vr everywhere

VR everywhere consumer virtual reality for desktop, mobile and web - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

VR everywhere consumer virtual reality for desktop, mobile and web tony parisi march, 2015 about me CONTACT C REDS tparisi@gmail.com Co-creator, VRML and X3D skype: auradeluxe W ORK http://twitter.com/auradeluxe http://www.thirdeye.gl/

  1. VR everywhere consumer virtual reality for desktop, mobile and web tony parisi march, 2015

  2. about me CONTACT C REDS tparisi@gmail.com Co-creator, VRML and X3D skype: auradeluxe W ORK http://twitter.com/auradeluxe http://www.thirdeye.gl/ http://www.tonyparisi.com/ http://www.learningwebgl.com/ MEETUPS http://www.meetup.com/WebGL-Developers-Meetup/ http://www.meetup.com/Web-VR/ GET GLAM http://www.glamjs.org/ BOOK CODE https://github.com/tparisi/glam/ https://github.com/tparisi/WebGLBook https://github.com/tparisi/Programming3DApplications GET THE BOOKS ! WebGL: Up and Running http://www.amazon.com/dp/144932357X Programming 3D Applications with HTML and WebGL http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Applications-HTML5- WebGL-Visualization/dp/1449362966 http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  3. the promised land! consumer VR http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  4. hardware explosion AFFORDABLE STEREOSCOPIC DISPLAYS , CRAZY - FAST GPU S , CHEAP MOTION TRACKING IMU S … FTW! headsets input devices high performance laptops http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15

  5. PC HMDs � Provide deepest, most immersive VR experiences � Desktop peripheral - acts as external monitor � Position and orientation tracking � Tethered – one or more cables to the computer; camera for position tracking � Oculus Rift – the Gold Standard of VR headsets � Developer Kit CHEAP $350 � In production late 2015/early 2016 � HTC/Valve VIVE � OSVR – Razer open dev kit and SDK; ecosystem initiative http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15

  6. mobile HMDs � Deluxe Mobile – Samsung GearVR � Optics and IMU licensed from Oculus � Custom Android build w/ VR extensions and enhanced UI � The best VR experience out there! (Look Ma, no wires) � BUT $200 + requires new Phone (Note 4) NOT CHEAP $1,000 � Support for S6 coming, price coming down � Orientation tracking only � So far… no competition… but EXPECT IT! http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15

  7. drop-in phone viewers � Google Cardboard � Just Add SmartPhone � Orientation tracking only � Open specification for mobile VR � Standard Android OS support, using simple stereo rendering and accelerometer tracking � $2 in parts or $25 ready-to- assemble Kits WAY CHEAP � Not as nice… but great for the price! � MergeVR, Wearality, Moggles… � Some of these have different rendering thus require custom SDK http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15

