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Run Date: O1t3ot2o2o Run Time: 03:52 PM FY202l Governor's Recommended - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Public lJtility Commission FY2021 Budget Request c Chair Anthony Roisman \E"RMONT FY 2O2L SUMMARY ON: The Public Utility Commission is a three-member, . I00o/o Special Funds with 3.9% increase; dicial commission whse mission is to ensure

  1. Public lJtility Commission FY2021 Budget Request c Chair Anthony Roisman \E"RMONT

  2. FY 2O2L SUMMARY ON: The Public Utility Commission is a three-member, . I00o/o Special Funds with 3.9% increase; dicial commission whóse mission is to ensure the 'n of high-quality public utiliW services in Vermont at m reasõnable cost-s. consisteni with the lone-term oublic . 5 Classified, 22 Exempt positions; the state. The Corirmission strives to achie"ve this' by providing an independent. fair. and efficient means viñd public u-tilitv disbutes. aád bv suidins the . In FY 2019: meñf of state utifity n'oliciés and íules foriublic to best serve the lôrie-term interests of Ve'rmont and its . Commission received more than 3,500 cases s, all as defined in Tiile 30 V.S.A. . More than 13,900 filings were made in ePUC nmission supervises the rates. qualitv of service. and hnancial mairagement of Vermcint's útilities: eleôtric^ gas,. telecommùnications, and private water ôompaniês. . Commission issued more than 1,300 Orders and imission also superviseé cablè televisron comoanles- r federal law preêmpts most authoritv to resuläte cable prograrnmine. The^Commission alsó revidÍr's the certificates of public good for proposed projects nenlal and eõonomic imoacts of orooosals to ourchase iupply.or build new enerþ facilifies;.monitord the safety relécfric dut4s; evaluateithe financiál aspects of nuclear commissioning and radioactive waste stôrase: reviews id to independént power producers: and ove?sêes the le Energy-Effi ciency Utifity prograins. tY2O21 Budget Request S3,go¿,4s9 t tOO% Special Funds

  3. Report lD: WPB-1 1-BUDRLLUP State of Vermont Run Date: 0113012020 FY2O21 Governor's Recommended Budget: Rollup Report Run Time: 03:53 PM Organization: 2250000000 - Public Util¡ty Commission Budget Object Group: l. PERSONAL SERVICES Difference Percent : FY2o2o" Between FY2021 Governor's Governor's, FY2021 Governor's Recommend and Recommend FY2O20 Original BAA] FY2020 As As Passed Recommendedl Recommended FY2020 Passed FY20l9 Actuals Bud Rollu Name 2,261,966 2,356,767, 2,107,935 2,261,966 94,801 alaries and Wages 48, 956,691 956,691 1,005,348, 5.1 Benefìts 859,812 320,143 46,411 46,411 0 :Contracted and 3rd Party Service 46,411 20,500 20,500 500 (20,000) -97 PerDiem and Other Personal Services 0 Budget Object Group Total: l. PERSONAL SERVICES 123,458 3,409,026 3,287,891 3,285,568 3,285,568 Budget Object Group: 2. OPERATING Difference Percent Change FY2020 Between FY2021 FY2021 Governor's Governor's Governor's FY2021 FY2O20 Original Governor's Recommend and Recommend and BAA FY2020 As FY2020 As As Passed Recommended Recommended Bud Passed Passed Name FY2019 Actuals (5,200) 12,700 12,700 7,500 Equi ent 3,532 -40.9o/o 43j% 57,156 lT/Telecom Services and 126,423 132,683 132,ô83; 189,839 ment (25,739) -51.5% 37,862 24,261 s0,000. 50,0001 22,400 -33.5% 12,914 22,400 14,900 Supplies 4,793 47,166 64,403 8.0% Other Purchased Services 59,610 59,ô1 1,045 146 Other Operating Expenses 1,012 1 045 1,191 14.0% .Rental Other 10,350 9,200 (1,1 -11.1% 5,540 10 350. 140, 140,792 141,987 1,195 152,160 0.8o/o 5,000 4,800 4.0o/o 4,537 5,000 o.0% Repair and Maintenance Services 28,000 0 0 0 0 37,352: 37,352 37,352 0 0.0% Rentals 0 Budget Object Group Total: 2. OPERATING : 471,932 495,433 23,501 5.0% 419,146 471,932, Page I of 2

