from malnutrition to nutrition security

From malnutrition to nutrition security Martin W. Bloem, MD, PhD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

From malnutrition to nutrition security Martin W. Bloem, MD, PhD Senior Nutrition Advisor/WFP Global Coordinator UNAIDS World Food Program Nurturing development: Improving human nutrition with animal - source foods Institute of Food and

  1. From malnutrition to nutrition security Martin W. Bloem, MD, PhD Senior Nutrition Advisor/WFP Global Coordinator UNAIDS World Food Program “Nurturing development: Improving human nutrition with animal - source foods” Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida March 29 to 30, 2017

  2. From malnutrition to nutrition security • Definition of food and nutrition security • Prevalence of Malnutrition in all its forms • Prevalence and Causes of Stunting • Economic growth and malnutrition • Anthropometry in the Netherlands and US in the past 70 years • Sustainable approaches of production of nutrient dense food in Africa

  3. Food Security and Nutrition Security • “Food and nutrition security exists when all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to food, which is consumed in sufficient quantity and quality to meet their dietary needs and food preferences, and is supported by an environment of adequate sanitation, health services and care, allowing for a healthy and active life .”

  4. The scale of f malnutrition in 2016

  5. 24% of the world’s 667 million children are stunted

  6. What does a child need to grow optimal?

  7. A chil ild grows th through an adequate in intake of f nutrients (p (proteins, fat, t, KH, vit itamins and min inerals)

  8. A chil ild grows th through an adequate in intake of f nutrients (p (proteins, fat, t, Carbs, vitamins and min inerals) • Breastfeeding • Formula • 0-6 months exclusive • In case of child can not be breastfed: • 7-11 months • Optimal nutrients but expensive • No anti-infection properties • 12-23 months • Long-term health is better in breastfed children • Preparation needs clean water • Complementary foods • Animal source proteins and micronutrients (milk) • Fortification with other essential nutrients • Theoretically possible to make by parents but very difficult

  9. Exposure to an unhealthy environment and dis iseases dim iminishes th the effectiveness of f food in intake • Clean environment • Medical • Housing • Access to health services • Dirty playgrounds • Vaccinations • No access to water and sanitation • Treatment of diseases • Optimal microbioma

  10. Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (E (EED) • Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is a disorder of the small intestine, which begins early in infancy particularly among poor people living close to animals. • Gut structure loses its absorptive capacity, and its small intestine’s function is impaired.

  11. A chil ild grows through an adequate in intake of nutrie ients (p (protein ins, , fat, , KH KH, vit vitamin ins and mine inerals ls) ) La Lancet 2013

  12. Improvements in the economy usually have a marked effect on nutritional outcomes

  13. Food Production and Undernutrition

  14. Rice Expenditure and Underweight 1992- 2000

  15. Rice Consumption and The Price of Rice 1992- 2000

  16. Increases in households’ purchasing power have a direct impact on nutrition Rice Rice and vegs Rice, vegs, and eggs Rice, vegs, eggs, meat Not ot poo poor Rice Rice and vegs Rice and eggs Rice and meat Less poo Less poor Rice Rice and vegs Rice and eggs Moderate poo poor Rice Rice and vegs Very ery poo poor Rice Very ery, , very ery poo poor

  17. Non-Staple food expenditure and Undernutrition 1992-2000

  18. Dutch popula lation has grown in in the la last 50 years to become the world’s tallest population Dutch American Back in 1935 7 cm 7.5 cm Average caloric intake (Kcal) 3,240 +16% 3,770 Body Index mass (% of pop. normal) 25.2 (67%) +15% 29 (42%) Waist measurement (cm) 91 +8% 94.5 Time watching TV (hours per day) 3.3 +50% 4.9 Life expectancy (years) 80 +5% 76 • Despite both countries having booming food industries, Dutch population has grown in the last 50 years, whereas Americans have seen their nutritional outcomes deteriorate Points for • Even though American diet is unhealthy and induces very high overweight rates, impact reflection is not fully seen on life expectancy • Impact on the health care system has been drastic (e.g. increased diabetes, heart disease, etc.)

