water independence now program

Water Independence Now Program Presented to WateReuse LA Chapter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PICTURE Water Independence Now Program Presented to WateReuse LA Chapter August 13, 2013 420 square miles 43 cities Population = 4 million (over 10% of California s population) 250,000 acre feet of groundwater annually Groundwater

  1. PICTURE Water Independence Now Program Presented to WateReuse – LA Chapter August 13, 2013

  2. 420 square miles 43 cities Population = 4 million (over 10% of California ’ s population) 250,000 acre feet of groundwater annually Groundwater provides 40% of water supply

  3. Imported Water Supply Challenges CA Bay Delta: Environmental Land Subsidence CVP CVP Seismic Vulnerability Mokelumne River Mokelumne River Aqueduct Aqueduct Colorado River Drought: Colorado River Drought: Hetch Hetch Hetchy Hetchy Los Angeles Los Angeles System System Aqueduct Aqueduct Colorado River Colorado River SWP SWP Aqueduct Aqueduct Lake Mead’s water level has dropped more than 100 ft since 2000.

  4. WRD ’ ’ ’ ’ s WIN Program will eliminate demand for imported water to demand for imported water to replenish groundwater

  5. Benefits of Groundwater • Local reliable & sustainable supply • Drought protection • Cost-effective 5

  6. Spreading Grounds Interconnection Pipeline Completed 2012! 200,000 150,000 Storm Storm Storm Water Water Water Water Water Water Conserves Approx Conserves Approx Acre Feet 1,300 AFY for 100,000 stormwater Recycled 5,700 AFY Recycled Water Imported Recycled Water 50,000 Water Imported Water - Rio Hondo Spreading Grounds Inlet Prior San Gabriel River Spreading Grounds Past Current Future to Recycled Water Diversion Inlet During Recycled Water Diversion

  7. Whittier Narrows Conservation Pool 1,100 AFY Stormwater Capture

  8. Current Imported Water Demands Montebello Forebay Spreading Grounds 21,000 AFY (out of 125,000 AFY) West Coast Alamitos Gap Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier 4,500 AFY 3,000 AFY (out of 17,000 (out of 6,000 AFY) AFY) Dominguez Gap Barrier 4,000 AFY (out of 8,000 AFY)

  9. Leo J. Vander Lans AWTF Expansion Anticipated Completion 2014 Alamitos Gap Alamitos Gap Barrier 3,000 AFY

  10. Traditional vs. Enhanced Recovery 8 RO 10 UV MF Sewer 2 Enhanced Recovery with Waste Minimization 8 RO 8.74 MF UV 3 rd Stage DAF RO Sewer 0.74 Benefits: • Use 12% less source water • MF and RO are smaller in sizes • Substantially less waste discharge • Significant savings in capital and O&M costs

  11. LVLWTF Expansion Process Diagram Hydrogen Ammonia Chlorine Peroxide Antiscalant Calcium Chloride Reverse UV Osmosis Microfiltration Barrier Tertiary Tertiary Injection Injection Effluent Acid Ammonia Chlorine DAF Backwash Waste 3 rd Stage RO Treatment Sewer

  12. ����������������������������������������� ������������� Category Traditional Enhanced Recovery Savings ($M) ($M) ($M) Microfiltration 10.1 10.2 0.1 Reverse Osmosis 7 7.6 0.6 Other Facilities Other Facilities 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 0 0 Sewer Capacity 12 0 -12 Total 42.7 31.4 -11.3 Savings as percent 36% Construction Cost 12

  13. ��������������������������������������� ��� Category Traditional Enhanced Recovery Annual Savings Expansion ($) ($) ($) MF BWT 0 80,000 80,000 3 rd Stage RO 0 100,000 100,000 Sewer Surcharge Sewer Surcharge 560,000 560,000 200,000 200,000 -360,000 -360,000 Additional Source 0 -340,000 340,000 * Water Purchase Net Savings -$520,000 * An additional 1,240 acre feet per year of source water is required at $275/acre foot. 13

  14. Project Cost and Funding Summary • Construction Contract Cost = $31.4 million • Fully paid for by existing Capital Reserve Fund in WRD budget WRD budget • Approximately $10 million comes from federal and state reimbursable grant funds • On track to be complete ON TIME (Fall 2014) and WITHIN BUDGET

  15. What is ?

  16. What is ? 11,000 AF Tertiary 21,000 AF Imported 10,000 AF AWT 50,000 AF Not Fully 50,000 AF Fully Secured Secured

  17. Tertiary Rio Hondo Spreading Grounds San Gabriel River Spreading Grounds

  18. Proposed AWT Site at SJCWRP

  19. AWT at SJCWRP (video)

  20. Proposed AWTF Proposed Pipeline Existing SJCWRP Existing Pipeline Existing Turnout Structure Montebello Forebay Spreading Grounds Proposed Turnout Structures

  21. Proposed Schedule 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 EIR/EIS Outreach Design Title 22 Eng. Report Permitting (FOF, WDR/WRR) Construction

  22. Savings- Present Value (Reliability Benefits Not Included) $70,000,000 Status Quo 31,000 AF Imported $60,000,000 $50,000,000 Status Quo 21,000 AF Imported $40,000,000 Savings GRIP $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046

  23. Imported Spreading Water & Replenishment Assessment (RA) $800.00 $700.00 $600.00 $500.00 $400.00 $300.00 $200.00 Imported Spreading $100.00 Water RA $0.00 1961 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009 2013

  24. A Sustainable Solution THE CORNERSTONE of the WRD’s Water Independence Now Program, which seeks 100% independence from imported water. REPLENISH the area’s groundwater reservoirs with local REPLENISH the area’s groundwater reservoirs with local resources. CONSERVE water resources, save money, and create a local water source for residents. CREATE a sustainable solution to potential water supply shortages.


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