  4. State of Vermont Report lD: WPB-1 1-BUDRLLUP Run Date: 0113012020 FY2O21 Governor's Recommended Budget: Rollup Report Run Time: 03:53 PM Organization: 2250000000 - Public Ut¡l¡ty Gommission 3,757,500 3,757,500, 3,904,459 146,959 3-9o/o 3,707,037 :Total Expenses Percent Difference FY2021' FY2020 Governor's Governor's FY2021' Between FY2021 Governor's Recommend and, Governor's FY2020 Original, BAA FY2020 As Recommend and As Passed, Recommended Recommended FY2020 As Passed Passed' FY20l9 Actuals Fund Name 3.9% 3,904,459 146 3,757,500 3,757,500 SpecialFund 3,707,O37 0 0 .U 0 O.Oo/o Funds ^ 146,959 3.9% 3,757,500 3,904,459 3,707,O37: 3,757,500 Funds Total 27 Position Count 26.35 FTE Total Page 2 oÍ 2

  5. Report lD: WPB-07 State of Vermont Run Date: 0113012020 FY2O21 Governor's Recommended Budget: Detail Report Run Time: 03:52 PM Organization: 2250000000 - Public Ut¡l¡ty Gommission : l. PERSONAL SERVIGES ect G B Percent Ghange Difference FY2021 FY2020 Governor's Governor's Between FY2021 FY2021 Governo/s Recommend and BAA Governor's FY2020 Orriginal FY2020 As Recommend and As Passed Recommended Recommended FY2O2O As Passed Passed Salaries and FY20l9 Actuals es B Description Code 500000 : 299,684 8,306 2.8% 2,107,513 299,684 307,990 Classified Employees ' 500010 1,962,282 1,962,282 2,080,438 1 18,156 6.0Vo. 0 Exempt 0 0.0% 500060 . 422 0 0 0. Overtime ' 508000 -100.0% 0 (31,661 1,661 Turnover Savings 0 4.2% 2,107,935 2,261,966 2,261 966 2,356,767 94,801 Total: Salaries and Wages Percent Change FY2021, Difference FY2020 Governor's, Governor's FY2021 Between FY2021 Governor's Governor's Recommend and, FY202A Original BAA FY2020 Asl As Passed Recommended Recommend and Recommended e Benefits FY2O20 As Passed Passed FY2019 Actuals Bu Code 22,925 23,560 635 FICA - Classifìed 501 000 155,499 22,925 2.8o/o 148,454 148,454 8,583 FICA - Exempt 501010 0 5.9Yo (8,341) -20.0% Health lns - Classified Empl 329,382 41,701 41,701 33,360 501 500 320,644 3.8% Health lns - Exem 0 308,996 308,996 11,ô48 501 51 0 332,090 60,776 64,678. 3,902 6.4% Retirement - Classifìed 502000 60,776 33,215 Retirement - 502010 0 325;861 325,861 359,076: 10.2o/o 3,U4 17,970 4,265! 4,265 Dental - Classified 502500 -21 .60/o -2.0% Dental - 0 18,766 18,766 18,392 502510 1,264 1,300 36 2.8% Life lns - Classified 503000 6,113 1 Page I of 8 FY2021

