research innovation and data collaborative at inegi


RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND DATA COLLABORATIVE AT INEGI Innovation and the Law a.1 Law of NSSGI.- Article 36; talks about a permanent program of research in subjects related to production and analysis of information, as well as


  2. Innovation and the Law a.1 Law of NSSGI.- Article 36; talks about a “permanent program of  research in subjects related to production and analysis of information, as well as innovative methodologies for the production and dissemination of information”. a.2 Internal Regulation of INEGI.- Article 32.- Establishes the attributions  of the area of research, including promotion and development of research projects on official statistics and geography, geared towards the strengthening of the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information.

  3. Strategic vision of research Oriented to solving three main questions: a) How can we improve what we are currently doing? b) What should we do that we are not doing yet? c) How can we give more value to what we are already doing? These three questions are reflected in our strategic planning.

  4. Who does research at INEGI? General Direction of Research.   Permanent researchers.  Visiting researchers.  Alliances and collaboration with specialists and data providers:  Public sector.  Academia.  Private sector.  International organizations.  Enterprises.  NSOs.  Sectoral Fund CONACYT-INEGI. Other areas of INEGI. 

  5. Some examples  Big Data.  “ Mood of tweeters”  Twitter / Centro Geo / INFOTEC /TecMilenio / Upenn / INEGI  “ Mental Health of tweeters”  Twitter / National Institute of Psychiatry / Centro Geo / INFOTEC /TecMilenio / Upenn / INEGI  Recent earthquake evaluations and early warnings system.  BBVA – Bancomer / Telefonica / Global Pulse / ECLAC / Presidencia de la República / INEGI  Land use and vegetation carthography.  LANDSAT (NASA) / CENTINEL (European Space Agency) / INEGI  Income distribution.  A more realistic version of income distribution trough RMPL.  Tax Authority / INEGI

  6. Other activities:  Seminars.  Micro data laboratory.

  7. Income Distribution by deciles 100% 90% 53.8% 34.9% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 20.5% 11.7% 0% GG ENIGH

  8. OBJECTIVE To discuss and generate ideas around: What should be measured? How should it be done? and what are the best practices to communicate the information to the population?

  9. OBJECTIVE Deepening on-going reflection on how to measure social progress and wellbeing in Latin America.

  10. OBJECTIVE Discussing the merits of the new statistics on subjective wellbeing as a tool to strengthen decision-making in the public, private and social fields.

  11. OBJECTIVE To showcase concrete examples of the impact of the policies, frameworks and institutions that are using wellbeing measures around the world today.

  12. OBJECTIVE To discuss the existing sources and methodologies to provide the best possible description of income distribution in a given society.

  13. OBJECTIVE Discussing whether there is a new paradigm of development and its implication for the definition of economic, social and environmental policies at the national level.

  14. 1.- “Me asur e ” , (2009), CI DE . ing Pr ogr e ss and Soc ial We lfar http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2009/ mpybs/ 2.- I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “Climate Change and Offic ial Statistic s” , (2009), PUMA-UNAM. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2009/ CCyE O/ 3.- I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “T he phe nome non of infor mality in the XXI Ce ntur y: me asur e me nt, analysis and c halle nge s” , (2010), E l Co le g io de Mé xic o . http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2010/ S e minario I nfo rmalidad/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 4.- “National Statistic s Me e ting. Wor ld Statistic s Day: Ce le br ating the many ac hie ve me nts of the offic ial statistic s ”, (2010), I I MAS-UNAM a nd the Me xic a n Asso c ia tio n o f Sta tistic s. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2010/ DME st/ pre se ntac io n.aspx

