student exam presentation 2017 2018

STUDENT EXAM PRESENTATION 2017-2018 Nove vember ber GCSE E Resit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

STUDENT EXAM PRESENTATION 2017-2018 Nove vember ber GCSE E Resit t Exams ms Dec ecember ember/Jan /Januar uary y Inter ternal nal Exams January nuary Extern rnal al Camtech ech May/J y/June ne Internal ternal


  2.  Nove vember ber GCSE E Resit t Exams ms  Dec ecember ember/Jan /Januar uary y Inter ternal nal Exams  January nuary Extern rnal al Camtech ech  May/J y/June ne Internal ternal Exams s  May/June y/June Externa ernal Exams It is in the best interests of all our students if holidays are not taken in term time, as this has serious repercussions on teaching and revision leading up to examinations.

  3. You receive a copy of your Statement of Entry when the entries are made – it is is important nt you check ck all de detai ails are correct, ct, and notify y the college ge immediate ately ly of a any inaccuraci curacies – PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS AS A TIMETABLE the times might be changed!

  4. You rece ceive ve a copy of yo your exam am timetab table le a c couple of weeks ks before re the start t of t the exam am season on On this example you will have noticed the duration has increased from the 90 minutes on the previous screen SOE, this is due to special arrangements extra time allowance added GOOD OD IDEA! ! – use e your r mobil ile to photo togra graph your r timeta metable e so you always lways have ve a copy

  5.  JCQ Regulations  Information to Students & Parents  ‘This’ Student Exam Presentation  College Exam Policy  Summary Timetable

  6. Exam papers rs vary, please se make sure you complete te all informat atio ion n boxes on bo both the exam m paper and suppleme lementar ntary y answer er papers s using ng LEGAL L NAMES ES not know own n as names. s. Only y start t writing ng your details ils when n told t to do do so so by by t the invigilato ator r at t the start t of t the exam am.

  7.  Make sure you know and adhere to the exam regulations (AV AVAI AILAB LABLE LE ON CO N COLLEG LEGE E WEBSIT WE BSITE) – you are under regulations as soon as you walk into the exam room.  Be on time(arrive 10 minutes before the start time) & make sure you know your seat number.  If you do arrive late the Exam Board may not accept your work, report immediately to Reception to record the exact time of arrival.  Respect the exam and others.

  8.  Bring the equipment you need in a clear pencil case.  Write in BL BLACK CK ballpoint pen(only use coloured pencils or inks for diagrams, do not use highlighter pens on your answers).  Water is only permitted in a clear unlabelled bottle and must be placed on the floor.  Leave anything you do not need outside the exam room.

  9.  Do not borrow from another student.  Do not write on exam candidate cards or exam desks or chairs.  Do not write inappropriately on your script. “There is a table of offences which range from; 1=warning penalty to 9=barred from all exams.”

  10. MOBILE E PHO HONE NE OR OR ELE ELECT CTRO RONI NIC C DEV EVICE CE:- In candidates possession and evidence of it being used by candidate (penalties 5 - 9). 5 = disqualification from the unit. 6 = disqualification from all units in one or more qualifications in series. 7 = disqualification from the whole qualification. 8 = disqualification from all qualifications taken in that series. 9 = barred from entering for examinations for a set period of time.

  11. Allowi wing ng Copying ing by anothe her r ca candi didate date Permitting examination script to be copied; showing other candidates the answers 2 = disqualification from the unit. 3 = disqualification from all units in one or more qualifications in series. 4 = disqualification from the whole qualification. Copying ing from m another ther ca candida idate te 5 = disqualification from the unit. 6 = disqualification from all units in one or more qualifications in series. 7 = disqualification from the whole qualification. 8 = disqualification from all qualifications taken in that series. 9 = barred from entering for examinations for a set period of time (thi his s incl clud udes es via ia soci cial media ia & websit ites es – EXAM AM BOA OARD RDS MONIT ITOR OR THEM!) 

