in the 70 s i became a history teacher it was a time of a

In the 70s, I became a history teacher. It was a time of a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In the 70s, I became a history teacher. It was a time of a dictatorial goverment in my country. I was part of a young political movement. We were fighting for democracy and justice to transform our society. We were influenced by 3 big

  1. In the 70’s, I became a history teacher. It was a time of a dictatorial goverment in my country. I was part of a young political movement. We were fighting for democracy and justice to transform our society.

  2. We were influenced by 3 big movements: 1. An Educational Movement with Paulo Freire (Education is for Transformation) 2. The Liberation Theology (God is in the Earth and with poor people) 3. Young Political Parties of Latin America. All engaged with changing our society

  3. In the 80’s, Peru suffered political violence from the state and also from a terrorist party. My institution, an NGO (TAREA), decided to work in Ayacucho (the core of that violence party). It is a region located in the mountains and with colleagues we were working on a human and a democratic education perspective for peace and democracy (10 years)

  4. T o expand a transformative education linking with social, political cultural changes, we need to work with networks. I belong to the Popular Educational Council of Latin America and the Caribean, working in 21 countries, and also part of ICAE. I am an Honorary President, but I was the General Secretary for 8 years. I am now coordinating a group following CONFITEA’s goals. ICAE CEAAL

  5. While poverty, injustice, dicrimination, violence, antidemocratic systems, and exclusion exist, the popular educational momevement will stay walking with the people. To dream and make possible another world, with love, tenderness and justice - working in different spaces.

  6. My strong and lovely Peruvian family. We support each other with tenderness, hope and love.

  7. What it means? Education for Development as • To be in touch with the context Citizenship • To participate actively • To be in favor of emancipation and justice • To be conscious that we are subjects with rights and duties • Belonging to a specific culture with relationships based on solidarity • To be in favor of inclusion and social, economic and political justice • Taking care of each other and our mother earth, with love

  8. "It would be even more emphatic if we said: literacy as a means of preparation for citizenship or literacy as a trainer for citizenship". Paulo Freire’s Education and Citizenship Literacy and Citizenship

  9. • Profoundly heterogeneous Citizenship in Touch • Rich in linguistic, cultural, ethnic and with the Reality of geographical diversity Latin America • Indigenous, Afro descendent and mixed race population • Most unequal region in the world – largest difference between rich and poor • Unemployment, migration, corruption, violence • Disparities between men and women

  10. Strong philosophy called Good Living (Buen Vivir) • The human being as part of the natural and social environment as central to Citizenship in Touch this world vision with the Reality of Latin America

  11. • Permanent struggle for justice and democracy • Active networks and social movements Citizenship in Touch with the Reality of Latin America

  12. Suwon 2017 "CONFINTEA VI Mid- term Review” CEAAL was in charge of the Latin America report covering the achievements, critical issues and Some Experiences: successful experiences and proposing Incidence in Political Change for Young People a set of recommendations that could and Adults/ UIL UNESCO contribute to raising an agenda of priorities for youth and adult education.

  13. Ethical vision: We do not accept the The Core of context of crisis nor the violation of the Popular Education rights of millions of persons – in particular, women, children, indigenous people, youth and adults. Paulo Freire calls us to opt for the pedagogy of hope, because changes are possible, if we are organized.

  14. Political Vision: (Includes two aspects) The Core of 1. Empowerment of social actors Popular Education (participate, learn, work, innovate, produce and organize) to demand and exercise their full rights. 2. Involves the development of policies (economic, social, cultural, environment) to ensure rights for everyone, especially the right to education (Katerina Tomaseski).

  15. Pedagogical Vision: Based on the concept that we all educate each other: The Core of • Assume a pedagogy of dialogue; Popular Education • Need to start from the experience of learners, developed critical and independent opinion with respect to age, gender, culture and social status; • Paulo Freire argued that emancipatory education is about understanding and writing personal and collective history and respecting diversity and dignity.

