
SideStroem Water Technologies Applying advanced separation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SideStroem Water Technologies Applying advanced separation technologies, such as forward osmosis membranes, in industrial water treatment systems to decrease OPEX costs through energy savings combined with increased water & side stream

  1. SideStroem Water Technologies Applying advanced separation technologies, such as forward osmosis membranes, in industrial water treatment systems to decrease OPEX costs through energy savings combined with increased water & side stream solute recovery. A Business Presentation

  2. SideStroem Topics covered Water Technologies q The founder (available on request) q The problem at hand q Solution: recycling is a key driver q Solution: productivity gains are key drivers q Customer profile: textile dyeing industries q Customer profile: fermentation industries q Competitive advantage q Intellectual property strategy (available on request) q 3-year roadmap (available on request) q Current status (available on request) 2 15 December, 2019

  3. SideStroem The problem at hand Water Technologies We are vastly exceeding Earth’s capacity to regenerate resources As a result, humanity faces climate change, dwindling fresh water resources, loss of biodiversity, and a host of other negative consequences of ecological overspending. 4 15 December, 2019

  4. SideStroem Solution: recycling is a key driver Water Technologies Develop and implement more efficient resource recovery systems Only by improving the efficiency of today’s resource recovery systems can precious natural resources be recycled while simultaneously reducing the overall ecological impact. TARGETED INDUSTRIAL SEGMENTS WHY FORWARD OSMOSIS? Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is the ultimate waste-water Forward osmosis is one of a handful membrane-based management & water recovery regime – achieving low-energy ZLD alternatives. Additionally, forward almost 100% water recovery and eliminating any liquid osmosis holds the potential to simultaneously recover waste leaving an industrial plant. India is at the both water & valuable solute side streams from wastewater, further reducing OPEX costs while forefront of imposing ZLD regulations and India’s textile industries are driving the country’s ZLD adoption. maximizing the degree of resource recovery COMMERCIAL DRIVERS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT • Government regulations. An FO membrane technology FEED$ +$ Augmentation of water supplies. +$ +$ • +$ tailored to selectively extract R$ Protecting aquatic environments. +$ • +$ both water and NaCl from Decreasing the high energy & associated • J W $ J S $ wastewater streams*. ecological costs of ZLD systems - given the reality +$ R$ 2+$ * 2+$ +$ +$ that traditional evaporators are exceedingly +$ content/uploads/2019/09/Improved-Resource- 2+$ 2+$ 2+$ +$ 2+$ Recovery-using-novel-FO-membranes.pdf 2+$ +$ energy-intensive. DRAW$ 5 15 December, 2019

  5. SideStroem Solution: productivity gains are a key driver Water Technologies Develop and implement more efficient industrial processes Productivity gains from more efficient industrial processes reduces the overall ecological impact of industrial production. TARGETED INDUSTRIAL SEGMENTS WHY FORWARD OSMOSIS? Global fermentation industries utilize microorganisms In comparison to other membrane-based & thermal to convert carbohydrates into desirable metabolic end processes, FO holds the potential to remove ethanol products. Ingredients companies are now utilizing without increasing the pressure and temperature of fermentation in specially engineered microorganisms the fermentation broth. This serves to protect delicate to answer an ever increasing demand for natural target products from undesired degradation. ingredients that are hard to come by. Ingredients such as resveratrol, stevia, vanillin, and even safron. COMMERCIAL DRIVERS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Increased productivity by continuously removing • An FO membrane technology FEED EtOH EtOH any ethanol (EtOH) that is produced as a by- EtOH tailored to selectively extract EtOH R EtOH product in fermentation liquids. The removal EtOH both water and EtOH from serves to avoid ethanol’s inhibitory effect on J W J E wastewater streams*. microbial growth, which already kicks in at * R 2+ EtOH 2- the-slope-of-enlightenment-fo-as-a-means-of- EtOH EtOH ethanol concentrations below 2%. 2+ 2+ 2- EtOH continuously-removing-ethanol-from- 2- 2+ EtOH fermentation-liquids/ DRAW EtOH 6 15 December, 2019

