mr adriano perusin

Mr. Adriano Perusin Principal Ms. Antonia Montanari IB Coordinator - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School Mr. Adriano Perusin Principal Ms. Antonia Montanari IB Coordinator & Vice Principal Ms. Toni Pinelli Superintendent of Education responsible for STA Family of Schools and STA IB Diploma

  1. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School Mr. Adriano Perusin Principal Ms. Antonia Montanari IB Coordinator & Vice Principal Ms. Toni Pinelli Superintendent of Education – responsible for STA Family of Schools and STA IB Diploma Programme 1

  2. Presentation Agenda • Opening Prayer Adrianna Rerecich, Chaplain • Welcome and Opening Remarks Adriano Perusin, Principal • STA IB Diploma Programme Antonia Montanari, IB Coordinator & VP • The IB Programme • Benefits of the IB Programme • Elements of the IB Programme & Alignment with Ontario Curriculum ( Sample Timetable) • Student Voice Student Representatives • Post-Secondary Transitions • Pre-IB Application Process • Transportation • Questions and Answers • Graduate and Parent Testimonial • School Tours 2

  3. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School OUR SCHOOL ❑ Catholic School ❑ Academic Excellence ❑ Pathways Planning and Support ❑ Student Leadership Development ❑ Parent Engagement ❑ Co-Curricular Teams and Clubs 3

  4. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School 4

  5. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School IB Diploma Programme 5

  6. IB: An Education for Life Founded in 1968 for internationally mobile students ❑ Focus on the whole person ❑ International perspective ❑ Responsible citizenship ❑ Critical and compassionate thinkers ❑ Informed participants in local and international affairs ❑ Respectful of other cultures and attitudes 6

  7. International Baccalaureate Community ❑ Over 5,177 schools, 6,425 programmes ❑ Over 1,250,000 students ❑ In 150 countries (185 schools in Canada offering Diploma Programme) ❑ Integration with Grade 11 and 12 Ontario Curriculum and Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations ❑ STA is one of 89 Diploma Programme Schools in Ontario 7

  8. STA IB Community ❑ STA received accreditation to offer the IB Diploma Programme to grade 11 and 12 students in March 2012. ❑ In 2018/2019 St. Thomas Aquinas’ IB Programme underwent its first audit conducted by the IB World Schools Department. ❑ The IB Programme at St. Thomas Aquinas was congratulated on a strong programme implementation. ❑ The IB Diploma programme was found to be in conformance with IB Programme standards and practices. 8

  9. Benefits of the program ❑ IB is a programme with ADDED VALUE! ❑ Potential for Advanced standing in some first-year University courses ❑ IB internal and external assessments determine grades ❑ Measured against worldwide standards ❑ Opportunities to study abroad ❑ Clustered classroom settings ❑ Students earn an IB Diploma and an Ontario Diploma (OSSD) 9

  10. IB Learner Profile ▪ Inquirers ▪ Knowledgeable ▪ Thinkers ▪ Communicators ▪ Risk Takers ▪ Principled ▪ Caring ▪ Open-minded ▪ Well-balanced ▪ Reflective 10

  11. What does IB offer the student? ❑ High academic standards – expanded learning beyond academic study ❑ Prepares for the rigors of post-secondary education ❑ Educates the whole person ❑ Students appreciate cultures and attitudes other than their own and to be informed, tolerant and be willing to engage with diverse groups ❑ Take ownership for your own learning ❑ The IB diploma is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. 11

  12. Sample Pre-IB Timetable Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade10 Grade 10 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Pre – IB English Pre – IB Pre – IB English Pre- IB French Mathematics Pre – IB Pre – IB Pre – IB Pre- IB French Mathematics Mathematics Science Grade 11 Pre – IB History Pre – IB Science Pre – IB Religion Geography Religion Arts/Tech/ Music/Drama/ Phys. Ed. Physed/ Visual Art Business/ Civics & Careers** **Careers/Civics** (Summer school or on-line as possible option) Our Programme is a Four Year Commitment 12

  13. IB Course Offerings Grades 11 and 12 ❑ Group 1 – Language & Literature (English) ❑ Group 2 – Second Language (French) ❑ Group 3 – Individuals and Society (History, Economics) ❑ Group 4 – Experimental Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) ❑ Group 5 – Mathematics ❑ Group 6 – The Arts (Drama) 13

