ne new o orleans ns oct 29 29 2015 2015

Ne New O Orleans ns Oct 29, 29, 2015 2015 Presen sented b - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Underst anding S ensory Processing as Part of UDL Ne New O Orleans ns Oct 29, 29, 2015 2015 Presen sented b by: Ceci cilia C Cruse se, MS, S, O OTR/L The organization of sensation for use Visual, tactile, auditory,

  1. Underst anding S ensory Processing as Part of UDL Ne New O Orleans ns Oct 29, 29, 2015 2015 Presen sented b by: Ceci cilia C Cruse se, MS, S, O OTR/L

  2.  The organization of sensation for use  Visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory& gustatory  The hidden senses: Vestibular, proprioceptive  Adaptive response.

  3. Visual System:  Acuity  Visual perception Auditory System:  Acuity  Auditory perception Most commonly used systems for teaching yet only 40% students are visual learners and only 12% are auditory learners.

  4. Tactile System:  Light touch, pressure, vibration, temperature and pain  Types of touch:  protective  Discriminative  Body awareness and motor planning

  5. Vestibular System:  Movement, gravity and changing head position  Impacts:  vision, posture, balance, movement and helps regulate behavior  Receptors in semicircular canal in ears

  6. Proprioceptive System:  Information from the muscles and joints  Awareness of body position  Receptors located in muscles, tendons, joints and deep in the skin  Helps create a body scheme  Certain types of proprioceptive input help regulate alert state

  7.  The inability to modulate, discriminate, coordinate or organize sensations adaptively.  Life becomes a rush hour traffic jam!  5-15% of school age children(UCSF July 2013)  DSM V (May 2013) includes some characteristics of children with SPD but only as it relates to revised definition of autism

  8. http:/ / 21st+Century+Pedagogy I would add Sensory Processing as well when planning 21 st Icentury classroom design. As an OT , I would add S ensory Processing as well!

  9. All Types of Sensory Input is Needed to Support Attention, Learning and Behavior Use sensory strategies to enhance learning and to meet student’s sensory needs.

  10.  Attention Span  Movement Input  Fidgets  Quiet Regrouping  Staying on Time/Space Task  Oral Motor Tools  Heavy Work Input  Preventing  Transition Meltdowns Strategies  Alt. Positioning

  11.  Vestibular System

  12.  Cycling (Movement) helps with Brain Function.  S hown: KidsFit Pedal Desk   “ Cycling anchors learning when more of the senses are involved to increase the executive function of the frontal lobe.” The frontal lobe is like the CEO of the brain. “  - Lowell Lease, KidsFit

  13. Prefrontal Cortex =Executive Function or CEO  Emotional Responses  Attention/ Maintaining Focus  Behavior & Judgement  Planning & Organization  Initiate or Delay Response  Consequence Evaluation  Learning from Mistakes Dysfunction in these areas can lead to disruption in the organization and control of behavior Cerebellum also helps process vestibular input to help with posture, balance coordination, speech and vision

  14.  Exercise Is ADHD Medication  Physical movement improves ment al focus, memory, and cognit ive flexibilit y; new research shows j ust how crit ical it is t o academic performance.  ht t p:/ / www.t heatlant ic .com/ healt h/ archive/ 20 14/ 09/ exercise-seems- t o-be-beneficial-t o- children/ 380844/

  15. NeoMove

  16.  Proprioceptive Input  S patial Boundaries Defined  Womb S pace  Cave S pace  Allows for regrouping  When used as part of a good sensory diet in the classroom it can help prevent meltdowns

  17.  Proprioceptive Input  Joint Compression  Deep Touch Pressure Occupational Therapist & Neurobiologist Kim Barthel http:/ /  Self Regulation

  18.  Weighted Lap Pads  Weighted Vests  Weighted Dress Up Clothing

  19.  Proprioceptive SqUoosh Input Chair  Helps Define Spatial Boundaries PeaPod

  20.  Dream Chair  Fluff Chair  Soft Seating  Ethos Chair

  21.  Multisensory Environment  MSE, MSR,  Sensory Rooms  Snoezelen

  22.  Controlled environment to promote calming, controlled sensory input (visual, auditory, olfactory, vestibular, proprioceptive)  Demand growing 15% in last 5 years  Roughly 2,000 MSE’s now in USA. Used in Europe for much longer.  Increase in use with ASD but also EBD issues, and even geriatrics with Alzheimer's/Dementia etc.  Also opportunities for cognitive skills/cause/effect  Becoming part of inclusion for multisensory approach to learning

  23. The McNamara Boeing 787: Tunnel: Dreamliner Detroit Airport Hotel/ Office Lobbies Photo: Midwest Tropical

  24.  Biehl, Lindsey & Peske, Nancy. Raising A Sensory Smart Child. New York: Penguin Books 2009.  Cruse, Cecilia. “ Sensory Solutions in the Classroom”: SEEN Magazine, Winter 2014 p. 45-46  Henry, Diana, MS, OTR/L. SI Toolkit:  Isbell, Christie & Isbell, Rebecca. Sensory Integration: A Guide for Pre-School Teachers. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House 2007.  Jensen, Eric. Environments for Learning. San Diego: The Brain Store, 2003.  MSE: American Assoc of MSE:   Schiller, Pam. Start Smart! Building Brain Power in the Early Years. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House, 2012  Schneider, Catherine Chemin, OTR: Sensory Secrets. Siloam Springs, AR:Concerned Communications, 2001  Products:

  25. “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.” - Beverly Sills


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