  12. UNACCE CEPT PTABLE ABLE BEHAVI VIOUR OUR IN TH THE EXAM (incl cludi uding ng offen ensive ive lan angua uage): ge):- Minor disruption lasting short time – calling out, causing noise, turning around:- 1 = warning. Repeated or prolonged disruption; unacceptably rude remarks; being removed from the room; taking another’s possessions:- 2 – 4 penalties. Defacing scripts and destruction of own work:- 2 – 4 penalties.

  13.  DO NOT use a dictionary or spell-checker(unless told to do so).  You may use a calculator (unless you are told you must not).  If you use a calculator - it is your responsibility - Make sure it works properly - Clear anything stored in it.  Do not bring any operating instructions or prepared programs.  Make sure battery life is good.  “YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN CALCULATOR.”

  14. Advice: e:* An invigilator may give a candidate a replacement calculator.

  15. NOT allowe wed d in the exam room;  No hats on or hoods up.  Notes.  Calculator lids or cases/instruction leaflets.  Bags.  Electronic data storage devices.  Communication devices, eg mobile phones, MP3, ipods, smart watches or pens etc. “You could d be disquali qualifi fied ed from all your ur exams s by not adhering to these regulations”

  16.  Find you seat, put you water bottle on the floor, wrist watch on the desk, sit quietly, face the front and await instructions.  Listen to the invigilator.  To attract the invigilator’s attention raise your hand: ◦ if you do not have the right question paper. ◦ if the question paper is incomplete or badly printed. ◦ if something is wrong.  Emergency evacuation & regulations will be announced before each exam.

  17.  Your ‘Legal Name’ is used on all exam papers  Remember you are responsible for producing legible writing.  Read and follow the instructions on the front of the exam papers carefully before you are told to start.  Remember to complete question number details for your script.

  18.  Pu Put up your ur hand nd if; ◦ you have a problem. ◦ you feel ill. ◦ you need more paper. ◦ you check the exam start/finish times on the whiteboard and think they have been written incorrectly. ◦ you think anything is wrong.  Do not ask k for any explanation lanation of the questi estions. ons.  Follow w the e Invig vigil ilators ators instru tructi tions ons at the e en end d of the exam carefully fully.

  19. EXTERNAL RESULTS IN SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM Novemb ember er Resits ts (GCSE) 11 th th Janua uary ry 2018 January uary 2018 8 CAMTE TEC - TBA TBA Summer mer KS5 (GCE) 16 th th August ust 2018 8 10-12p 2pm Summer mer KS4 (GCSE) ) 23 23 rd rd Augus ust t 2018 8 10-12p 2pm (or from Reception after these summer sessions) INTERNAL RESULTS DAYS Winter er KS5 - 5 th h January uary 2018 18 Winter er KS4 (yr11) 11) - 30 30 th th Janua uary ry 2018 Summer mer KS4 (yr yr 10) 10)- TBA TBA Student nts s with h Access ss Arra rangem ngements nts will l also o receiv ive a copy of their ir approve ved arra rangem ngements nts to give e to their ir further ther education tion establi lishm shment. nt.

  20. If you feel your results are incorrect and require remarking refer to the letter in your results envelope. Payment for post result services must be made before the application deadline in the letter, and you must st sign gn to confirm irm acceptanc ptance e of the post t result sult servic vice. e. Po Points ts go go d down wn as we well as up!

  21.  Are available for you to collect from the Exam Office in the November after you have completed your two year course, or at the College Achievement Session arranged for your Year Group.  You must keep them safe as Exam Boards are reluctant to re-issue, and it is costly to obtain their letter of achievement .  Un Uncoll ollect ected ed certi tificates ficates are e held ld for two years rs before fore bein ing g archived, chived, after er wh which ich the e col ollege lege applies plies a £30 £30 search arch fee. e.



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