proposal to update the accountability dashboard

Proposal to Update the Accountability Dashboard Board of Trustees - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposal to Update the Accountability Dashboard Board of Trustees Study Session January 21, 2014 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator.

  1. Proposal to Update the Accountability Dashboard Board of Trustees Study Session January 21, 2014 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator.

  2. Background on Accountability Dashboard  Implemented in 2008 and aligned with the system’s 2008 strategic plan  Accessible to all from the system’s public web page  Updated in 2011 to align with the system’s 2010 strategic plan  Currently reports 10 performance measures (see full list in materials)  Focus is on judgments about historical performance  Colleges and universities may provide comments on their performance 2

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  4. Proposed Accountability Dashboard update  Measures are aligned with Strategic Framework goals and focused on outcomes  Ambitious 5-year improvement goals are established for each college, university and the system  Component of presidential performance evaluation  Proposed Updated Dashboard will:  Include a more comprehensive set of 16 measures reported for each college, university and the system  Accessible to everyone from the system’s public web page  Colleges and universities may provide comments on their performance 4

  5. Proposed Accountability Dashboard report 5

  6. Proposed Update to Accountability Dashboard  Current Accountability Dashboard  Aligned with previous strategic plan  Focus is on historical performance  Proposed Updated Accountability Dashboard  Aligned with Strategic Framework  Focuses on performance trends and goals for improvement  More comprehensive set of measures 6


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