8 december 2014 2013 accomplishments disclosures

8 December 2014 2013 Accomplishments Disclosures Disclosure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Identification of a First-In-Class PRMT5 Inhibitor with Potent In Vitro and In Vivo Activity in Preclinical Models of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Elayne Penebre, Kristy G Kuplast, Christina R Majer, P Ann Boriak-Sjodin, Tim J Wigle, L Danielle Johnston,

  1. Identification of a First-In-Class PRMT5 Inhibitor with Potent In Vitro and In Vivo Activity in Preclinical Models of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Elayne Penebre, Kristy G Kuplast, Christina R Majer, P Ann Boriak-Sjodin, Tim J Wigle, L Danielle Johnston, Nathalie Rioux, Michael J Munchhof, Lei Jin, Suzanne L Jacques, Kip A West, Trupti Lingaraj, Kimberly Stickland, Scott A Ribich, Alejandra Raimondi, Margaret Porter- Scott, Nigel J Waters, Roy M Pollock, Jesse J Smith, Melissa Pappalardi, Olena Barbash, Ryan Kruger, Mikel P Moyer, Robert A Copeland, Richard Chesworth, Kenneth W Duncan 8 December 2014

  2. 2013 Accomplishments Disclosures Disclosure Information ASH Meeting 8 December 2014 Elayne Penebre I have the following financial relationships to disclose: • Grant/Research support from: LLS, MMRF, GSK, Eisai & Celgene • Stockholder in and Employee of: Epizyme, Inc. 2

  3. 2013 Accomplishments PMTome Target Class Oncogenic Disease PMT Misregulated gene expression • Protein methyltransferase (PMTs) are part of a regulatory system that controls gene expression , called epigenetics • PMTs regulate gene expression by placing methyl marks on nuclear and cytoplasmic substrates • Genetic alterations can alter PMT activity making them oncogenic due to misregulated gene expression • 96-member target class, 20 prioritized based on oncogenic mechanism 3

  4. 2013 Accomplishments PMTs – Equally Divided Between KMTs and RMTs Arginine Methyl Transferases (RMTs) Lysine Methyl Transferases (KMTs) Richon et al. 2011 Chem. Biol. Drug Design Modified from: Copeland 2011 Drug Discov. Today Ther. Strat. Copeland 2013 Clinical Cancer Research 4

  5. 2013 Accomplishments PMTs as Drivers of Cancer Arginine Methyl Transferases (RMTs) Lysine Methyl Transferases (KMTs) MLL4: EZH2: NHL, INI1, Pancreatic, Breast, Prostate, SMYD2: SMYD3: Breast, Glioblastoma Colon, Gastric, Esophageal Liver, Colon, PRMT7: Bladder, Liver, MLL: Leukemia Squamous Gastric Breast PRMT5: Melanoma DOT1L: MLL-r Lymphoma PRMT1: AML, AML, ALL Glioblastoma SUV39H1: Colon CARM1: Breast, Prostate EHM2: Lung, Prostate, HCC SETDB1: Melanoma PRDM14: Breast NSD1: AML WHSC1L1: NSUN2: Lung, Breast Breast WHSC1: Multiple Myeloma Richon et al. 2011 Chem. Biol. Drug Design Modified from: Copeland 2011 Drug Discov. Today Ther. Strat. Copeland 2013 Clinical Cancer Research 5

  6. PRMT5 is a Type II Arginine Methyltransferase 2013 Accomplishments Type I Type I I Wolf 2009, Cell and d Mol Life Sci ci Di Lorenzo, Bedford, 2010, FEBS Let . • The mammalian family of Arginine Methyltransferases (RMTs) contains 11 members • PRMT5 is the pre-dominant Type II RMT that is responsible for the symmetric dimethylation of arginine residues • PRMT5 has been shown to methylate numerous nuclear and cytoplasmic substrates; some of which are postulated to drive tumorigenesis • PRMT5 has been shown to be upregulated in several human malignancies including lymphomas 6

  7. PRMT5 Overexpression in Mantle Cell Lymphoma 2013 Accomplishments (MCL) • PRMT5 Overexpression identified in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) • Anti-proliferative effects observed upon PRMT5 KD in Jeko-1, a MCL cell line • MCL is one of the rarest forms of non- Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHLs) representing ~6% of NHL cases or ~4000 new cases per year in the United States • MCL is defined by the t(11;14) translocation resulting in overexpression of cyclin D1 Pal et al. 2007 EMBO 7 Chung et al. 2013 JBC

  8. 2013 Accomplishments EPZ015666 – First-in-class PRMT5 Inhibitor • Potent inhibition of PRMT5:MEP50 complex – SAM uncompetitive, peptide competitive inhibition O H • N Highly selective vs. other PMTs N N H O N N OH – Biochemical – >20,000-fold by K i – Biochemical K i : 5 nM EPZ015666 = 5 nM K i – Cell Biochemical (In-Cell-Western) IC50 : 8 nM • Orally bioavailable • Potent methyl mark inhibition with excellent correlation to killing of cells in vitro • Potent in vivo efficacy in animal models of MCL following inhibition of target methyl mark 8 Penebre et al. submitted

  9. EPZ015666 Inhibits Symmetric Arginine Di-methylation 2013 Accomplishments in a Dose-Dependent Manner PRMT5 Symmetric Di-Methyl Arginine EPZ015666 shRNA (SDMA) is a pan-dimethyl arginine + - antibody (motif Ab) SDMA Motif Ab, full gel SmD3me2s SmD3 total • On target inhibition of EPZ015666 demonstrated by strong correlations between biochemical, cell biochemical, and phenotypic IC50s H T P ro life ra tio n IC 5 0 (n M ) B io c h e m ic a l IC 5 0 (n M ) 9 Penebre et al. submitted

  10. 2013 Accomplishments MCL Cell Lines are Sensitive to EPZ015666 Treatment Z-138 SmD3me2s SmD3 Methylation Day 4 IC 50 = 44 nM Day 12 Proliferation SDMA Western Blot MCL Cell Line IC 50 (nM) IC 50 (nM) Z-138 96 44 Granta-519 61 4 Maver-1 450 42 Mino 103 78 Jeko-1 904 347 10 Penebre et al. submitted

  11. Z-138 Xenografts Are Highly Sensitive to Orally Dosed 2013 Accomplishments EPZ015666 Z-138 Target Inhibition in Day 21 Tumors 21-day Efficacy Study (SDMA ELISA) Maver-1 22-day Efficacy Study Target Inhibition in Day 22 Tumors (SDMA ELISA) • No significant body weight loss observed during the studies 11 Penebre et al. submitted

  12. EPZ015666: First RMT Inhibitor Showing In Vitro 2013 Accomplishments and In Vivo Activity in Pre-clinical Models of MCL • EPZ015666 is a potent, selective and orally bioavailable inhibitor of PRMT5 • EPZ015666 demonstrated potent cellular activity as measured by its ability to block symmetric dimethylation of SmD3 and inhibit proliferation of MCL cell lines • EPZ015666 displays robust anti-tumor activity as a single agent in MCL xenograft animal models • Pre-clinical studies of the effects of PRMT5 inhibition in other cancer indications is currently being studied 12

  13. 2013 Accomplishments EPZ015666: Acknowledgements We would like to thank the principal investigators and their institutions, the employees of Epizyme and GSK. 13


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