  14. Central Elements of the IB Diploma Extended Essay (EE) – Grade 11 & 12 Requirement Up to 4,000 word investigation of a topic of special interest outside of the regular curriculum which acquaints diploma candidates with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected by universities. Theory of Knowledge (ToK) – Grade 11 & 12 Requirement Challenges students to question the basis of knowledge, to develop the ability to analyze evidence and to appreciate other cultural perspectives. Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) – Grade 11 & 12 Requirement Continuous community involvement demonstrating reflective/experiential learning completed in grades 11 and 12. 14

  15. Success Rate for Aquinas Students 2018-2019 Results ❑ French SL: 86% of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ Physics SL: 89% of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ Math SL: 62% of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ English HL: 94% of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ Biology HL: 65% of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ Biology SL: 100 % of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ History HL: 71 % of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ Chemistry HL: 54% of students received a mark between 84%-100% ❑ Chemistry SL: 54% of students received a mark between 84% - 100% 15

  16. STA 2019 Worldwide Comparison SUBJECT STA SCORES WORLDWIDE SCORES ENGLISH A: Lang & Lit HL 5.67 4.96 FRENCH B SL 5.47 5.03 HISTORY HL 5.12 4.77 PHYSICS SL 6.06 4.03 MATH SL 5.02 4.18 BIOLOGY SL 5.71 4.17 BIOLOGY HL 5.00 4.33 CHEMISTRY SL 4.75 4.00 Chemistry HL 4.72 4.50 16

  17. STA’s Top IB Student Class of 2019 ❑ AnnaMaria Zubieta: 2018-2019 Top IB Graduate ❑ High Diploma Score of 43 out of 45 ❑ Extra Curricular – Prefects, RAM Mentors, Voyage Science, Social Justice Club, Video Game Design Club, L2L Tutoring, French Club, Physics Club and Sustainable Garden Initiative 17

  18. Student Voice – Niya Jowahir, Grade 12 Curriculum Making friends and Extension: connections with promotes self- teachers learning High School IB Diploma Programme Preparation for Develop work ethic university, in both and leadership content and skills learning style 18

  19. Student Voice – Sheil Patel, Grade 11 Curriculum Making friends and Extension: connections with promotes self- teachers learning High School IB Diploma Programme Preparation for Develop work ethic university, in both and leadership content and skills learning style 19

  20. Ontario Post Secondary Destinations for STA IB Students 2019 ❑ Waterloo University – Biomedical Engineering, Architectural Engineering ❑ Western University – Medical Science, Economics, Biomedical Life Sciences, Health Science, Criminology, Mechatronics Engineering ❑ McGill University – Biological Science, Biomedical Science, Life Science, Computer Engineering ❑ University of Toronto – Social Science, Materials Engineering, Life Science ❑ McMaster University – Integrated Business and Humanities, Life Science, Health Science 20

  21. International Post Secondary Destinations for STA IB Students 2019 ❑ Bader International Study Centre in England – Global Development Studies ❑ Brown University (Providence Rhode Island) – Liberal Medical Education ❑ St. George University – 6 year MD Program ❑ University of Queensland Australia – 5 year entry dentistry program ❑ Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland) – 6 year Medicine Program ❑ University College Dublin – 6 year Medicine Program ❑ Fairfield University (Connecticut) – International Studies 21

  22. Scholarship Awards - 2019 ❑ Western University – Mechatronics Engineering Received Admission scholarship of $10,000 ($2,500 for 4 years) ❑ McGill University - Biological, Biomedical and Life Sciences James McGill Scholarship ($5,000) and the Josef & Jochem Entrance Scholarship ($5000) ❑ University of Toronto – S ocial Science program Received entrance scholarship ($3000) and designated a U of T scholar ($7500) 22

  23. Post Secondary Destinations for STA IB Students 2019 ❑ McGill University – Bachelor of Computer Engineering Received McGill scholarship of $3,000.00 ❑ Western – D uel Major for Economics and criminology under the social sci faculty Received The Western Scholarship of Excellence $2000 ❑ Waterloo University - CAP/Honours Science Received President’s Scholarship of $2000 23

  24. Quotes from IB Students in 1 st Year University AnnaMaria Zubieta – McGill University “ T he things that I learned academically during the past two years have been really important to my university studies and my future career path, I would argue that it’s the learning skills that IB has taught me that have been the most critical to my success. Things like being brave in the face of challenges, being responsible, thinking critically. In fact, there’s a whole IB learner profile with 8 different characteristics that every perfect IB student should have. And I think this is what makes IB so great; it’s a program that doesn’t just stuff you with tons and tons of knowledge, but instead it focuses on shaping you as a person and as a student, which has made so many aspects of my life better, including my time at university.” 24


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