the world s first led human centric

The Worlds First LED Human Centric Fluorescent Tube by Human - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Worlds First LED Human Centric Fluorescent Tube by Human Centric Optics Inc. 333, 10654-82 Ave NW Edmonton, Alberta Human Centric LED Medical science discovers a third receptor in our eyes This

  1. The World’s First LED Human Centric Fluorescent Tube by Human Centric Optics Inc. 333, 10654-82 Ave NW Edmonton, Alberta

  2. Human Centric LED • Medical science discovers a third receptor in our eyes • This receptor proves that light is linked to the development of all living organism dependant on the sun for existence • This receptor aligns our bodies with our circadian rhythm responsible for our bodily functions, our emotional and intellectual development • This development is a huge leap forward for people everywhere • HCO-LAB designs a HCL based on Dr. Russell Foster’s principles • The colour of our interior LED lights changes just like the sun • The result produces phenomenal benefits for the health of all people, young and old

  3. Human Centric LED • Similar to what is used on the International Space Station • Choice of light for all future space exploration for the health of the astronauts • Originally developed Dr. Russell Foster, a neuroscientist, he has been urging the lighting industry to adapt to Dynamic Human Centric lighting and we follow his principles in our design • Studies in Germany, Sweden, Belgium and England resulted in astounding benefits moving Human-Centric LED as the mainstream light of choice in Europe • Our presentation will explain how HCL improves and promotes health and our well being, but has a huge cost saving results compared to traditional lighting.

  4. The Science • The retina contains three photoreceptors: colour sensitive cones, dim light sensitive rods, and blue light sensitive ganglion cells • Scientists discovered that the ganglion cells in the retina are not used for sight • Light waves enters the eye and signals are sent from the retina to both the brain's visual centre and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) • The ganglion cells responds to the visible blue light and synchronizes our bodies to our biological clock • The pineal gland, a major part of our biological clock which controls the sleep hormone, melatonin, that is release with warm light and supressed with blue light • Cortisol a stress hormone, stimulates the metabolism and programs the body for day mode • Serotonin works as a stimulant and motivator

  5. The Three Parameters of HCL Spectr trum um • The blue wavelengths in light are the biologically active ingredient for cool white light • Melatonin is suppressed with cool white (+3500K) light Inten ensity sity • Studies suggest that relatively low illuminance levels (~150 lx at the eye) is sufficient to induce alertness and shift a free-running circadian rhythm • However, illuminance on the work surface (0.75m above floor level) should be 2 - 3 times higher Timing ng & Duration ation • Morning light tells our biological clock that the day has begun and that bodily functions need to be activated • Our human psychology reacts to the timing of colour temperature variations throughout the day by the sun • The larger the time of exposure, the larger the phase shift which means, increasing duration is more effective than increasing light intensity

  6. How HCL helps in Care Homes • The average resident only receives up to 3% of sunlight per day. • By having HCL, it caused the receptor in the eye to reset and align their bodies with its circadian rhythm responsible for controlling their bodily functions, healing, emotional and intellectual powers • HCL also stimulated the body to produce Vitamin D for stronger bones and reduce SAD symptoms • Residents in care homes have more energy during the day, sleeps better at night and have faster wake up times in the morning • Residents response quicker to medication and recover faster from diseases and injuries • Doctors reported improvements with LTC patients suffering from SAD, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cognitive issues with less behaviour problems from anxiety • There is also a reduction of medication like sleep aids and anti-depressants from anxiety and stress • Freeing-up staff time to address other duties because patients are having their activity and resting phases at the right time

  7. How HCL affected Medical Staff? • The lack of daylight from being inside is balanced by our HCL which counteracts insomnia • ER staff reported an increase in their senses, cognitive and concentration during critical times • Freeing-up staff time to address other duties because patients are having their activity and resting phases at the right time • More relaxed in the evening with fewer headaches and less tired eyes • Supervisors reported fewer mistakes and improvements in alertness resulting in better productivity by 20% • Sick days and overtime decreased by 20% because of better employee satisfaction and morale • Fatigue reduced by 27% resulting in employees being more energetic • HCL stimulates our body to produce Vitamin D promoting stronger bones and reducing SAD symptoms

  8. How does our HCL help Students? • Cognitive Speed increased by 80% • Errors decreased by 65% • Increase energy resulting in deeper concentration and better productivity • Students achieved higher test scores • Reduced ADHD and Autism behavior problems • Less anxiety and stress • Better mood, morale and attitude • HCL stimulated the body to produce Vitamin D promoting stronger bones and reducing SAD symptoms • It improved the cell growth in student’s eyes reducing their need for corrective eye glasses

  9. How does HCL help Emergency Responders? • The FBI reported that 34 of 47 officers who died in the field, was a direct relation to insomnia because of night shift, our lighting significantly reduces insomnia • With a reduction with insomnia, increase concentration and alertness, officers are making better decisions. • With higher cognitive speed, fewer mistakes and increase energy, cases were being solved quicker. • Researchers also concluded that with the officer’s improved health, reduced insomnia and stress, the life expectancy between night shift officers and their day shift counterparts may be the same. • Improvements in their mood, attitude, motivation and morale see a reduction in sick days and medication. • Better morale and fewer problems from prison inmates • Our HCL stimulated the body to produce Vitamin D promoting stronger bones and reducing SAD symptoms

  10. How HCL Benefits Business • Because of employee satisfaction and morale, sick days decreasedby 20% • Concentration and Creativity increased by 37%. • Employees increase work performance by 20%. • Alertness increased by 23% • Fatigue dropped by 27% • With higher cognitive speed and fewer mistakes, projects were being completed faster • It also reduces behaviour problems cause by stress and anxiety • Faster recovery from diseases and injury • Faster recovery times from jet lag after either a business trip or vacation • HCL stimulated the body to produce Vitamin D reducing SAD symptoms and promoting stronger bones

  11. How HCL benefits Arctic Population from Polar Night & Midnight Sun • DYNAMIC HCL develops a lighting environment for a specific task in a specific area • This cycle causes the receptor in the eye to reset and align the body with its circadian rhythm (the wake - sleep cycle) responsible for controlling one’s bodily functions, healing, reproductive, energy, emotional & intellectual powers • HCL stimulated the body to produce Vitamin D reducing SAD symptoms and promoting stronger bones • Sick days and overtime decreased by 20% because of employee satisfaction • Individuals have more energy during the day, sleeps better at night and have faster wake up times in the morning • Individuals response quicker to medication and recover faster from diseases and injuries • Concentration and Creativity increased by 37%. • Employees increase work performance by 20%. • Alertness increased by 23% while fatigue dropped by 27%

  12. HCL also Benefits Livestock • Benefits all livestock stored inside like horses, poultry, dairy cows, hogs etc • It also reduces behaviour problems cause by stress and anxiety • Better attitude resulting in easier training • Reacts faster to medication • Stimulates the body to produce Vitamin D for stronger bones • Faster recovery from diseases and injuries • This affects all livestock such as poultry, hogs and horses that are housed inside • This development is a huge leap forward in lighting • Alertness increased while fatigue dropped

  13. Even NASA uses HCL on the Space Station • All future space exploration will use HCL systems for the health of astronauts by simulating dawn, day and dusk to ensure they are in sync with their biological clock.


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