  15. 5.- I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “Ge ospatial Infor mation and de c ision-making: e nt knowle dge and c halle nge s ”, (2010), Ce ntro GE O. c ur r http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2010/ infge o / pre se ntac io n.aspx “L atin Ame r ic an Confe r e nc e on Me asur ing We ll-be ing and F oste r ing 6.- e ss of Soc ie tie s” , (2011), OCDE , F CCT , BI D, CE PALy CE A. the Pr ogr http:/ / mfps.ine gi.o De fault.aspx I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “Inte r national Se minar : "Me asur e me nt of 7.- Vulne r able Soc ial Gr oups” , (2011), I nstituto de I nve stig a c io ne s So c ia le s, UNAM. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2011/ Grupo s_Vulne rable s/ pre se ntac io n.aspx I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “ Statistic al and Ge ogr aphic al Infor mation for 8.- Wate rManage me nt in Me xic o”, (2012), UAM. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2012/ Agua/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 9.- Wo rksho p-Se mina r: “Applic ation of Small Ar e a E stimation T e c hnique s in the Soc ial Sc ie nc e s”. (2012) CONE VAL , UI A. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2012/ Cie nc ias_so c iale s/ pre se ntac io n.aspx

  16. 10.- I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “Statistic al and Ge ogr aphic al Infor mation to Pr e ve nt and Mitigate the E ffe c ts of Dr oughts and F loods in the c onomy” (2012), I nstituto de Ge o físic a y Ce ntro Population and the E de Cie nc ia s de la Atmó sfe ra UNAM. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2012/ S e quias_I nundac io ne s/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 11.- Se mina r: “Ine qualitie s and Pr ogr e ss in Me xic o: Sc ope s, Dime nsions and Me asur e me nt” (2013), E l Co le g io de Mé xic o . http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2013/ De sigualdade s/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 12.- Se mina r: “Subje c tive we ll-be ing: Its me asur e me nt and use in public ic a (2013), polic ie s and de c ision-making in Me xic o and L atin Ame r F L ACSO-Mé xic o . http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2013/ Bie ne star_subje tivo / pre se ntac io n.aspx 13.- I nte rna tio na l Wo rksho p o n: “Input-output Analysis” (2013), Sc ho o l o f E c o no my UNAM. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2013/ T alle r_Analisis/ pre se ntac io n.aspx

  17. 14.- “XXVIII National Statistic al F or a. In the fr ame wor k of T he Inte r national Ye arof Statistic s 2013” (2013), Aso c ia c ió n Me xic a na de E sta dístic a . http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2013/ F o ro _E stadistic a/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 15.- “T he Ac c ountability of Gr owth and the T otal Pr oduc tivity in Me xic o” (2013), I e c no ló g ic o Autó no mo de Mé xic o . nstituto T http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2013/ c o ntabilidad_me xic o / pre se ntac io n.aspx 16.- “Big (2014) Data for Offic ial Infor mation and De c ision Making” I NF OT E C. http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2014/ big-data/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 17.- Se mina r-Wo rksho p: “Infor mation for de c ision-making: Population onme nt” (2015) E l Co le g io de Mé xic o . and e nvir http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2015/ Po blac io n/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 18.- 5th OE CD Wor ld F or um on Statistic s, Knowle dge and Polic y, ming polic y, c hanging live s ” (2015) OCDE . “ T r ansfor http:/ / www.o e c

  18. 19.- I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “De sign, Colle c tion and Analysis of L ongitudinal e ” (2015) CI DE -Re g ió n Ce ntro . Data in Me xic o: An Age nda for the F utur http:/ / www.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2015/ lo ngitudinale s/ pre se ntac io n.aspx 20.- I nte rna tio na l Wo rksho p-Se mina r: “De sign and Use of Soc ial Ac c ounting Matr ic e s and Computable Ge ne r al E quilibr ium Mode ls for Planning and De c ision Making” (2016) Unive rsida d Auto no ma Me tro po lita na (UAM), I NE GI . Pro g ra ma Unive rsita rio de E studio s de l De sa rro llo UNAM. http:/ / ta.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2016/ c o ntabilidad/ 21 .- I nte rna tio na l Se mina r: “Inc ome Distr ibution and Ine quality (2016) Unive rsity Pro g ra m fo r De ve lo pme nt Studie s Me asur e me nt” (UNAM), I NE GI . http:/ / ta.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2016/ de sigualdad/ 22.- Se mina r: “Old-ne w pe r spe c tive s on de ve lopme nt? T he inte r national age nda and the SDGs” (2016) E l Co le g io de Mé xic o . http:/ / ta.ine gi.o e ve nto s/ 2016/ de sarro llo /

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