runway expansion impact assessment oshawa municipal

Runway Expansion Impact Assessment Oshawa Municipal Airport - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Runway Expansion Impact Assessment Oshawa Municipal Airport Presentation To Development Services Committee City of Oshawa May 30, 2011 2 Agenda Airports Economic Importance Background Scope of Work Proposed Runway Expansion

  1. Runway Expansion Impact Assessment Oshawa Municipal Airport Presentation To Development Services Committee City of Oshawa May 30, 2011

  2. 2 Agenda � Airport’s Economic Importance � Background � Scope of Work � Proposed Runway Expansion � Business Opportunity � Economic Impacts � Community Impacts � Summary � Next Steps � Recommendation � Questions

  3. 3 Airport’s Economic Importance � Oshawa Municipal Airport provides a significant economic contribution to the City and surrounding region and is a key element in attracting and sustaining economic growth. � In context to the global economy and competitive marketplace, the Airport provides direct access to the community for both passengers and goods. � The Airport connects the community to national and global air transportation systems. � The Airport accommodates emergency response transportation. � The Airport supports the shipment of time sensitive goods and materials (critical to the auto industry). � In itself, the Airport provides a significant employment and GDP contribution to the community. � With the closure of Buttonville Airport, Oshawa Municipal Airport will be the only full service general aviation airport serving the eastern Greater Toronto Area.

  4. 4 Background � The 2008 Business Plan identified the existing runway length of 4,000 ft. as a potential constraint in attracting corporate jet and turboprop activity in that the runway length limits the operational effectiveness of these types of aircraft. � Runway length restricts potential access to the community. � Existing airport stakeholders identified the existing runway length as a constraint. � Many corporate operators limit their jet operations to runways of 5,000 ft. or greater. � In late 2009 a review was undertaken to assess the technical viability of extending Runway 12-30 from 4,000 ft. to 5,000 ft. � In early 2010 a preliminary cost estimate was prepared for the proposed runway expansion.

  5. 5 Background � GENIVAR, formerly Pryde Schropp McComb Inc., was engaged by Oshawa Municipal Airport to update the proposed runway expansion’s technical assessment and identify potential business impacts given recent events that will ultimately impact the Airport. � These events include: Pending closure of Buttonville Airport (2015). o No foreseeable commitment to proceed with Pickering Airport. o Emerging opportunities to attract corporate activity away from Toronto-Pearson o International Airport. Extension of Highway 407 to Oshawa, improving access from the GTA. o Potential mandate from Transport Canada to install Runway End Safety Areas (RESA’s) o at the thresholds of Runway 12-30.

  6. 6 Scope of Work � Project’s scope of work includes the following tasks. � Phase 1: Update the 2009 Runway 12-30 Extension feasibility review to take into account potential o requirements for 150m RESA’s. Update the 2010 Capital Cost Estimate. o Update the LPV/GNSS approach study based on a requirement to provide RESA’s. o Assess the potential opportunity that an extended Runway 12-30 may have in attracting o additional corporate activity to the airport and identify the potential economic benefits. Prepare a Noise Exposure Planning (NEP) forecast based on potential increase in o corporate/business activity.

  7. 7 Scope of Work � Phase 2 : Assess the impact that the closure of Buttonville Airport will have on Oshawa Municipal o Airport and identify potential economic benefits. Prepare a Noise Exposure Planning (NEP) forecast based on a potential increase in o activity resulting from the closure of Buttonville Airport. Prepare an Airport Land Use Plan which takes into consideration demand for additional o commercial development areas as well as aircraft parking requirements.

  8. 8 Proposed Runway Extension Design � Runway extended from 1,219m (4,000 ft.) to 1,524m (5,000 ft.). � Runway extension designed to Code 3 non-precision approach standards. � Runway 12 extended by 60m (197 ft.) with wide turn-around area. � Runway 30 extended by 244.8m (803 ft.) with wide turn button. � Runway 30 to have displaced threshold of approximately 80.8m (265 ft.). � 150m RESA’s provided at both thresholds. � Taxiway Bravo not to be extended at this point in time.

  9. 9 Proposed Runway Extension Considerations � Additional land is required to the west to accommodate the runway strip and potential RESA associated with Runway 12 threshold. � Selected lighting standards located in the vicinity of the Thorton Rd. and Taunton Rd. intersection penetrate existing runway approach zoning and need to be lowered. � Additional airport lands are available for commercial aviation development on the east side.

