web design

Web Design Day 1 Whats New Whats New at PPCHS 1. More gates 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Web Design Day 1 Whats New Whats New at PPCHS 1. More gates 2. The fountain is new and improved 3. The bells work 4. The intercom works 5. Homeroom has changed big time a. You now start the day with homeroom b. Homeroom clubs

  1. Web Design Day 1

  2. What’s New

  3. What’s New at PPCHS 1. More gates 2. The fountain is new and improved 3. The bells work 4. The intercom works 5. Homeroom has changed big time a. You now start the day with homeroom b. Homeroom clubs are no more c. There is no more movement during homeroom d. Seniors can earn special privileges 6. It is easier to get expelled from school!

  4. What’s New in Toepel Land 1. New chairs 2. New class names a. Foundations of Web Design Honors (Web 1) b. Web Tech Honors (Web 2) c. Web Developing Tech Honors (Web 3) d. Multimedia Tech Honors (Web 4) 3. All classes are now honors! a. An extra grade point for you b. Higher expectations for me 4. Updated class website, www.mrtoepel.com a. Coming soon, next Monday-ish

  5. Class Procedures

  6. 2019-2020 Class Procedures 1. Arriving to class a. Sign in i. Initial next to your name on the sign in sheet ii. Don’t sign in anyone but yourself, everyone has to sign themselves in iii. Don’t forget to sign in, even though it is childish, I’ll ask you to come back and sign in if you forget b. Put your phones away (or charge them in the class charger) c. Login to your computer d. Login on www.mrtoepel.com e. Take a look at the day’s schedule f. If there is something I want you to do at the beginning of class, well, don’t just sit there looking pretty, get to it!

  7. 2019-2020 Class Procedures 1. End of class a. I will give you a heads up a few minutes before class is over b. Save your work to your folder on the school computer c. Back up your work on your usb drive d. Clean up your computer station e. Wait for the bell in your seat (there’s bells now) f. After the bell rings, get some hand sanitizer on the way out

  8. 2019-2020 Class Procedures 1. Leaving the classroom a. One person may leave at a time b. You may not leave without a pass i. Yellow for the bathroom ii. Red for other exotic destinations c. Before you leave, you must sign out i. Name ii. Where you are going iii. Time leaving d. When you return, you must sign in i. Time you returned ii. Return your red or yellow pass e. If you don’t sign out and sign in, you will not be allowed to leave the room

  9. 2019-2020 Class Procedures Trash vs. recycling bin 1. Recycling Bin a. Clean paper, cardboard b. Empty bottles, cans c. That’s it 2. Trash Can a. Everything else b. Candy wrappers c. Any food, crumbs 3. If you aren’t sure, ask

  10. Class Rules

  11. 2019-2020 Class Rules 1. Keep your hands to yourself a. Don’t touch anyone else’s… i. Body ii. Bag iii. Computer iv. Monitor v. Mouse vi. Keyboard vii. USB drive viii. Cords ix. Chair

  12. 2019-2020 Class Rules 1. Chairs a. Sit in your luxurious new chair b. Make sure your luxurious new chair is always in front of your workstation c. Don’t roll around in your luxurious new chair d. Don’t get out of your luxurious new chair without permission e. Don’t ask to get up and walk around while I’m talking to the class f. Take care of these luxurious new chairs

  13. 2019-2020 Class Rules 1. Cell phones a. Put away at beginning of class b. Leave them away until the end of class c. You can take them out when I tell you save your work a few minutes before the bell d. There is going to be a cell phone charging station where you can charge your phone during class

  14. 2019-2020 Class Rules There are two states of the classroom 1. I am talking to the class a. Do not talk b. Do not whisper c. Pay attention to me d. It won’t last too long 2. I am not talking to the class a. You can talk to your neighbors b. Do it quietly

  15. 2019-2020 Class Rules Cheating 1. Do not cheat on a test or quiz 2. Do not copy anyone else’s work or code 3. Do not give anyone your work or code to copy

  16. 2019-2020 Class Rules Attendance 1. Arrive to class on time 2. If you are late, you will get a tardy 3. Get 3 tardies and you will get a detention 4. More than 3 tardies? Why would you do me like that?

  17. Consequences

  18. 2019-2020 Consequences Regular stuff 1. You do something, I give you a warning 2. You do something else, I get in touch with your parental units 3. You keep doing stuff, you get a detention 4. More stuff after a detention, Administration gets involved

  19. 2019-2020 Consequences Cheating/copying 1. First time a. You get a zero on your test/project, whatever b. You get your parental units contacted c. You get a referral 2. Next time a. You get Saturday detention


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