eri indonesian landscape

ERI-Indonesian Landscape, Kyoto University Global COE HSE Symposium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ERI-Indonesian Landscape, Kyoto University Global COE HSE Symposium 2012 Case: ITB AS A EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION UNIVERSITY (ETH Zurich Work shop, June 11, 2014, Singapore) By : Prof Wawan Gunawan A Kadir Vice Rector for

  1. ERI-Indonesian Landscape, Kyoto University Global COE HSE Symposium 2012 Case: ‘ITB AS A EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION UNIVERSITY’ (ETH Zurich Work shop, June 11, 2014, Singapore) By : Prof Wawan Gunawan A Kadir Vice Rector for Research and Innovation ITB

  2. Outline • INTRODUCTION • Case in ITB: – ITB (Faculty and School) – Research Group • RESEARCH FOCUS – National Policy (Energy Policy) – ITB Research Focus – Some Examples of On Going Research NRE – Conservation Energy – Carbon Capture & Storage

  3. Sources The overview of the national landscapes is based on two publicly accessible presentations: 1. Sharing Experience on Innovation: Indonesia Innovation Initiative 1-747 by Ary Syahriar, Ph.D , DIC, Special Staff to the Chairman of the National Innovation Council, National Innovation Council of the Republic of Indonesia Presented at the EU-ASEAN STI Days, Bangkok 21 January 2014 2. International Science and Technology Cooperation 2011 – 2013 Marsudi.pdf The ITB case is a short version of the ppt as outlined in the previous slide by Prof Wawan Gunawan A Kadir, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, ITB.

  4. MP3EI: REGIONAL INNOVATION CLUSTERS In 6 Economic Growth Centers “Center for Production “Center for Production “Center for Production and Processing of Natural and Processing of Resources and As and Processing of National Agricultural, National Mining and Nation’s Energy Plantation, Fishery, Energy Reserves” Oil & Gas, and Reserves” Mining” Kalimantan Corridor Sulawesi Corridor Sumatera Corridor Papua – Maluku Java Corridor Corridor “Center for Bali - Nusa Tenggara Corridor “Driver for National Development of “Gateway for Industry and Food, Fisheries, Tourism and Service Provision” Energy, National Food and National Support” Mining”

  5. GROSS EX EXPENDI ENDITU TURE E ON ON R&D &D (GE (GERD) ) Nationa nal GE GERD D and nd GE GERD/ D/GDP GDP Ratio, o, 2009 2009 Note: GERD Rp. 4,720,341,818,344 1) Based on R&D Survey in University Sector, 2010 2) Based on R&D Survey in Industry Sector, 2010 3) Based on R&D Survey in Government Sector, 2008* GDP DP Rp. 5,613,441,700,000,000 * the estimates with an average growth rate Goverment R&D budget since 2005-2008. GERD/ D/GDP GDP 0.08% .08% G E R D / G D P , 2 00 9 0 0 0 Shows that the breakdowon of R&D expenditure 0 0 0 by sector in 2009. Government and Higher 0 0 Education were the highest R&D expenditure 0 with ratio of GERD 0,04% for Government and 0 0 0,03% for Higher Education. 0 Manufacturing industry was a lowest 0 Higher Education Manufacturing Industry Government Source: ce: R&D survey ey in Univer ersity sect ector (2009), Industry sec ector (2010), an and Governmen ent sect ector (2006)

  6. Chapter 2. STI Policy Position of the Ministry of Research and Technology

  7. Chapter 2. STI Policy Indonesian S&T Development Strategic Framework: MP3EI • Launched as a Presidential Decree, hence affecting all national executive bodies. • Decree Registration: No 32/2011, May 20 2011 • Target: income parity of US$ 14,250 in 2025 • The three pillars of MP3EI: 1. Developing Indonesia Economic Corridors 2. Strengthening the national connectivities 3. Accelerating national science & technology capabilities

