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PowerPoint Presentation with notes * Presentation Videos * Get our Swag for it PowerPoint Presentation Notes Slide 1 - 2 - The Golden Gate Movement is a series of Clubs and Initiatives designed to create pro-social learning and work environments.

  1. PowerPoint Presentation with notes * Presentation Videos * Get our Swag for it

  2. PowerPoint Presentation Notes Slide 1 - 2 - The Golden Gate Movement is a series of Clubs and Initiatives designed to create pro-social learning and work environments. Our goal is to provide a place of refuge where every student feels welcomed, valued, accepted, included, and has the opportunity to build lasting friendships. Our aim is to provide social opportunities, build social and soft skills, promote and teach pro-social behaviors, and teach the value of selfless service to others. Slide 3 - Pro-social is defined as behavior that is positive, helpful, and intended to promote social acceptance, friendship and inclusion. Golden Gate Movement’s pro -social clubs and initiatives cultivate these altruistic behaviors with the intent to curb undesirable social behaviors and establish environments that are beneficial and safe for the well-being of students and society. Slide 4 - It boils down to a note left behind by an unknown man who took his life at the Golden Gate Bridge. Found in his bare apartment, the note said, “I'm going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump .” The Golden Gate Bridge is an iconic symbol of connection. It was built to connect a community. It was devastating to the engineer when he learned people were starting to take their lives. Our goal in Golden Gate is to foster authentic social connections and become the bridge builders who will help others over life’s obstacles. A single smile could have saved a life. Perhaps organized smiles coming together will be the change in our schools, work places, homes and communities. Administrators often take calls from worried parents asking that someone reach out to their child. It was after one of these calls that a student by the name of Savanah Vigil was the one asked to reach out to this student. Savanah was a legally blind cheerleader at Bingham High School, and despite her disability, would always come in to her Administrator, Michael Hughes, and ask who needed a friend and to whom she could reach out. Savanah’s disability left her alone many times because she could not see her friends. Following that incident a hall monitor, she prefers hall mom by the name of Jolynne Ward, the kids call her Momma Jo, suggested that a crew be formed to do what Savanah did. She as well noticed many students who were alone and had no one to reach out to them. Together these three started what became The Golden Gate Club. An email from this worried parent later confirmed that Savanah had saved her life. (Video #1) Savanah’s Story Slide 5 - In meetings with school officials, the consensus seems to be that anti-bullying, suicide- prevention, and various ambassador programs do not always address the need in helping students make connections to school and peers. When students are unable to make authentic social connections they may turn to negative outlets for their pain. Slide 6 - It is easy to overlook students who sit in the corners or who blend in with the tapestry of the school. Golden Gate creates awareness for all to make conscious efforts to look for students who go unnoticed, who seem alone and need someone to reach out to them. Students often bury themselves in social media, because they find a community there. However, the social media community is virtual and fake. Golden Gate creates a physical authentic community for students to belong.

  3. A student by the name of Carly painted this picture; she was a new student at Bingham High School in 2011. Her picture hung outside the office of the Administrator who helped Momma Jo organize the Club in 2016. After the club had been organized for about 7 months, Jo happened to be in Mike’s office at which time he said, “Jo! Look at that picture hanging in the hall outside my door!” Jo replied, “WOW! Someone painted the future!” It took Momma Jo a y ear to find the student who painted the picture. When she finally reached her, Carly said that the Golden Gate Bridge came to her as a symbol of better days ahead and she had chosen to paint it for her art project. Carly too, had no friends and was afraid to reach out. Carly became so isolated that she attempted suicide and survived. VIDEO #2 Carly’s Story / Golden Gate Story Slide 7 - Studies show that lack of social interaction, negative communication towards another and lack of social connections can d amage mental health. A young person’s social life is critical at their age. “People who feel more connected to others have lower levels of anxiety and depression. Moreover, studies show they also have higher self-esteem, greater empathy for others, are more trusting and cooperative and, as a consequence, others are more open to trusting and cooperating with them”. Slide 8 “Social connectedness generates a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical well-being. Societal decline in social connectedness may help to explain recent increases in reports of loneliness, isolation and alienation, and may be why loneliness has become a leading reason people seek psychological counseling. Sociological research revealed that more than 25 percent of Americans had no one to confide in. They lacked a close friend with whom they felt comfortable sharing a personal problem.” ( The Happiness Track, PhD. Emma Seppala) (www.nytimes.com/2017/06/12/well/live/having-friends-is-good-for-you.html) A s conditions like this increase, especially with today’s youth, it could very well explain why students turn to negative outlets for their pain. Slide 9 - The club or initiative gives students a reason to reach out, whereas doing it on their own might seem to awkward for them. (We conducted an experiment with one of our club members. We had him walk and linger down a hall alone. This is what we witnessed; as evidenced in the photo, no one looked beyond his or her own little cliques) Slide 10 - This was a combined activity with two participating high schools. Upon one golden gate member coming to this activity, she later reported she had connected with someone who is now her best friend. Slide 11 - Club members wear our club shirts; the wearer of these shirts send a message to other students that this person is approachable and will be a genuine friend to connect with. Slide 12 - In the club, we challenge students to smile and say hi and make eye contact when they walk through the halls. Slide 13 - One Administrator shared that she remembered the day a simple smile and a hello how are you altered the course of her life. Slide 14 - Virtually every class of student is represented in the Golden Gate Club. Prospective members do not have to be an amazing athlete, popular or have a certain GPA to be a part of it. In fact, they are finding that everyone brings his or her own talents and ideas to the club. The


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