rn phd student tain pizzignacco cf centre at ribeir o

RN, pHD student, Tain Pizzignacco CF CENTRE AT RIBEIRO PRETO THE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RN, pHD student, Tain Pizzignacco CF CENTRE AT RIBEIRO PRETO THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM OF BRAZIL (SUS) Unified, Public and Free SUS AND CF CF Hospital Care Outpatient and Inpatient Clinics Treatment is Free CF NEWBORN SCREENING

  1. RN, pHD student, Tainá Pizzignacco


  3. THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM OF BRAZIL (SUS) Unified, Public and Free

  4. SUS AND CF CF – Hospital Care Outpatient and Inpatient Clinics Treatment is Free

  5. CF NEWBORN SCREENING  Implemented in 9 out of 27 states  Performed by SUS- Free GBEFC, Annual registry 2012.

  6. IMPACT OF CF NEWBORN SCREENING GBEFC, Annual registry 2012.

  7. CF STATISTICS GBEFC, Annual registry 2012.

  8. CF STATISTICS Total in 2011: 1798 Registred Patients GBEFC, Annual registry 2012.

  9. CF CENTRES IN BRAZIL  Total: 47 Centres  Irregularly Distributed  Most Related to SUS  Roughly All School-Hospital Based GBEFC, Annual registry 2012.

  10. THE CF CARE Inpatient Clinic and Outpatient Clinic Community Treatment adherence Support Guarantee rights Health education Patient Family

  11. THE ROLE OF CF NURSES  Inpatient  Outpatient Treatment adherence Disease Coping Knowledge Satisfaction Quality of life

  12. OUR GOALS  Improve the number of CF nurses  Promote CF nurse education  Improve nursing research  Promote CF disclosure

  13. THANK YOU tatapizzi@yahoo.com.br


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