h hiv iving wit l on are n in houst gay me hiv pre ve

H HIV IVING WIT L ON ARE N IN HOUST GAY ME HIV Pre ve ntion in - PDF document

H HIV IVING WIT L ON ARE N IN HOUST GAY ME HIV Pre ve ntion in the Ga y Community So c ia l Ma rke ting Ca mpa ig n Co mmunity Me e ting GL BT Co mmunity Ce nte r 3400 Mo ntro se Blvd., Suite 207 Ho usto n, T X 77006 T hursda


  2. HIV Pre ve ntion in the Ga y Community So c ia l Ma rke ting Ca mpa ig n Co mmunity Me e ting GL BT Co mmunity Ce nte r 3400 Mo ntro se Blvd., Suite 207 Ho usto n, T X 77006 T hursda y, Ma rc h 1, 2007 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

  3. oduc tions We lc ome and Intr

  4. Bac kgr ound • HDHHS Bure a u o f HI V/ ST D Pre ve ntio n – Administra tive Ag e nc y • Distrib ute a ppro xima te ly $3 millio n • F unding fro m City, Sta te , a nd F e de ra l so urc e s – F e w Dire c t Se rvic e s inc luding DI S – F und CBOs to pro vide • Co unse ling , T e sting , a nd Re fe rra l Se rvic e s • He a lth E duc a tio n/ Risk Re duc tio n • So c ia l Ma rke ting • Co mpre he nsive Risk Co unse ling Se rvic e s

  5. Bac kgr ound • Curre nt “HI V…I t’ s Re a l” Ca mpa ig n – L a unc he d Wo rld AI DS Da y 2004 – Pro duc t o f the AA Sta te o f E me rg e nc y T a sk F o rc e – F unde d b y City o f Ho usto n – Me dia inc lude s: • Po ste rs • Billb o a rds • T ra nsit • Ra dio Spo ts • We b site (www.itsre a lho usto n.o rg ) • I nte ra c tive T e xt Me ssa g ing

  6. Me e ting Obje c tive s • I de ntify vo lunte e rs to se rve o n a Co mmunity Adviso ry Gro up (CAG) fo r the e xpa nsio n o f the “HI V…I t’ s Re a l” c a mpa ig n • I de ntify vo lunte e rs to se rve a s c a mpa ig n re pre se nta tive s (mo de ls) • Ra ise c o mmunity a wa re ne ss

  7. e nds r D T e nt HIV/ ST r Cur

  8. T ota l E stima te d AIDS Case s Unite d Sta te s 1 (Re porte d throug h 12/ 05) Alive 425,910 (44.5% ) De a d 530,756 (55.5% ) 956,666 (100% ) T otal 1 U.S. tota ls inc lude da ta from the Unite d Sta te s (50 sta te s a nd the Distric t of Columbia ). All na tiona l informa tion c ome s fr om the HIV/ AIDS Surve illa nc e Re port, Ce nte rs for Dise a se Control a nd Pre ve ntion, De c e mbe r 2005. T o a c c e ss this re port on the inte rne t, g o to http:/ / www.c dc .g ov/ hiv/ sta ts/ ha srlink.htm

  9. T ota l Re por te d HIV/ AIDS Case s T e xa s Ha rris County (Re porte d throug h 12/ 05) (Re por te d thr oug h 12/ 05) 17,049 (56.6% ) Alive 56,012 (61.1% ) Alive De a d 35,699 (38.9% ) De a d 13,083 (43.4% ) 30,132 (100% ) T ota l 91,711 (100% ) T otal NOT E : Har r is County ac c ounts for appr oximate ly 33% of the HIV/ AIDS c ase s in the e ntir e state of T e xas.

