introduction to the chrodis questionnaire

Introduction to the CHRODIS Questionnaire Current landscape in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Draft Scoping Questionnaire Good Practice in the Field of Health Promotion and Primary Prevention for leading chronic conditions Cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes Introduction to the CHRODIS Questionnaire Current landscape in

  1. Draft Scoping Questionnaire ‘Good Practice in the Field of Health Promotion and Primary Prevention for leading chronic conditions – Cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes’

  2. Introduction to the CHRODIS Questionnaire Current landscape in relation to health promotion and primary prevention of leading chronic conditions in Ireland The objective of WP 5 is to promote the exchange, scaling up, and transfer of highly promising, cost-effective and innovative health promotion and primary prevention practices across Europe to ensure greater health across the life cycle.

  3. Questionnaire is divided into three sections Review existing policies and health promotion 1. practices for chronic disease prevention in Ireland Identify gaps and needs in policy and practice in 2. relation to chronic disease prevention in Ireland Identify promising and innovative health promotion and 3. primary prevention practices in Ireland

  4. Section 1 - Review existing policies and health promotion practices for chronic disease prevention in Ireland Include national policies and regional or local strategies • Responses will shed light on how health promotion and • primary prevention policy is currently being developed and implemented in Ireland .

  5. Example of Qs in section 1 Are there clear policy frameworks in place relating to • health promotion and the primary prevention of chronic conditions in general? Do the policies/strategies identified address broader • determinants of health, inequalities, gender issues and other social risk factors? - Which ones? - How? What are the main policies and strategies related to • the prevention of cardiovascular disease including stroke and type 2 diabetes in Ireland? Please list all that are relevant at a national, regional and local level.

  6. Section 2 - Identify gaps and needs Five themes: Strategic Vision 1. Data and Knowledge Development 2. Implementation and evaluation 3. Funding and resources 4. Cross-governmental action 5.

  7. Example of Qs in section 2 Strategic Vision: What are the strengths in Irelands policy approach to • the prevention of cardiovascular conditions including stroke and diabetes? Data and Knowledge Development: Are policies and programmes regularly reviewed and • revised to take into account the outcomes of policy evaluations and changing trends (age, gender)? Implementation and evaluation: Are policies relating to health promotion and the • primary prevention of chronic disease in general/cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes being implemented in practice?

  8. Section 3 – Identify good practice in reducing the burden of cardiovascular conditions - stroke and type 2 diabetes in Ireland Identify where good practice exists • Include interventions or programmes that have been • undertaken to address modifiable behavioural and/or social factors Important to consider interventions or programmes that • have been evaluated, ongoing interventions requiring evaluation to be included. Promising policies and interventions will be identified and three will selected by the Irish partners and considered for nomination to the CHRODIS programme as examplers. Selection will be based on a defined set of criteria, currently being developed as part of the CHRODIS programme.

  9. Example of Qs in section 3 Are there procedures/criteria to select and fund health • promotion and primary prevention interventions? Please describe the existing procedure and criteria. Is there a database in your organisation that includes • good practice to reduce cardiovascular disease, stroke and/or type 2 diabetes and/or their modifiable risk factors? Are you aware of any interventions or programmes that • could be considered as good practice particularly related to modifiable behavioural and social risk factors to improve outcomes in older people?

  10. Discussion


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