2018 retiree open enrollment

2018 Retiree Open Enrollment Benefits Briefing Presented to: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 Retiree Open Enrollment Benefits Briefing Presented to: Retirees Liza Hahlbeck Benefits Counselor November 1, 2017 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLNL-PRES-740779 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department

  1. 2018 Retiree Open Enrollment Benefits Briefing Presented to: Retirees Liza Hahlbeck Benefits Counselor November 1, 2017 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLNL-PRES-740779 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC

  2. Agenda ▪ Open Enrollment Dates ▪ Communications ▪ Who Handles Your Enrollment? ▪ What Actions Can You Take? ▪ Who is Eligible for Coverage? ▪ Review of LLNS benefits - Dental, Vision & Legal - Non-Medicare Medical Plans - Medicare ▪ Administrative Notes ▪ Contacts 1 LLNL-PRES-740779

  3. Open Enrollment Dates ▪ October 16 – November 10 (through Empyrean) - For Dental, Vision and Legal plans - For non-Medicare medical plans - For Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage (Medicare) ▪ October 15 – December 7 (through OneExchange) - For Medicare eligible retirees and dependents not enrolled in Kaiser - Shop around for Medicare supplement plans and Rx plans Take away or callout 2 LLNL-PRES-740779

  4. Communications 3 LLNL-PRES-740779

  5. Who Handles Your Enrollment? Empyrean handles 1. Non-Medicare medical plans 2. Kaiser Senior Advantage Medical Dental OneExchange handles 1. Individual Medicare plans Empyrean 2. Kaiser Medicare plans outside CA Vision Legal Additionally, Empyrean handles ‐ Dependent eligibility ‐ Address changes ‐ HRA eligibility 4 LLNL-PRES-740779

  6. What Actions Can You Take? ▪ Change to a different medical plan ▪ Change to a different dental plan (California only) ▪ Suspend your coverage (opt out) ▪ Enroll in a plan if you had previously suspended coverage ▪ Enroll or cancel eligible family members ▪ Enroll or add dependents in ARAG Legal If no changes are made during Open Enrollment, you will remain in the same plan. 5 LLNL-PRES-740779

  7. Who is Eligible for Coverage? ▪ Yourself ▪ Dependents: - Spouse or Domestic Partner - Children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children to age 26 and legal wards to age 18 - Verification of eligibility will be requested when first retired or when adding a new dependent 6 LLNL-PRES-740779

  8. Dental, Vision & Legal Plan Overview Take away or callout 7

  9. Dental Plans ▪ Delta Dental PPO Difference in Networks: - Worldwide coverage (may use any dentist) • Delta Dental PPO – - Maximum benefits with PPO Delta Dentists allows you to see any licensed dentist - $50 annual deductible • DeltaCare USA – - $1,700 annual maximum benefit (PPO Dentist) limits access to - $1,500 annual maximum benefit (non- PPO Dentist) network dentists only ▪ DeltaCare USA - HMO dental plan – Must use DeltaCare USA dentists only (except in emergencies) - Available in California only - Co-payments vary based on services performed - No annual maximum benefit or deductible 8 LLNL-PRES-740779

  10. Vision Plan ▪ All retirees and dependents are eligible and automatically enrolled ▪ Discount program if using VSP providers ▪ To locate VSP providers - Visit www.vsp.com - Call 1-800-877-7195 VSP Access Plan Discounts Well Vision Exam 20% off through VSP’s national network of doctors Glasses 20% off complete pair of prescriptions glasses 20% off lens options (e.g. coatings) 20% off prescription sunglasses Contact Lenses 15% off contact lens services, excluding materials Laser VisionCare Program VSP contracted laser centers provide discounts averaging 15% off laser surgery 9 LLNL-PRES-740779

  11. Legal Plan ▪ Open to new enrollments in 2018 ▪ Contact Empyrean to enroll - Empyrean will bill you for the monthly premium ▪ Preventative, domestic, consumer and defensive legal services ▪ Telephone and in person access; online resources ▪ New for 2018 - Child Custody/Child Support Agreement - Elder Law - Insurance Disputes - Small Claims Court - State and Local Tax Collection Defense 10 LLNL-PRES-740779

  12. Performance Measures x.x, x.x, and x.x Non-Medicare Medical Plan Overview

  13. Non-Medicare Medical Plans ▪ Kaiser Permanente ▪ Anthem Blue Cross Plans: - Anthem Blue Cross CORE Value - Anthem Blue Cross EPO - Anthem Blue Cross Plus - Anthem Blue Cross PPO Rates provided by Empyrean 12 LLNL-PRES-740779