  10. 10 Proposed Runway Extension

  11. 11 Proposed Runway Extension North Extension

  12. 12 Proposed Runway Extension South Extension

  13. 13 Proposed Runway Extension Cost Estimate

  14. 14 Proposed Runway Extension Cost Estimate � Cost estimate excludes: Potential land acquisition costs (threshold Runway 12) o Adjustment of lighting standards o Noise berm o

  15. 15 Runway Extension Opportunities � Airport will be capable of accommodating a broader range of jet and turboprop aircraft in all weather conditions. � Extended runway improves operational conditions for current and proposed mix of aircraft during periods when runway is wet or contaminated with snow, thus enhancing safety. � The extended runway will accommodate approximately 85% of the current Toronto- Pearson corporate aircraft mission profile. � Extended runway provides opportunities for aircraft to extend their range thus improving operational efficiency and flexibility. � Extended runway will allow aircraft to climb out sooner, thus reducing potential noise impacts to the surrounding community. � Departures of light aircraft from existing Runway 30 threshold will minimize potential noise impacts.

  16. 16 Business Opportunity Corporate Operators Survey � Online questionnaire sent to selected operators plus distributed through Canadian Business Aircraft Association (CBAA) and National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA). � Received 44 responses. � 70.4% indicated they would consider relocation to Oshawa if the runway were extended to 5,000 ft. � Reasons for considering relocation included: Less congestion/delay. o Better geographical location for clients. o Lower operating costs. o

  17. 17 Business Opportunity Corporate Operators Survey � Selected corporate operators currently operating at Buttonville and Toronto-Pearson International Airport were interviewed. � Buttonville corporate operators are considering relocation to Oshawa. � A number of the Toronto-Pearson corporate operators are less likely to relocate because of Pearson’s prime location and proximity to aircraft owners. � At present Toronto-Pearson corporate operators not impacted by congestion or delay but this will change in the future as air carrier traffic expands and reduces the number of available slots.

  18. 18 Business Opportunity Potential Business Relocations � Corporate Air Charter Company 5 turboprops, 4 jets o 14 employees o 17,000 sq. ft. hangar o � Aviation Unlimited* FBO/aircraft sales/service o 6 employees > 15 employees o 10,000 sq. ft. hangar > 20,000 o * Have purchased a lot to accommodate initial 10,000 sq. ft. development and are considering further expansion with extension of Runway 12-30.

  19. 19 Business Opportunity Potential Toronto- Pearson Activity Relocation � Of 29,000 annual corporate movements*, potentially 21,300 movements could be accommodated at Oshawa Municipal Airport with a 5,000 ft. runway. � Of those 21,300 movements it is estimated that approximately 4,000 could potentially relocate to Oshawa based on a number of assumptions. � An additional 3,000 movements would be generated from aircraft businesses relocating to Oshawa and additional time-sensitive cargo flights. *Data provided directly by the GTAA with their cooperation.

  20. 20 Business Opportunity Potential Toronto- Pearson Activity Relocation Of 29,000 annual Toronto-Pearson corporate movements 21,300 movements can be accommodated at Oshawa Municipal Airport with the 5,000 ft. runway. Of those 21,300 movements, 80% are aircraft not based at Toronto Pearson = 17,040 movements. The potential catchment area for Oshawa Municipal Airport includes some 44,819 businesses, which represents approximately 24% of total businesses in the GTA. Given that location and proximity to clients are important factors in determining airport utilization, the Toronto Pearson itinerant corporate activity that potentially could relocate to Oshawa Municipal Airport is: 17,040 x .24 = 4,089 movements

  21. 21 Oshawa Municipal Airport GTA Catchment Area Business Opportunity

  22. 22 Economic Impacts Potential Business Relocations Total includes direct, indirect and induced.

  23. 23 Corporate/Business Movement Activity Increase Economic Impacts

  24. 24 Economic Impacts Summary (Annualized Airport Services) � Direct Impact 42 FTEs o $2.2 million in wages o $4.7 million in other expenditures o $6.9 million TOTAL VALUE ADDED GDP o � Total Impact 95 FTEs o $4.3 million in wages o $11.0 million in other expenditures o $15.3 million TOTAL VALUE ADDED GDP o

  25. 25 Economic Impacts Related Hangar Construction* * Assumes 60,000 sq. ft. of hangar construction. Excludes runway extension construction.


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