advance portal website

ADVANCE Portal Website Peggy Layne Laurian Vega Virginia Tech - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ADVANCE Portal Website Peggy Layne Laurian Vega Virginia Tech Purpose Link to information on ADVANCE grantee web sites Facilitate sharing among ADVANCE grantees Make findings of ADVANCE grantees available to all Look and Feel

  1. ADVANCE Portal Website Peggy Layne Laurian Vega Virginia Tech

  2. Purpose • Link to information on ADVANCE grantee web sites • Facilitate sharing among ADVANCE grantees • Make findings of ADVANCE grantees available to all

  3. Look and Feel a) Warm yet professional b) Encouraging • to browse • to contribute to • to interact with c) Conversational tone

  4. Welcome Page Announcements Top banner of short cut links Useful links to toolkits below

  5. Featured Articles • Creates a sense of community • New updates to the portal • Big events happening at ADVANCE Institutions • Featured Programs

  6. Feature Program • Program of the month • Upcoming events

  7. ADVANCE Institutions Organize them by • Institution • Program Name • Start Date Accordion Panel Expansion

  8. ADVANCE Institutions • Program name • Institution • Link to program • Description • Status • Start date • Year awarded

  9. Indexes, Descriptions, Tags • Links indexed by o topic, o audience, o filetype In the process of being reorganized.

  10. Indexes, Descriptions, Tags • Sort by institution, title, author • Tags top 30 most used words

  11. One Link Page a) breadcrumb b) arranging links on page c) description d) search e) list of links

  12. Each Link a) title b) associated institution c) description d) author e) tags

  13. Search Function • Searches content on all ADVANCE grantee web sites

  14. Webmaster Tools • Pointers on how to get your site indexed by search engines, how to deal with broken links, redirecting web pages

  15. Site Map A list of all the links and their hierarchy

  16. Usage Statistics The site gets about 50 unique visits every day

  17. How to add links • Use the link submittal form

  18. Feedback • Please give us your feedback so we can improve the site!

  19. Feedback • Email the web mistress • Usability Evaluation o 10-20 users o Normal Tasks o Sample Findings

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