accommodations for

Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Residents in Long Term Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Residents in Long Term Care Tony ony D Davis is, , MSW SW, , Har Hard d of of H Hear earing ing Ser Service ices Coor oordin dinator or N.C N.C. . Divis Division ion of of Se Servic

  1. Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Residents in Long Term Care Tony ony D Davis is, , MSW SW, , Har Hard d of of H Hear earing ing Ser Service ices Coor oordin dinator or N.C N.C. . Divis Division ion of of Se Servic vices es for the or the Dea Deaf an and t d the he Ha Hard d of of He Hearin aring July, 2019 NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 1

  2. Hearing Aids NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 2

  3. Hearing Aids Bene Benefits of fits of using he using hear aring ing aids aids in in long-te long term car m care e set setting tings Reside esident nt a able ble to to mor more full e fully y • par participa ticipate te in: in: - Activi Act ivities ties - Mealt Mealtime ime group con oup conver ersa sations tions - Car Care planning meetings e planning meetings - Daily Dail y inter interactions actions wi with s th staf taff and and other other residen esidents ts - Doct Doctor or and nur and nurse se vis visits its Unt Untrea eate ted d he hear aring ing loss loss lead leads s • to to - Inc Increased r eased risk isk of of Demen Dementia tia • Fal alls s • Isola solation tion and and dep depress ession on • NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 3

  4. Funding Hearing Aids Med Medica icare • - Par art t A A and B: No co and B: No cover erage ge Med Medica icare Su e Supp pplem lemen enta tal l Plan Plans s • - i.e. Unit i.e. United Health ed Health Car Care Plan NC e Plan NC Medica Med icaid id • - Adult Adults: s: no co no cover erage ge in Nor in North C th Car arolina olina - Twenty enty-Fiv Five e st states tes co cover er one or t one or two hearing aids o hearing aids On One st state covers for nu nursing ing home me r reside idents • Priva Private te Ins Insur uran ance ce Comp Compan anies ies • - May May contr contribute ibute to towar ards ds tot total cost al costs s e.g. $500 e.g. $500-$1, $1,000 000 - May May giv give allo e allowance to pur ance to purchase hase hearing aids hearing aids - Of Offer dis er discounts counts to to specific pr specific provider viders s e.g. 30 per e.g. 30 percent cent of off Veteran’s Administration • - Co Cover ers s hea hearing aid ring aids and a s and acce ccess ssories ories Veterans Be Benefi fits Ad Admi minist istration ion ( (based on percent of • disa isabil ility ity) Veterans He Health lth Ad Admi minist istration ion (Hea (Health lth Car Care) • Healthcare and hearing Aids Presentation, Coleman June 2019, Navigating the VA’s Hearing Services Presentation, Ingrao, June 2019 NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 4

  5. Funding Hearing Aids • Nor North th Car Carolina olina Sta Statewid tewide R e Res esou ource ces s - Equipmen Equipment D t Dist istribut ribution ion Ser Services vices Pr Prog ogram thr am through the ough the Divisi Div ision on of of Ser Services vices for or the the Deaf Deaf and Har and Hard d of of Heari Hearing ng Provide Pr ides one hearing ing aid id wi with a te telec lecoil il for pe people le to • comm mmunica icate on th the telep lephone Se Serves those that mee meet sp specif ific ic audiol iologica ical l need and ar are • belo low 2 w 250 pe percent of poverty l line ine - NC Independent Living NC Independent Living Pr Prog ogram am - Charlott Char lotte e Speec Speech and Hearing C h and Hearing Center enter (discounted (discounted hearing aids hearing aids) - Easter Easter Seals NC Seals NC - Self Help Cr Self Help Credit U edit Union ass nion assist istiv ive e tec technolog hnology l y loan oan Pot oten ential Bar tial Barrier riers • - A per A person son wi will ll not financiall not financially qualify f y qualify for as or assis sistance tance - A per A person son wi will ll not kno not know w about t bout these r hese resour esources ces availa vailable ble NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 5