  10. How Do We Compar e ? As of De c e mbe r 2005 Ce nte rs for Dise a se Control a nd Pre ve ntion ST AT E CUMUL AT IVE AIDS CASE S • Ne w Yo rk 172,377 (Ra nk 1) • Ca lifo rnia 139,019 (Ra nk 2) • F lo rida 100,809 (Ra nk 3) • T e xas 67,227 (Rank 4) • Ne w Je rse y 48,431 (Ra nk 5)

  11. How Do We Compar e ? As of De c e mbe r 2005 Ce nte rs for Dise a se Control a nd Pre ve ntion CIT Y CUMUL AT IVE AIDS CASE S • Ne w Yo rk City 158,052 (Ra nk 1) • L o s Ang e le s 49,913 (Ra nk 2) • Sa n F ra nc isc o 30,277 (Ra nk 3) • Mia mi 29,092 (Ra nk 4) • Chic a g o 27,544 (Ra nk 5) • Wa shing to n, D.C. 27,475 (Ra nk 6) • Ho usto n 24,915 (Rank 7) • Atla nta 21,059 (Ra nk 8) • Phila de lphia 21,015 (Ra nk 9)

  12. AIDS Rate s pe r 100,000 Population Re porte d Ja nua ry 2005 throug h De c e mbe r 2005 Ce nte rs for Dise a se Control a nd Pre ve ntion 7.7 1.0 VT 2.1 1.6 1.6 6.0 4.4 NH 2.6 1.7 2.4 2.2 32.7 10.8 MA 1.2 8.1 8.3 RI 3.2 12.1 CT 19.0 3.0 12.3 6.8 NJ 14.7 6.5 2.6 15.1 DE 20.9 7.7 4.1 11.3 3.9 MD 28.5 8.5 6.7 6.2 DC 128.4 10.9 14.1 7.9 10.8 7.1 15.7 8.7 25.7 13.2 11.4 13.6 Rate per 100,000 27.9 21.2 <5 3.9 5 - 11.9 12+ 8.5 PR 26.4 VI 15.6

  13. WHA 2 a nd De a ths AIDS Case s Diagnose d 1 , PL Houston/ Har r is County, T e xas 1981 – 2004 As of F e brua ry 1, 2006 1,600 16,000 Clinical Milestones in the Reported Persons Living with History of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic HIV (non-AIDS) 1,400 14,000 Number of Diagnosed 1 AIDS Cases and Deaths 1987: AZT 1988: PCP prophylaxis 1992: Combination therapy 1,200 12,000 1994: ACTG 076: AZT reduces Number of Reported PLWHA 2 perinatal transmission 1996: HAART Deaths 1,000 10,000 800 8,000 Diagnosed 1 AIDS Cases 600 6,000 Reported Persons Living 400 4,000 with AIDS 200 2,000 0 0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Calendar Year Texas begins reporting CDC AIDS case definition (23 Texas begins AIDS case adult HIV by name. First cases of PCP, KS AIDS case OIs). Texas began reporting of reporting adult HIV reported from NYC, LA reporting definition TDH again HIV infection using anonymous, by UI and pediatric 1 Reported AIDS Cases are graphically represented mandated expanded (CD4 proposes HIV aggregate reporting system. HIV by name. by diagnosis year NOT report year. AIDS enters the by Texas HIV identified as <200, 26 OIs) reporting by nomenclature causative agent name. 2 PLWHA=Persons living with HIV/AIDS First commercial EIA, TDH proposes HIV screening of US blood reporting by name. supply begins

  14. T ota l HIV Ca se s Dia g nose d (Re g a rdle ss of AIDS Sta tus) By Ye a r of Dia g nosis a nd Se x MSM BRG Houston/ Ha rris County a s of F e brua ry 28, 2007 NOT E : MSM inc lude s MSM who a lso inje c t drug s. 1600 1,416 1,410 1,404 1400 1,314 Number of Reported HIV Diagnoses 1,144 1,139 1,135 1200 (Regardless of AIDS Status) 1,065 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 417 432 379 379 326 294 298 282 Female 418 440 460 441 395 367 353 378 Male (Non-MSM) Male (MSM) 581 532 475 590 418 474 493 405