  6. SideStroem Customer profile: textile dyeing industries Water Technologies SideStroem Water Technologies will enable textile dyeing industries to implement novel water treatment systems that increase water and salt recovery Customer pain SideStroem’s solution FO-based reduction in OPEX costs through Current water increased water and salt recovery. treatment systems are OPEX intensive and do System example: not recover valuable Dye bath wastewater NF-type FO Dewatered & desalted concentrate salts from wastewater streams. J W J S Dilutate (draw) Current leads Concentrate (draw) DRAW TANK In India there’s an (e.g. MgSO 4 ) NF Reject Feed abundance of textile dying factories, which all must J W J S live up to strict zero liquid NF permeate RO discharge (ZLD) “an aqueous solution containing only reusable RO reject salt from the dye bath wastewater – and NOT “a aqueous solution with high dye MgSO 4 ” regulations. The founder bath salt concentration for reuse in J W the dying process” has a strong professional RO permeate “purified water for reuse in the network in India dying process” 7 15 December, 2019

  7. SideStroem Customer profile: fermentation industries Water Technologies SideStroem Water Technologies will enable fermentation industries to increase productivity by continuously removing ethanol from fermentation broths. Customer pain SideStroem’s solution FO-based direct & continuous removal of Ethanol inhibits ethanol from fermentation broths. microbial growth thus decreasing overall System example: productivity. NF-type FO Fermentation broth Fermentation broth with less than 0.5% EtOH J W J E Dilutate (draw) Current leads Concentrate (draw) DRAW TANK None at the moment, (e.g. MgSO 4 ) Air stripping NF Reject which is why the of feed to remove EtOH development of an J W ethanol-selective FO NF permeate RO membrane will be initiated RO reject “lower quality water for non- down the road (refer to production related reuse (e.g. J W cleaning” the business roadmap) RO permeate “purified water for reuse in the fermentation process” 8 15 December, 2019

  8. SideStroem Business potential Water Technologies Attractive profit margins of >80% combined with a thriving commercial FO ecosystem PROFIT MARGIN FO SYSTEM SIZE & MEMBRANE REPLACEMENTS Based on available market intelligence, flat sheet RO membrane elements sell for app. USD 10$ per m 2 of Small to medium scale water treatment systems in the active membrane area. textile dyeing and fermentation industries have a daily water treatment capacity demand of 50m 3 /day – The combined membrane element COGS amounts to 5000m 3 /day, corresponding an installed membrane app. USD 6.7$ per m 2 of active membrane area (60/40 area of app 200m 2 – 20000m 2 (i.e. business potential split between membrane COGS and modularization of USD 20.000$- USD 2 million $) per installation . COGS). Membrane elements are typically replaced every 1-5 With reference to RO membranes, which ultimately years depending on operating conditions. contain the same raw materials - it is not unreasonable to target a combined COGS of below FO ECOSYSTEM USD 20$ per m 2 of active FO membrane area. Today, industrial FO membrane suppliers typically sell For more FO membrane elements at USD 100$ per m 2 of active information: membrane area → >80% profit margin. https://www.forward e-forward-osmosis- ecosystem/ 9 15 December, 2019

  9. SideStroem Competitive advantage Water Technologies SideStroem Water Technologies An enabler of more efficient resource recovery and productivity gains in industrial water treatment systems. INDUSTRIAL TARGET BUSINESS STRATEGY TECHNOLOGY SEGMENTS Cutting-edge solute selective SideStroem will focus 100% on SideStroem has identified the two (e.g. NaCl & EtOH) FO core value-adding activities and industrial segments where membranes, which outperform leverage its resources through current, large customer pains are current state-of-the-art on the partnering. This is reflected ideally suited to be relieved by market resulting in a unique through the following choices: novel FO-based systems: value proposition : Textile dying industries 1. Lowest payback time • Strong emphasis on strategic • Fermentation industries 2. Capable of selective partnering. • separation/recovery of • Low burn-rate for the first 24 Commercial focus will be on solutes (e.g. NaCl and EtOH) months of operation. small to medium size • A pragmatic IP strategy. applications with a 50m 3 /day – 5000m 3 /day capacity demand. 10 15 December, 2019

  10. SideStroem Water Technologies Thank you for your attention! Please visit for more information on forward osmosis technologies.


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