  6. Funding Hearing Aids Some Na Some Nation tional al Reso esour urce ces s • - AARP: : of offer ers s disc discou ounts nts on on ce certain tain he hearing aring aids aids an and d accessories accessor es - Aud udient: ient: Provide vides s he hearing aring aids aids at t pa partial tial co cost st to to lo low w income inco me America mericans ns - Na Nationa tional l Hearing Hearing Aid Pr id Projec oject t - Gi Gift ft of of H Hea earing ring Fou ound ndation tion - Star tarkey ey Hearing Hearing Aid F id Fou ound ndation: tion: Hear Hear No Now w Prog ogram am - Fou ound ndation tion for or Sight ight & & Sou ound nd: : Help Help America merica Hear Hear - Hearing earing Chariti harities es of of A Ameri merica ca - Mir Mirac acle le-Ear ar Fou ound ndation tion - Lions Lion s Club lub inter interna nationa tional l Poten otential tial Bar Barrier riers • - A per A person son wi will ll not financiall not financially qualify f y qualify for as or assis sistance tance - A per A person son wi will ll not kno not know w about t bout the r he resour esources ces availa vailable ble Healthcare and Hearing Aids Presentation Coleman, June 2019 NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 6

  7. Recommendations to Consider Related to Hearing Aids Whe hen n ad adult ults with s with he hear aring ing loss loss ca cann nnot ot af affor ord d • hear he aring ing aid aids o s on t n the heir o ir own wn Medicaid Med icaid • Bo Both Di Direct Me Medica icaid id and Ma Managed Ca Care: : • DHB or PHP’s purchase binaural hearing aids every four years for • recipients ts wi with th hearing ring loss ss regardless ss of age if me medically y necessa ssary Purchase se drying ying/sto storage syste system m for r hearing ring aids s th that t wi will • prolong th the life of a hearing ring aid and provide vide a sa safe and identifi tifiable sto storage syste system m Acc cces ess s to: to: • Na Naviga igators th that t can can ass assist st th those ose in n long ong te term m car care e set settings tings • wit with a applying ing for he hearing ing aids ids f from v m variou ious resources So Social ial workers f for bo both hospita ital l systems ms an and lon long te term m care • facil ilities ities Provide vide NC NC and nation tional hearing ring aid bank reso sources s th that ar t are • continu tinuousl sly y kept up t up to to date te Assi Assist st reside sidents/ ts/patien tients ts wi with th applying ying for th r the DS DSDHH DHH EDS DS • program m and or ot r other r hearing ring aid reso sources s Training aining for or long long-ter term m car care e staf staff on hearing on hearing aid aid car care e i. i.e. e. • clean leaning, ing, sto storage ge, , tes testing ting an and c d cha hang nging ing ba batteries tteries NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 7

  8. Personal Amplifiers NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 8

  9. Personal Amplifiers A multi-use solution for those who do not use hearing aids and some that do • Use with headphones or earbuds, neckloop • Often rechargeable • Often $100-$200 • Easy to use for most patients • Can use with hearing aids that have t-coil • Can have several sets available for multiple use during activities NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 9

  10. Funding Hearing Personal Amplifiers Medi edicar care e • - No No co cover erage ge Medicaid Medi caid • - No No co cover erage ge - MN N do does co es cover by er by using M using Med edicaid W icaid Waiv aiver ers s (c (con onsi side dered ed a a du durable med ble medical ical supp supply) y) Pr Priv ivate Ins e Insur uranc ance e Comp ompani anies es • - No No co cover erage ge Veteran’s Administration • - Wil ill l co cover er May ay req equir uire r e residen esident t to to self self-advocate te • Equi Equipme pment nt D Dis istribu ibution ion Ser Service ices Pr Prog ogram am thr hroug ough t h the he • Di Divi visi sion on of of Ser Servi vices ces for or the he Deaf Deaf and H and Har ard d of of Hear Hearing ing - Can an cho hoose ose amp ampli lifier fier instead instead of of he hearing aring aid aid or or amp ampli lified fied ph phon one e Acce ccessibi ibili lity: : Shoul Should d ha have s e sever eral on ha al on hand nd at ea each l h long ong • ter erm m car care s e set etting ing Depe ependi nding ng on on br brand and, , can can us use w e wit ith h ind induct uctiv ive e loo loop s p system em • NCDHHS, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 10


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