this friday 8 15am

This Friday 8.15am Food is vital for us all to be happy Muffins, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Martin Luther King Jnr, 1967 canteen This Friday 8.15am Food is vital for us all to be happy Muffins, smoothies All money raised and healthy. Sadly, too often the will be donated to & more millions of people in poorer the

  1. The Martin Luther King Jnr, 1967 canteen This Friday 8.15am Food is vital for us all to be happy Muffins, smoothies All money raised and healthy. Sadly, too often the will be donated to & more millions of people in poorer the Fairtrade Bring a reusable cup countries who grow our food don’t Foundation and get a discount earn enough to have happy and healthy lives themselves. hosted by the Fairtrade works to change this, by making sure companies pay a fairer price for what farmers grow, plus a little extra for them to invest in their communities of farms.

  2. What is Fairtrade? Companies in richer countries pay a fair price for the products they buy from producers in poorer countries . Watch the clip to find out how Fairtrade bananas have changed Foncho’s life. ke-bananas-fair-a-film-for-schools/

  3. Why is Fairtrade important? It is important because farmers in the poorer countries have a hard time providing for their families and they need a guaranteed, good price for their products to help improve their lives. There are over 1 million Fair Trade farmers and their families, located in 58 countries. Fair Trade raises the standards of living for these families . It offers true change, and not charity.

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  5. Fairtrade Facts!

  6. The The canteen canteen This Friday 8.15am All money raised Muffins, smoothies will be donated to All money raised the Fairtrade will be donated to & more Foundation the Fairtrade Bring a reusable cup Foundation and get a discount

  7. Fairtrade Breakfast Fairtrade Breakfast Friday 9 th March Friday 9 th March 8.15am. Muffins, 8.15am. Muffins, smoothies & more. Bring a smoothies & more. Bring a reusable cup for a discount! reusable cup for a discount! Fairtrade Breakfast Fairtrade Breakfast Friday 9 th March Friday 9 th March 8.15am. Muffins, 8.15am. Muffins, smoothies & more. Bring a smoothies & more. Bring a reusable cup for a discount! reusable cup for a discount! Fairtrade Breakfast Fairtrade Breakfast Friday 9 th March Friday 9 th March 8.15am. Muffins, 8.15am. Muffins, smoothies & more. Bring a smoothies & more. Bring a reusable cup for a discount! reusable cup for a discount!


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