wccc meeting presentation

WCCC Meeting Presentation Paul Thompson Senior Mining Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department of the Premier and Cabinet Mining Regulation Branch WCCC Meeting Presentation Paul Thompson Senior Mining Assessment Officer 3 July 2017 WCCC Questions 1. How does the mining regulator work with Terramin during the development of

  1. Department of the Premier and Cabinet Mining Regulation Branch WCCC Meeting Presentation Paul Thompson – Senior Mining Assessment Officer 3 July 2017

  2. WCCC Questions 1. How does the mining regulator work with Terramin during the development of the mining proposal and the mining lease application? 2. At what stage of the mining lease application process will the mining regulator formally seek input from the local community? 3. Where in the regulatory process are prescribed timelines for community responses on the mining lease application process, what are these and are these flexible? 2 Department of State Development

  3. 1. How does the mining regulator work with Terramin during the development of the mining proposal and the mining lease application? Government have and will continue to meet with Terramin to provide advice on: • Legislative requirements under the Mining Act 1971 • Other legislative requirements i.e. water licencing Typically the applicant will present conceptual ideas/plans to relevant government agencies seeking feedback to ensure the mining proposal meets the expectations of all relevant government legislation. 3 Department of State Development

  4. 2. At what stage of the mining lease application process will the mining regulator formally seek input from the local community? Lease refused or DPC Assessment of Apply for Mining Public Statutory Company engages granted with Environmental Impacts Lease by submitting a Consultation on with community to conditions and from Mining Proposal and Mining Proposal Mining Proposal develop proposed outcomes to be Consultation (s34 / s35) (s35A) outcomes achieved in PEPR (s34 (s34 / s35) / s35) Stage 1 – Mining Lease Application Purpose: - Apply for mineral tenure and development approval 4 Department of State Development

  5. 3. Where in the regulatory process are prescribed timelines for community responses on the mining lease application process, what are these and are these flexible? Mining Act Section 35A — Representations in relation to grant of lease (1) The Minister must not grant a mining lease unless he or she has caused to be published, in accordance with subsection (4), a notice — (a) describing the land to which the application relates and, if relevant, the particular stratum to which a lease would relate; and (b) specifying a place at which the application may be inspected; and (c) inviting members of the public to make written submissions in relation to the application to the Minister within a period specified in the notice (which must be a period of at least 14 days from the date of publication of the notice). 5 Department of State Development

  6. 3. Where in the regulatory process are prescribed timelines for community responses on the mining lease application process, what are these and are these flexible? Factors that influence the time allocated for the consultation period are: • level of public interest, or • scale and complexity of the proposed project , or • the time of year and associated activities in the community e.g. Christmas period, vintage or harvest times. Examples of time allocated for consultation on other recent mining applications: • Iron road CEIP – 10 weeks • Rex Minerals Hillside Project – 6 weeks • Kookaburra Gully and Campoona Graphite Projects – 6 weeks • OZ Minerals Carrapateena Copper Project – 5 weeks 6 Department of State Development

  7. WCCC Questions 4. What will happen to the community input and how will it be used by DPC to influence decision making in the regulatory process? Can you provide some examples of this process from other mining projects? 5. How will the mining regulator view the role of the WCCC and the community input they may provide? 7 Department of State Development

  8. 4. What will happen to the community input and how will it be used by DPC to influence decision making in the regulatory process? • All community submissions will be forwarded to the applicant who will be required to review and respond to issues raised in the form of a response document. • The Minister will consider the mining proposal, submissions received and the response document when assessing the application. Mining Act Section 35A — Representations in relation to grant of lease (3) In determining whether to grant or refuse an application for a mining lease and, if so, the terms and conditions on which it should be granted, the Minister shall have regard to any representations made in response to an invitation under this section. 8 Department of State Development

  9. 4. Can you provide some examples of this process from other mining projects? CEIP Project 9 Department of State Development

  10. 5. How will the mining regulator view the role of the WCCC and the community input they may provide? At this stage of the project the WCCC provides a useful forum to enable increased public participation, particularly ensuring community issues are identified and addressed in the mining proposal. 10 Department of State Development

  11. Mining Regulation Web Links Regulatory Framework: https://sarigbasis.pir.sa.gov.au/WebtopEw/ws/samref/sarig1/image/DDD/BROCH005.pdf Determination for a Mining Proposal for the Bird-in-Hand Gold Project: http://minerals.statedevelopment.sa.gov.au/mining/mineral_projects Regulatory Guidelines: http://minerals.statedevelopment.sa.gov.au/knowledge_centre/regulatory_guidelines DPC SARIG Website – https://sarig.pir.sa.gov.au/Map 11 Department of State Development

  12. Contact Paul Thompson DPC Mining Regulation Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street Adelaide, South Australia 5000 GPO Box 320 Adelaide, South Australia 5001


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