  6. Report lD: VTPB-O7 state of Vermont Run Date: O1t3ot2o2o Run Time: 03:52 PM FY202l Governor's Recommended Budget: Detail Report Organization: 2250000000 - Public Ut¡l¡ty Commission Percent Change Difference FY2021 FY2020 Governor's Between FY2O21 Governor's FY2021 Governor's Governor's Recommend and FY2020 Original BAA Recommend and FY2020 As As Passed Recommended Recommended . e Benefits FY2020 As Passed Passed FY20l9 Actuals Descri Code 8,281 498 Life lns - Exempt 503010 0 8,281 8,779 6.0o/o LTD - Classified Employees 145: (145) -100.0% 503500 145' 0 4,513 4,784 LTD - Exempt 503510 0 4,513. 271 6.O% 764 160 5 3.2% EAP - 155 155; 682 682 704 22 3.2% EAP - 0 6,000 2,000 4 Tuition Costs 504530 1,200 6,000 -66.7% Workers Comp - lns Premium 3,907 7,530 3,623 92.7% 505200 5,543 3,907 0.0% 505500 , 7,201 0 0 0 Unemployment Compensation 0 0 Catamount Health Assessment 505700 174 0 0.0o/o 48,657 Total: Fringe Benefits 956,691 1 ,005,348 s.1% 859,812 955,69 Percent Difference FY2020 FY2021 . Governor's Between FY2021 Governor's FY2021 FY2020 Original BAA Governor's Governor's Recommend and As Passed FY2020 As Recommended Recommended Recommend and Gontracted and 3rd Service FY20l9 Actuals Bu FY2020 As Passed Passed Code Contr & 3Rd Party - Legal 507200 46,123 0 0 0 0 O.Oo/o 507300 ' Contr&3Rd Pty-Appr/En gineering 19,795 0 0 0 0 0.0Yo Contr&3Rd Pty-Educ & Training 507350 , 4,800 0 0 0.0% 0 0 Adr Mediation 507505 2,O58 0 0 O.0o/o Contr&3Rd Pty - lnfo Tech 25,245 0 0.0% 507550 0: lT Contracts - Application Development 507565 7,000 0 0 0.0% Other Contr and 3Rd Serv 507600 195,881 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Naruc,Nrri,Necpuc 0.0% 507610 19,241 0 0 Contractual& 3Rd 507999 0 46,411 0 0.0% 11 Page 2 of 8 FY2021

  7. ReportfD: WPB-07 o4_4^ _!r¡ state of vermont Run Date: 01t30t2020 Run Time: 03:52 PM FY202l Governor's Recommended Budget: Detail Report Organization: 2250000000 - Public Ut¡l¡ty Commission Percent Change FY2020 Difference FY2021 Governo/s Governor's Between FY2021 FY2021 . FY2020 Original Governor's Governor's Recommend and BAA FY2020 As As Passed Recommended Recommended Recommend and Contracted and 3rd Party Service Budget FY2020 As Passed Passed FY2019 Actuals Description Total: Contracted and 3rd Party Service 320,143 46,411 0 46,411 46,411 0.0o/o, Percent Change: Difference FY2020 FY2021 Governor's Between FY2021 Governor's FY2021 FY202O Original BAA Govemor's Governor's Recommend and PerDiem and Other Personal As Passed Recommend and FY2020 As Recommended Recommended Services Bu FY2020 As Passed Description Code 20,000 -100.0% Other Pers Serv 506200 0 20 0 500 500 0.0% Sheriffs 506230 Total: PerDiem and Other Personal (20,000) 20,500 500 -97.6% 0 -:----- 3,285,568: 3,409,026, 723,458' Total: l. PERSONAL SERVICES 3,287,891 3.8o/o' Budget Object Group: 2. OPERATING Percent FY2020 Difference Governor's Governor's Between FY2021 FY2021 FY2020 Original BAA Governor's Governo/s Recommend and FY2020 As As Passed Recommended Recommended Recommend and ment FY20l9 Actuals Bu FY?O2O As Passed Passed Description Code 't,855 522216 , (4,000) Hardware - Desktop & Laptop Pc 9,000 9,000 5,000 -44.4o/o 522700 2,500 (1,200) -32.4% Furniture & Fixtures 1,677 3,700 3,700 Total: Equipment 3,532 (5,200) 40.9o/" 12,700 12,700 7,500 Page 3 of 8' FY2021

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