udg e t] Na tio na l Re c o g nitio n – 13 E ne rg y Sta r Awa rds 6. Sc ho o ls with > 800 Ac a de mic Pe rfo rma nc e Inde x (API ) 7.  Be a me r, Pla infie ld, White he a d, a nd Za mo ra E le me nta ry Sc ho o ls; Sc i-T e c h Cha rte r Sc ho o l; a nd Do ug la ss Middle Sc ho o l 7

  8. Strong , Rig orous Prog ra ms for Stude nts Some E xa mple s 17 Adva nc e d Pla c e me nt c la sse s, c olle g e c r e dit  Gifte d a nd T a le nte d Pr og r a m  Na tiona l Honor s Soc ie ty  L e a de r ship – E xa mple s:   Stude nt Gove r nme nt POW (Pione e r Or ie nta tion We e k)   AL A (Ac a de mic L e a de r ship Ac a de my) F F A (F utur e F a r me r s of Ame r ic a )   Pe e r Me ntor ing a nd T utor ing Conflic t Me dia tion   Ac tivitie s/ Stude nt Body (ASB) Sc hool c lubs for ma ny inte r e sts: c ooking , dr a ma , a r t, sc ie nc e , da nc e ,  Chr istia n, wr iting , spor ts, g uita r [Doug la ss Middle Sc hool ha s 15 c lubs] Sc hool g a r de ns/ g r e e n house s  Spor ts – F r om footba ll to g olf  8

  9. Woodla nd Hig h Sc hool 9 th Gr ade Ac ade mie s  Small L e ar ning Communitie s  Sc hool of Ar ts & Communic ation  Photogr aphy, Ac ting, F ashion De sign  Sc hool of E ngine e r ing & Industr ial T e c hnology  Ar c hite c tur e , Gr e e n T e c hnology  Sc hool of Public Se r vic e s  L aw, Soc ial Wor k, E duc ation  Sc hool of Sc ie nc e & Natur al Re sour c e s  Me dic ine , L andsc aping, Ge ne tic s  9

  10. Awa rd Winning Sc hools Pione e r Hig h Sc hool – Some E xa mple s Skills USA   E ar ne d the most me dals at Re gional c ompe titions, won gold, silve r , br onze at State c ompe tition and c ompe te d twic e at Nationals. Pione e r High Sc hool stude nts have he ld state offic e r positions for 5 ye ar s. COSMOS (Califor nia State Summe r Sc hool for Mathe matic s  and Sc ie nc e ) COSMOS has r igor ous ac c e ptanc e c r ite r ia. PHS has mor e  stude nts ac c e pte d than any othe r high sc hool in Califor nia. Six (6) stude nts we r e ac c e pte d this ye ar at 3 diffe r e nt UC c ampuse s. Gr aduate s atte nding: UC Davis, UC Be r ke le y, UCL A, CSU (Cal  Poly), Stanfor d, Car le ton, Pr inc e ton, Yale , Har var d, Br own Che e r pr ogr am was aske d to pe r for m at the Pr o Bowl in  10 Hawaii

  11. Sc hool Dire c tory Beamer Park Elementary C.E. Dingle Elementary Freeman Elementary 525 Beamer Street 625 Elm Street 126 North West Street Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-1769 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-7084 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-1758 Juan Chaidez, Principal Lonny Villalobos, Principal Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez, Principal Gibson Elementary Rhoda Maxwell Elementary Plainfield Elementary 312 Gibson Road 50 Ashley Avenue 20450 County Road 97 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-3944 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-1784 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-9301 Scott Clary, Principal Ricardo Perez, Principal Armando Olvera, Principal Sci-Tech Academy - Charter Tafoya Elementary Whitehead Elementary 9544 Mill Street – P.O. Box 458 720 Homestead Drive 624 West Southwood Drive Knights Landing, CA 95645 – 735-6435 Woodland, CA 95776 – 666-4324 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-2824 Barbara Herms, Principal Alison Gardner, Principal Maria Lewis, Principal Woodland Prairie Elementary Zamora Elementary Douglass Middle School 1444 Stetson Street 1716 Cottonwood Street 525 Granada Woodland, CA 95776 – 662-2898 Woodland, CA 95695 – 666-3641 Woodland, CA 95695 – 666-2191 Irene Oropeza-Enriquez, Principal Dr. Kelli Hanson, Principal Jonathon Brunson, Principal Lee Middle School Cache Creek High Pioneer High 520 West Street 14320 Second Street – P.O. Box 298 1400 Pioneer Avenue Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-0251 Yolo, CA 95697 – 662-4331 Woodland, CA 95776 – 406-1148 Kathleen Leehane, Principal Olga Nevarez, Principal Kerry Callahan, Principal Woodland High Woodland Adult Education Community Day School 21 N. West Street 575 Hays Street 526 Marshall Room #9 (Adult Ed.) Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-4678 Woodland, CA 95695 – 662-0798 Woodland, CA 95695 – 406-5940 Michelle Seijas, Principal Susan Moylan, Principal Hector Molina, Administrator Independent Learning Center K-8 Home Study Program 1400 Pioneer Avenue (Pioneer HS) 1716 Cottonwood Street (Zamora ES) 11 Woodland, CA 95695 – 666-0264 Woodland, CA 95695 – 661-2568 Kerry Callahan, Administrator Carolynne Bottum, Administrator

  12. Conta c t Informa tion 12

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