a resource in your back pocket geriatric care managers

A Resource In Your Back Pocket: Geriatric Care Managers Amy Fowler, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Resource In Your Back Pocket: Geriatric Care Managers Amy Fowler, BA, CMC WNC Geriatric Care Management March 25, 2016 Realities of Aging Aging population is growing rapidly We are living longer and therefore needs for care/service are

  1. A Resource In Your Back Pocket: Geriatric Care Managers Amy Fowler, BA, CMC WNC Geriatric Care Management March 25, 2016

  2. Realities of Aging Aging population is growing rapidly We are living longer and therefore needs for care/service are longer Seniors want to stay at home Medication usage is highest among senior population

  3. What is a Care Manager? Social worker, nurse, gerontologist or other mental health care professional Specialized training, experience in the field, and familiarity with community resources Follows a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice developed by Aging Life Care Assn. Hourly fee: $70-150

  4. What does a Geriatric Care Manager do?

  5. When to refer to a care manager Concerns go Client has little or Client/family needs beyond your no support from information about expertise and local family community services ability to help members Client keeps falling Client/family needs through the cracks Family disagrees unbiased and needs an about next steps information advocate Caregiver feels Client needs Abuse, neglect or overwhelmed and oversight of unable to move exploitation occurs existing care forward

  6. www.aginglifecare.org www.aginglifecare.org 11

  7. Amy Fowler, BA, CMC WNC Geriatric Care Management amy@wncgcm.com 828-776-4269


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