  14. Non-Medicare Medical Plans (cont.) Changes for 2018 ▪ Kaiser Permanente ‐ Copay changes: – Increasing specialist office visit copay from $25 to $35 – Outpatient Surgery increasing from $100 to $150 per procedure – Generic prescription drug copay increasing from $10 to $15 ▪ Anthem Blue Cross Plans: ‐ No changes Rates provided by Empyrean; coverage changes through Empyrean 13 LLNL-PRES-740779

  15. Comparing Non-Medicare Medical Plans Refer to page 20 of the Open Enrollment Guide to compare Non-Medicare plans 14 LLNL-PRES-740779

  16. Medicare

  17. Becoming Medicare-eligible ▪ You can be eligible for Medicare as follows: - Normally at age 65 - Before age 65 if disabled and receiving Social Security disability benefits ▪ Contact Empyrean at 1-844-750-5567 16 LLNL-PRES-740779

  18. Becoming Medicare-eligible (cont.) ▪ If Turning age 65 - Are you eligible for Medicare? Contact Social Security Administration (SSA) to find out. – If you are currently receiving Social Security check, you will be automatically enrolled in Part A & B and will be sent an ID card – If you are not eligible for Medicare, SSA will provide you with a letter that you will need to Empyrean as proof ▪ If Due to Disability - You will be notified by Social Security Administration when you become eligible for SSDI benefits. 17 LLNL-PRES-740779

  19. Becoming Medicare-eligible (cont.) ▪ If Turning age 65 - Three to four months prior to becoming 65, a letter will be sent to you from Empyrean – Option 1 : Enroll in Kaiser Senior Advantage through Empyrean – Option 2 : Enroll in other individual Medicare supplement plans through OneExchange – Option 3 : Not eligible for Medicare, stay on Non-Medicare plan – Option 4 : Suspend LLNS coverage and enroll through spouse’s plan Contact Empyrean at (844) 750-5567 to confirm your selection and finalize the event 18 LLNL-PRES-740779

  20. Coverage for Non-Medicare Dependents ▪ Non-Medicare dependents will continue in same plan - LLNS continues direct contribution to the plan ▪ If enrolled in Kaiser, members will receive a termination of coverage letter - Do not panic – this is just a termination from the old account with the retiree as the primary member - Dependents will be set up automatically under new primary member account (usually the spouse or eldest child) ▪ If enrolled in an Anthem Blue Cross plan, primary member will change to spouse or eldest child 19 LLNL-PRES-740779

  21. Medicare Coverage Options Empyrean handles 1. Non-Medicare medical plans 2. Kaiser Senior Advantage Medical Dental OneExchange handles 1. Individual Medicare plans Empyrean 2. Kaiser Medicare plans outside CA Vision Legal 20 LLNL-PRES-740779

  22. Coverage Options ▪ Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage (KPSA) ‐ Election made through Empyrean (for California only) ‐ Group plan ‐ Cost is $218.50 per Medicare eligible person Annual cost is $2,622 – $172 annual out-of-pocket expense if receiving 100% LLNS contribution – to HRA ‐ New enrollees will need to complete a KPSA group enrollment form Form must be completed and submitted to Kaiser by December 31 st ‐ for January 1, 2018 effective date 21 LLNL-PRES-740779

  23. Coverage Options (cont.) ▪ Kaiser Medicare for those outside California ‐ KPSA outside of California – Available in parts of Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington – Call Kaiser or log on to www.kp.org/Medicare – Complete and submit the enrollment form to Kaiser – Send confirmation of your enrollment to OneExchange – OneExchange will set up your HRA 22 LLNL-PRES-740779

  24. Coverage Options (cont.) ▪ All other coverages contact OneExchange 23 LLNL-PRES-740779

  25. Coverage Options (cont.) ▪ Zip Code 94550 ▪ Zip Code 95376 24 LLNL-PRES-740779

  26. Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) ▪ Must be enrolled in a Medicare plan through OneExchange or with Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage (through Empyrean) ▪ HRA maximum amount is $2,450 per Medicare-eligible participant for 2018 ▪ Tax-free employer funded account ▪ Any unused amount rolls over to the next year 25 LLNL-PRES-740779

  27. Health Reimbursement Arrangement (Cont.) ▪ The HRA monies can be used to reimburse you for eligible health care expenses on a tax-free basis - Expenses eligible for reimbursement: – Medicare supplement insurance premiums – Prescription drug plan premiums – Deductibles and co-pays – Medicare Part B premiums - Proof of expense will need to be provided per IRS requirements - May have to file a claim or set up auto-reimbursement 26 LLNL-PRES-740779

  28. “Donut Hole” Special Payment ▪ This special payment is taxable income ▪ Kaiser does not have a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Gap 27 LLNL-PRES-740779


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