heather place update

Heather Place Update Mike Ducey Greg Smith DIVISION MANAGER, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Heather Place Update Mike Ducey Greg Smith DIVISION MANAGER, CORPORATE PROJECTS & GENERAL MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES FACILITIES, CORPORATE SERVICES Metro Vancouver Housing Committee Meeting March 8, 2017 20831664 Existing Units 2

  1. Heather Place Update Mike Ducey Greg Smith DIVISION MANAGER, CORPORATE PROJECTS & GENERAL MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES FACILITIES, CORPORATE SERVICES Metro Vancouver Housing Committee Meeting – March 8, 2017 20831664

  2. Existing Units 2

  3. Proposed Development 3

  4. Deconstruction 4

  5. Deconstruction Time Line Demolition RFP Issued Feb 6 CoV approves development permit Feb 14 Demolition RFP closes Feb 28 Project Budget independently reviewed March 8 Demolition RFP Awarded Early March Demolition Mobilization and setup April Demolition to begin May 5

  6. Public Communications and Engagement 6

  7. Engagement Issues Construction will be: • Noisy • Dusty/Dirty • Will impact access • Will impact parking We are developing a communications plan to engage neighbouring residents 7

  8. Tenant Communications • Through the Tenant Association, Heather Place tenants have been notified that construction activities will commence shorty • A neighbourhood communication and engagement strategy is being developed to hear and address concerns. 8

  9. Construction 9

  10. Construction Time Line CoV approves development permit Feb 14 Construction RFQ Issued March 14 Construction RFQ Closes Early April Construction RFP Issued Late April Construction RFP Closes Late May Construction RFP Award Early July Site Prep and Procurement August Construction Begins Early Fall 10

  11. Questions? 11


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