  8. operating systems � Desktop – Oculus SDK supports Windows/Mac/Linux; Vive SDK not yet released… � GearVR - custom Android build w/Oculus mobile SDK � Cardboard � Google has SDK for native Android with simple stereo render and head tracking; also adding first-class VR support into future OS � Cardboard is just side-by The Oculus Store for GearVR side rendering and accelerometer tracking… so it works on iOS too � Mobile browsers can run Cardboard apps! Just stereo render with WebGL and track w/DeviceOrientation API http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  9. rendering Oculus Rift/GearVR � 110 diagonal FOV � Side-by-side stereo � Barrel distortion Cardboard � 90 degree FOV � Side-by-side stereo http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  10. head tracking I NERTIAL M EASURE U NITS (IMU S ) � Oculus Rift/GearVR � 1000hz refresh rate � Cardboard � 200hz refresh rate � Desktop IMUs built into HMDs track position and orientation. Use camera or wall-mounted sensors for position tracking � Mobile IMUs track orientation only http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  11. the challenge: “presence” � Camera must respond to head tracking at 75FPS+ � higher latency risks motion sickness and breaks the illusion � Rendering, as always, must be at 60FPS+ � “Motions-to-photons” latency goal is <20ms � Desktop and GearVR can hit this, currently mobile can’t (though it’s in the works); most phone IMU motions-to-photons are are 50ms+ � What’s wrong with this picture??? � Classic targeting of 60FPS makes rendering the bottleneck � If targeting 75FPS, that’s minimum 150FPS simulation (75FPS x 2 cameras), or <7ms frame time!!! http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  12. performance (1) � Software techniques � Of course push everything you can onto the GPU � New engine optimizations Example: render each state change to each camera vs. whole scene to each camera � Mobile: create experiences with lower res than typical games... till the hardware gets faster and resolutions get higher; low latency trumps hi poly count � Time Warp � Oculus SDK technique, transforms image in Z-buffer at next refresh based on new IMU position/ orientation… even if new rendered frame isn’t ready � Already supported in game engines and other runtimes http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  13. performance (2) A CCELERATING VR U SING THE P OWER OF THE GPU First attempts at a comprehensive GPU approach to VR - NVIDIA VR Direct � New features enabled in Maxwell processors (GeForce GTX 980 and GTX 970) � Overall attack on latency – whole pipeline � Asynchronous Warp (NVIDIA’s version of Time Warp) � Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) – up to 4 megapixels per eye downsampled to HD � Multi-frame sampled anti-aliasing (MFAA) � Boasts motion-to-photons latency of 25ms � … plus “GeForce Experience” control panel – one end-user settings dialog instead of several http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  14. developing desktop and mobile VR � Game engines � Unity3D – targets all platforms: desktop Oculus, Gear VR, Cardboard. Free and open prefabs available on Unity store and from HMD vendors. Expect Vive and other platforms quickly; they move fast. � Unreal - desktop now, mobile in development � Native SDKs � Oculus SDK C++ � Oculus Mobile SDK C++ � Android SDK for Cardboard http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  15. WebVR: fast, cheap and democratized N O - DOWNLOAD VR APPLICATIONS . I NSTANT ACCESS IN THE BROWSER , S HARE IT WITH A URL! W RITTEN IN J AVA S CRIPT !? � Experimental browser API � Query browser for attached HMD devices � Render fullscreen stereo in WebGL � Track HMD position/ orientation by polling HMD device � Already in Firefox and Chrome nightly builds, uses same API Quake 3 WebVR demo, developed by � Build apps using open source JavaScript engines, or WebGL Brandon Jones of Google “exported” from Unity/Unreal http://media.tojicode.com/q3bsp/ via Emscripten cross-compiler � Browser refresh currently throttled at 60FPS but they are lifting this limitation http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15

  16. input � We still don’t have the mouse of VR � State of the practice is blind use of keyboard or gamepad controller � Motion controllers like Leap Motion, Sixense STEM system are gaining popularity for PC-based VR � GearVR has a really innovative trackpad design, plus simple, elegant navigation UI Sixense � Drop-in phone viewers are STEM experimenting with side- System mounted click devices and Leap Motion Bluetooth controllers controller image: https://www.attachmate.com/blogs/legacymodernization/legacy-data-the-elephant-in- http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15 the-room/

  17. augmented reality T HE NEXT NEXT BIG THING ? � Explosion of VR has renewed interest in AR � Promising new hardware � Microsoft Hololens � CastAR - table-top AR display for gaming, close Hololens Sculpting Tool Demo to coming to market � Magic Leap ???? � A little farther out… most projects don’t have ship dates � Another SDK babel looming… CastAR Multi-Player Game http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/17/15

  18. coming in May 2015 http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  19. keep in touch CONTACT C REDS tparisi@gmail.com Co-creator, VRML and X3D skype: auradeluxe W ORK http://twitter.com/auradeluxe http://www.thirdeye.gl/ http://www.tonyparisi.com/ http://www.learningwebgl.com/ MEETUPS http://www.meetup.com/WebGL-Developers-Meetup/ http://www.meetup.com/Web-VR/ GET GLAM http://www.glamjs.org/ BOOK CODE https://github.com/tparisi/glam/ https://github.com/tparisi/WebGLBook https://github.com/tparisi/Programming3DApplications GET THE BOOKS ! WebGL: Up and Running http://www.amazon.com/dp/144932357X Programming 3D Applications with HTML and WebGL http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Applications-HTML5- WebGL-Visualization/dp/1449362966 http://www.tonyparisi.com 3/16/15

  20. VR everywhere consumer virtual reality for desktop, mobile and web tony parisi march, 2015


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