presentation accommodations

Presentation Accommodations The educator identi fi es presentation - PDF document

Presentation Accommodations The educator identi fi es presentation accommodations for a student with a disability based on his or her individual learning strengths and needs. Key Method The educator uses a set of guiding questions to identify

  1. Presentation Accommodations The educator identi fi es presentation accommodations for a student with a disability based on his or her individual learning strengths and needs. Key Method The educator uses a set of guiding questions to identify presentation accommodations for a student with a disability based on his or her individual learning strengths and needs. The educator then uses this information to inform his or her instructional plans. Method Components This micro-credential, one of four in the Accommodations stack, addresses instructional and testing accommodations. It will focus on presentation accommodations. Educators should understand that students with disabilities often encounter barriers when they access the general education curriculum. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) require that educators provide appropriate accommodations to students with disabilities to address these barriers. Careful consideration of a student ’ s strengths and needs can help guide the identi fi cation and selection of instructional and testing accommodations. What is an accommodation? An accommodation is a change to instructional or testing procedures or materials that allows a student to fully access the information and to accurately demonstrate knowledge. It does not change the expectations of learning or the requirements of the task. Types of Accommodations Accommodations are typically divided into four categories: Presentation accommodations Response accommodations Setting accommodations Timing and scheduling accommodations How can educators identify and select accommodations to address the needs of individual students? Using a set of guiding questions, the teacher will identify presentation accommodations for a student with a disability based on his or her individual strengths and needs. The teacher will then use this information to inform their instruction. Finally, the teacher and student will re fl ect on the e ff ectiveness of the accommodation(s). Supporting Research

  2. Thompson, S. J., Morse, A. B., Sharpe, M., & Hall, S. (2005). Accommodations manual: How to select, administer, and evaluate use of accommodations for instruction and assessment of students with disabilities. Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School O ffi cers. Retrieved from fi les/AccommodationsManual.pdf Beech, M. (2010). Accommodations: Assisting students with disabilities, 3rd Ed. Tallahassee, FL: Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, Florida Department of Education. Retrieved from http://www. fl fi leparse.php/7690/urlt/0070069-accomm-educator.pdf Cortiella, C. (2005). No Child Left Behind: Determining appropriate assessment accommodations for students with disabilities. Retrieved from Resources Understanding Accommodations This resource describes adaptations and the di ff erences between accommodations and modi fi cations. Types of Accommodations This resource describes and provides examples of instructional and testing accommodations. Presentation Accommodations This resource describes and provides examples of presentation accommodations. Tips for Providing Accommodations This resource describes ways to maximize students ’ success with accommodations. Examples of Presentation Accommodations accommodations_pres_ex.pdf This table suggests accommodations to address a variety of presentation barriers. IRIS Presentation Accommodations Worksheet accommodations_pres_ws.pdf This worksheet will help guide educators through the process of identifying and selecting accommodations to address the needs of an individual student. Submission Guidelines & Evaluation Criteria A description of each item and the criteria by which they will be evaluated are below. To earn the micro- credential, you must receive a "passing" evaluation for Parts 1, 3, and 4, and a "Yes" for Part 2. Part 1. Overview Questions (200-word limit) Identify a student with a disability in your classroom. This would be a student who has di ffi culty in a typical classroom setting accessing information or demonstrating knowledge. For example, a student might have di ffi culty reading the textbook or understanding what he or she read. To preserve the identity of your students, be sure to use fi rst names only or an alias. Describe the student you selected, making sure to include: - A description of the student (i.e., age, gender, fi rst language) - A description of the student's disability category - Student strengths (include a minimum of three) - What the student is having di ffi culty with (e.g., skills, content areas) Passing: The response describes the student and includes his or her age, gender, and fi rst language; describes the student ’ s disability category; lists at least three student strengths; and speci fi es the skills and/or content areas the student is having di ffi culty with.

  3. Part 2. Work Examples / Artifacts Use the Presentations Accommodations Worksheet in the Resources section to choose a setting accommodation that addresses the student's needs. Describe your reasons for choosing the accommodation. To earn this micro-credential, please submit the following: The completed Presentation Accommodations Worksheet (found in the Resources section) Use the worksheet to choose an accommodation to implement with the student. Identify the accommodation you selected and describe in detail: Why you chose the accommodation. - The student di ffi culty or barrier the accommodation will address. - When this accommodation will be implemented (e.g., in what subject or class; during whole- group, small-group, or individual instruction). - The types of student outcomes you expect to see after implementing the accommodation. - How you will determine whether the accommodation was e ff ective (hint: how you will measure the change in the student ’ s performance). It is recommended that you implement the accommodation and collect data over 4 – 6 sessions (e.g., class periods, lessons) "Yes" "Not Yet" Accommodation Rationale The reasons given are clear The reasons given are not and align with the information clear and/ or do not align with on the worksheet the information on the worksheet. Barrier Description The di ffi culty or barrier is The di ffi culty or barrier is not clearly described and is one clearly described and/or is not that would require a one that would require a presentation accommodation presentation accommodation. (vs. another kind of accommodation) Context or Setting The context or setting in The context and/or setting in Description which the accommodation which the accommodation will be implemented is clearly will be implemented is unclear described. or is not appropriate. Expected Outcomes The student outcomes re fl ect The student outcomes are realistic expectations and are unrealistic and/or are not measureable. measureable. Measurement of E ff ectiveness The measurement method The measurement method described is one that will described is subjective and/or objectively demonstrate is inappropriate. improved performance. Part 3. Student Re fl ection (300-word limit)


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