spatial analysis 3d software tools for point pattern

Spatial Analysis 3D Software tools for point pattern analysis in the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Spatial Analysis 3D Software tools for point pattern analysis in the nervous system (and beyond) Benjamin Reese Neuroscience Research Institute and Department of Psychology University of California at Santa Barbara The mature retina

  1. Spatial Analysis 3D —Software tools for point pattern analysis in the nervous system (and beyond) Benjamin Reese Neuroscience Research Institute and Department of Psychology University of California at Santa Barbara

  2. The mature retina contains multiple types of nerve cells positioned in distinct cellular layers: photoreceptors interneurons ganglion cells

  3. Events that transform the immature neuroepithelium into a differentiated retina: Fate determination Migration Process outgrowth and target recognition Synaptogenesis Cell death →

  4. from Dorsky et al., 1997 from Wikler and Rakic, 1994

  5. Fate determination Cell death Dispersion

  6. Random Real

  7. Random Real

  8. Strain-specific effective radius Low Density High Density Strain-invariant effective radius Low Density High Density

  9. B6 A

  10. B6 100 µm A 0

  11. d min simulation Random simulation Cholinergic amacrine cells

  12. Challenges for 3D Analysis

  13. Challenges for 3D Analysis • Computation

  14. Challenges for 3D Analysis • Computation

  15. Challenges for 3D Analysis • Computation • Visualization

  16. Acknowledgements Mary Raven—UCSB Dan Lofgreen—Channel Islands Consulting Stephen Eglen—Cambridge University Funded by the NIH: National Institute of Mental Health National Eye Institute


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