  15. HIV Ca se s Dia g nose d (Re g a rdle ss of AIDS Sta tus) By Ye a r of Dia g nosis a nd Subpopula tions – MSM BRG Only Houston/ Ha rris County a s of F e brua ry 28, 2007 NOT E : MSM inc lude s MSM who a lso inje c t drug s. 700 590 581 600 Number of Reported HIV Diagnoses 532 (Regardless of AIDS Status) 493 474 475 500 418 405 400 300 200 100 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 581 532 475 590 418 474 493 405 MSM Diagnoses 72 65 74 86 69 97 88 106 MSM 13-24 242 203 185 224 150 141 161 146 MSM White 213 193 171 185 140 150 157 152 MSM Black MSM Hispanic 122 134 116 170 122 176 165 102

  16. HIV Ca se s Diagnose d (Re g a rdle ss of AIDS Sta tus) in 2005 MSM Only (All Rac e s/ E thnic itie s) by Zip Code Houston, T e xa s a s of Aug ust 10, 2006

  17. Primary and Secondary (P&S) Syphilis Cases, Houston/Harris Co., 2000-2005 300 256 250 215 195 200 Reported Cases 150 115 98 100 75 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year of Diagnosis

  18. Prima ry & Se c onda ry Syphilis/ HIV Co- infe c tion Houston/ Har r is County 2000- 2005 Prima ry a nd Se c ondar y Syphilis/ HIV Co- % of P&S Case s Syphilis Count* infe c tion Co-infe c te d 2000 71 6 8.5% 2001 95 16 16.8% 2002 115 42 36.5% 2003 195 67 34.4% 2004 206 71 34.5% 2005 261 83 31.8% *E xc lude s Co ng e nita l a nd Ne uro syphilis Sta g e s

  19. Syphilis Cases (All Stages) Among YMSM (13-24 Yrs. of Age), by Race/Ethnicity, Houston/Harris Co., 1999-2005 30 25 20 Reported Cases African American White 15 Hispanic Asian 10 5 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0 0 7 13 17 27 28 African American White 0 0 0 0 8 14 8 5 0 6 9 12 17 15 Hispanic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Asian Year of Diagnosis *Zeros in the table represent cells less than 5 (0-4 cases)

  20. • Pre se nta tio n b y Ste ve n Wa lke r fro m c h mative Re se ar SUMA Pa rtne rs or F

  21. s Que stions and Answe r

  22. Cur r e nt Campaign Goals • I nc re a se c o mmunity a wa re ne ss o f the fo llo wing : – HI V/ ST D te sting lo c a tio ns in the c o mmunity – HI V/ ST D tra nsmissio n issue s a nd me tho ds – Va rio us pre ve ntio n stra te g ie s, i.e . ho w to pro te c t yo urse lf a nd yo ur pa rtne r

  23. Possible Campaign Goals • T o a ddre ss unde rlying issue s in the g a y c o mmunity tha t a ffe c t HI V tra nsmissio n. So me e xa mple s ide ntifie d a t a re c e nt, lo c a l HI V/ ST D c o nfe re nc e (SCAL E ) inc lude : – Se lf E ste e m – I nc a rc e ra tio n/ Re c e ntly Re le a se d – Me nta l He a lth (e .g . g uilt, sha me , e tc .) – Se lf De nia l – F a mily a nd Culture – Re lig io n – L a c k o f Co mmunity • I nc re a se HI V/ ST D te sting in the g a y c o mmunity

  24. Volunte e r Role s and Re sponsibilitie s • Co mmunity Adviso ry Gro up (CAG) Me mb e rs – Atte nd HDHHS F unda me nta ls o f HI V/ ST D Co urse – Atte nd mo nthly me e ting s until c a mpa ig n ha s la unc he d – Pro vide input into a ll a spe c ts o f the c a mpa ig n inc luding : • Me dia de ve lo pme nt • Me ssa g e de ve lo pme nt • Me dia pla c e me nt • Co mmunity inte llig e nc e • Site distrib utio n – Re spo nd to fre q ue nt e ma il tra ffic – Assist with me dia distrib utio n – Spre a d the me ssa g e

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