few people understand it

Few people understand it Opportunity Technology is everywhere Let - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Problem Technology is everywhere Few people understand it Opportunity Technology is everywhere Let kids become actors , not just consumers Confidential content Basic behaviours Discover what Thymio can do Scratch & Blockly Scratch 3

  1. Problem Technology is everywhere Few people understand it

  2. Opportunity Technology is everywhere Let kids become actors , not just consumers

  3. Confidential content

  4. Basic behaviours Discover what Thymio can do

  5. Scratch & Blockly Scratch 3 Beta tests in progress

  6. Confidential content

  7. Our product line Thymio Challenge Activities Wireless Thymio Wireless Thymio suitcase 45 CHF 179 CHF 1’249 CHF

  8. The open-source educational material around Thymio Thymio Challenge Activities Basic behaviours Visual Programming Language Advanced VPL

  9. The open-source educational material around Thymio 1, 2, 3… Codez ! Elements of Robotics https://www.fondation-lamap.org/fr/123codez bit.ly/elements-of-robotics

  10. The open-source educational material around Thymio Find all this material on www.thymio.org

  11. Thymio in Switzerland

  12. More information www.mobsya.org Christophe Barraud christophe.barraud@mobsya.org Phone: +41 32 511 64 93 www.thymio.org youtube.com/user/ThymioII facebook.com/ThymioII twitter.com/ThymioII


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