  19. Science or Ideology?

  20. Macrobiotic nutrition and chil ild health Study Population • Macrobiotic children - White - Birth weight ≥ 2500 g - No congenital disease • Omnivorous control children (included in longitudinal cohort study): • - Frequency-matched with the macrobiotic group for month of birth, sex, parity, education of the parents, and region of residence • Mothers: - On macrobiotic diet for ≥ 3 years at baseline - 92% attended special courses/consultations on macrobiotic child nutrition. - The educational level was high: 64% of the fathers and 45% of the mothers had completed college or university degrees, as cornpared with 17% for men and 9% of controls

  21. Cross-sectional curves of height (cm) of macrobiotic infants (c=boys, d=girls) Height (cm) was below reference data from Dutch children, growth was retarded mainly between 6 and 18 months .

  22. Dif ifference in in psychomotor development of macrobiotic in infants compared to control in infants Gross motor development and speech and language development were significantly slower in in the macrobiotic group

  23. The ri rise and fall ll of f protein malnutrition in in Glo lobal Health

  24. WFP has an im important role le to pla lay in in overcomin ing glo lobal l bottle lenecks to im improved MNCH CH outcomes with ith partners Nutrition interventions Global bottlenecks WFP’s contribution • • Meeting micronutrient Difficulty of reaching most Partnership requirements at-risk girls (e.g., married, with UNICEF, Adolescent not in school) with nutrition UNFPA – • Food support (i.e., school girls and SRH education adolescent girls feeding as an enabler for and pregnant uptake of services) women • Meeting micro nutrient Programming gap in • Nutrition for Pregnant requirements providing food support to MNCH in PLWs in food insecure areas and lactating • Food support in last emergencies – women trimester and first six PLW, children 6- months of lactation 23 mo • • • Increasing Treatment of MAM Lack of access to safe, access to high quality, nutritious • Prevention of complementary complementary foods to undernutrition and Children 6- foods – children fill the ‘nutrient gap’ for stunting 23 mo 6-23 mo young children • (partnership Governments are with CHAI) reluctant to import good quality comp. foods

  25. WFP has an im important role le to pla lay in in overcoming glo global bottlenecks to im improved MNCH outcomes wit ith partners Nutrition interventions Global bottlenecks WFP’s contribution • • • Meeting micronutrient Difficulty of reaching Partnership requirements most at-risk girls (e.g., with UNICEF, Adolescent married, not in school) UNFPA – • Food support (i.e., school girls with nutrition and SRH adolescent girls feeding as an enabler for education and pregnant uptake of services) women • • Meeting micro nutrient Programming gap in • Nutrition for Pregnant requirements providing food support to MNCH in PLWs in food insecure and lactating • Food support in last emergencies – areas women trimester and first six PLW, children 6- months of lactation 23 mo • • • Increasing Treatment of MAM Lack of access to safe, access to high quality, nutritious • Prevention of complementary complementary foods to undernutrition and Children 6- foods – children fill the ‘nutrient gap’ for stunting 23 mo 6-23 mo young children • (partnership Governments are with CHAI) reluctant to import good quality comp. foods

  26. SC+, , more appropria iate from a nutrit itional l perspective, , is is not bein ing wid idely used due to several l bottlenecks • Knowledge Lack of knowledge about what constitutes a healthy nutritious diet Demand side barriers for children 6-23 months of o Nutrient needs of infant and young children require a diverse nutrient diet: breast milk, plant & animal source foods and fortified foods needs • Using natural foods to meet the nutrient requirements can be expensive (buy different fresh foods, avoid spoilage, prepare few Affordability times a day) • Top-end imported complementary foods are costly • Locally produced nutritious foods are often of an inferior quality in Quality & Supply side barriers terms of nutrient content safety of • Products can be non adherent to international safety standards local products • High quality products are imported from Europe (Italy and Belgium) Perceived and USA • Sustainability Governments are hesitant to import SC+ since it is not a sustainable solution for them (in contrast with ARVs?!)


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