  8. Case: Institute Technology Bandung

  9. of ITB HISTORY & FUTURE ITB as Research, Development and Innovation University: ITB as • Academic excellence for education, contribution to FUTURE Autonomous knowledge, industrial relevance, and community services. State University 2010 – 2013 Transition process from BHMN to PTN bh INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI December 26, 2000, ITB embarked on new status of BADUNG 2000 – 2010 as legal entity (AUTONOMOUS) (ITB) AS In 2009, Gov of Indonesia Launched UU BHP (UU no 9 tahun LEGAL ENTITY 2009). UU BHP was cancelled by Constitution Court, 31 March 2010 (AUTONOMOUS/BHMN) March 2, 1959, officially declared by Soekarno (the 1 st President of ROI) INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI 1959, The first Rector of ITB was inaugurated 1959 – 1999 BANDUNG (ITB) 1973, Common Preparatory Level was opened As State University/PTN 1979, The first Graduate Programs June 21, 1946, officially declared by NICA Universitas 1946 – 1959 1946, Faculteit van Technische Wetenschap was established Indonesia October 6, 1947, Faculteit van Exacte Wetenschap was established 1945, opened Sekolah Tinggi 1945 – 1946 1946, moved to Yogyakarta & named as STT Bandung in Jogja Teknik (STT) 1946, became Faculty of Engineering, University of Gajah Mada (UGM) Bandung Kogyo April 1, 1944, TH was re-opened & named as BKD by the 1944 – 1945 Daigaku (BKD) Japanese government July 3, 1920, officially declared by the Dutch government Technische July 1, 1924, the first graduates 1920 – 1942 July 3, 1926, the first Indonesian graduates (among others, Ir. Hogeschool (TH) Soekarno, the 1 st President of ROI)

  10. Students of ITB FACTS & FIGURES*) Under-graduate 15.000 STUDENT BODY Master 4.000 Doctor 800 Under-graduate 3.131 Master 1.596 ENROLLMENT Doctor 190 Under-graduate 2.699 Master 1.624 GRADUATES Doctor 100 Academic & Non Academic Staff ACADEMIC STAFF 1.200 Bachelor 40 EDUCATION Master 260 Ph.D. 900 Location: Bandung, capital of province of Professor 139 Western Java Associate Professor 491 ACADEMIC Facilities RANK Assistant Professor 387 Lecturer 121 ITB CAMPUS 29 Ha FACULTY : STUDENT RATIO 1:16 SPORT FACILITIES 4 Ha NO OF ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1.583 BUILDING FLOOR PER STUDENT 18.5m 2 ADM. STAFF : STUDENT RATIO 1 : 10,4

  11. Faculty of Civil & Environmental Faculty of Mechanical Faculty of Engineering And Aeronautical Mining and Petroleum Engineering Engineering Faculty of Faculty of Art and Design Industrial Engineering Faculty of Faculties and Schools Faculty of Math and Earth Sciences Natural Sciences And Technolog y within ITB School of School of Architecture, Planning Electrical Engineering And policy Development And Informatics School of School of Pharmacy Life Sciences School of And Technology Business and Management


  13. ITB INTERNATIONAL STATEMENT • International Partnership could increase the quality of education and research, quality of graduates, and also efficiency, through: – International Exposure (people mobility and exchanges) – Joint Programs at master or PhD level – Joint research/publication – Resource sharing – Involvement of industries

  14. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Kyoto University Global COE HSE Symposium 2012 (Joint and double degree programs, Joint Research, Staff and student mobility , etc)

  15. Partner University Office at ITB • Toyohasi University Office at ITB • KAGI21 Kyoto University office at ITB • Energy Security Laboratory, Tohoku University at ITB (2008) • Kyoto University Global CoE Program (2008) • Kanazawa University Office (2009) • International Radar Telecommunication Center Indonesia Branch (ITB-TU Delf) • SOI (School of Internet) • ITB-Kyoto Univ office for CO2 Sequistration program (2012-2016) • Cyber Security Centre (Koica, South Korea) • ETH Zurich, Switzerland (?) • Etc.



  18. Nat. Energy Council, 2013

  19. 2025 TARGET CURRENT CONDITION PRESIDENTIAL REGULATION NO. 5/2006 2012 5x Energy demand increase Nuclear, Geothermal Liquified Biofuel Hydro, 5% Coal 2% 5% Solar, Wind, and Other NRE 5% ENERGY ELASTICITY= 1,65 ENERGY ELASTICITY LESS THAN 1 IN 2025 NON FOSSIL ENERGY SHARE  5% OPTIMIZING NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Min. Energy & Mineral Res., 2014

  20. ITB RESEARCH FOCCUSES 2005-2015 ENERGY Regional Development, Infrastructure and Sustainable Environment Hazard Mitigation Food and Health Technology Information and Communication Technology Biotechnology Nanotechnology Fine Art and Culture (Creative Industry)

  21. RESEARCH CENTERS RESEARCH CENTER Center for Research on New and Renewable Energy Center for Research on Information and Communication Technology Center for Research on Food, Health and Medicine Center for Research on Enviromental Management, Infrastructure and Regional Development Center for Research on Cultural and Environmental Products Center for Research on Disaster Mitigation

  22. CENTERS Center for Industrial Technology Center for Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Center for Microelectronics Center for Tourism Planning and Development Center for Life Sciences Center for Environmental Studies (CES-ITB) Center for Coastal and Marine Develoment Center for Research on Energy Policy (CREP-ITB) Center for Remote Sensing (CRS-ITB) Center for Instrumentation Technology & Automation (CITA-ITB) Center for Public Policy and Governance (CP2G-ITB)


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