  16. • Freire said, “Citizenship does not come by Popular Education chance: it is a never-ending construction, which and Global requires fighting for”. Citizenship Popular Education • Commitment, political clarity, consistency, and Global decision. Citizenship • Democratic education cannot be performed outside education of and for citizenship.

  17. • Promotes a kind of critical inclusive citizenship, • Open to dialogue Popular Education • Advocates for human rights not as legal formulation, and Global Citizenship but as humanization horizon for people, groups, populations and the planet. • Feeling the complexity of today’s world of globalization, • The importance of interconnection, feeling the injustices the North inflicts on the South, engaging in the construction of a more equitable and sustainable world.

  18. During the debate on the 2030 Agenda. Some Experiences: Rio +20 Social Forum “The Education We Need Two ideas: for the World We Want” • Developing linking with justice and social change, not CEAAL, CLADE, ICAE, centered on consumerism and killing our planet GCME. • Centered in the right to education as a substantive component of human and sustainable development That was not in the beginning of the Agenda.

  19. Our approach for education: • Holistic, interdisciplinary and include the four pillars of sustainable development (economic, social, environmental and cultural). • For the empowerment of citizens in order to change the patterns of production, consumption and distribution of the Some Experiences: current development model. Rio +20 Social Forum • Decent employment/peace. “The Education We Need for the World We Want” CEAAL, • Oriented to citizen mobilization and the construction of CLADE, ICAE, GCME. alternative social development and environmental justice.

  20. Strategy /Movilization • A collective debate with many networks to reach an alternative position • Participation in different popular forums such as Rio +20 and at national levels • Participation in Latin America in the regional prepartion of the 2030 Agenda Debate /CEPAL Some Experiences: “The Education We Need for the • Sending a letter to Ban Ki-moon with our position World We Want” CEAAL, CLADE, • Participation in groups in New York ICAE, GCME. • UNESCO/ Discussing the education view

  21. CONFINTEA VI First report: “At a slow pace” / 2013 revealing slow and limited progress in the region, including poor development in governance, financing, participation, Some Experiences: inclusion and equity. Demonstrates a Incidence in Political lack of interest in prioritizing the Change for Young People and Adults/ UIL UNESCO commitment to youth and adult education.

  22. Strategy • A collective debate in the countries • Elaborating a first document which was then debated in some LAC countries, with teachers, and also educational authorities, to collect their view • Debates with UIL Hamburg Some Experiences: • Presenting the report at Suwon Incidence in Political • After Suwon, meetings in several countries with authorities to Change for Young make incidence with the ALE Agenda People and Adults/ UIL • Presentation at the meeting of ministers of education in Bolivia UNESCO in June and in September at the Ibero-American meeting on education

  23. Experience: Program to promote student’s leaders in Ayacucho region. To face the problem of political violence Based on: Children’s Right Convention: PARTICIPATION - A child as a social actor The Ministry of Education have implemented norms, promoting students organizations Aspects • Is organized in each school. • Each class appoints 4 delegates who elaborate with the students the work plan. • The plan arises from the needs of the students, • Culture, sports, support to the community, environment, sexuality, community work. • For each theme they organize small committees, everybody has to participate • Duration 1 year, are elected by assemblies. • Annually have regional, local meetings, to evaluate how they are working. • Some of them are very well known. They are called to form part of civil society organizations, to address the issue of citizenship, violence, etc. • This organization began in the capital of Ayacucho, but know they are in 6 parts of the regions. • Also a program for teacher

  24. Leaders Assembly in Ayacucho

  25. Peruvian Experiences Experience Aspects Popular Education Diploma Themes • The history of Popular Education • Popular education and methodology Improving by CEAAL and a • Practice/Theory/practice Peruvian University • Popular education practices • Political Incidence • Our Popular Education Plan During one year • We organize seminars to share experiences • To promote a movement of popular educators linking with citizenship


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