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~ VPL.0100.0013.2368 VPL.0100.0013.2358_ER3 This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. c: 0 - -c tn '- tn ..... G) ea - tn (.) ::l '- m

  1. ~ VPL.0100.0013.2368 VPL.0100.0013.2358_ER3 This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. c: 0 ·- -c tn '- tn ..... G) ea ·- tn (.) ::l '- m ..... G) (.) tn ·- 0 c: c '- c.. 0 ·- +' 0 - ea ·- '- '- ..c: ea G) c: C) c. ·- 0 G) J: (.) tn UJ u ...J 0 0.. 0 1- u >

  2. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. • VICTORIA POLICE CCP Reference Group Purpose: In recognising the significant organisational/reputational risks in undertaking the investigations into links between corrupti on and organised crime, this reference group will: •Assist and develop options and solutions with the CCP on strategic management issues and risks •Through CCP provide any necessary advice to the Premier and Cabinet •Meet on a continuing but ad hoc basis •Retain the initial membership but may expand to include others as issues and risks emerge VPL.0100.0013.2369 •Not advise on operational issues

  3. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. V I CTORIA POLICE Initially use scenarios to explore and identify issues likely to require advice:- Three scenarios running from present to June 2009 - suggest in discussing each should consider impacUkey issues affecting: •Government •Community •Workforce •Media •TPA VPL.0100.0013.2370

  4. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. VICTORIA POLICE Mar 2007 Jun 2007 Dec 2007 Feb 2008 Scenarios 1 TF established 2 TF established 3 TF established VPL.0100.0013.2371

  5. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. 6 • VICTOR I A POL I CE Mar 2007 Jun 2007 Dec 2007 Feb 2008 Scenarios 1 TF established Investigations progressing (3 allegations) 2 TF established Investigations progressing (3 allegations) 3 TF established Uncontrolled release of information - unconfirmed link between corruption & killings VPL.0100.0013.2372

  6. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. V I CTORIA POL I CE Mar 2007 Jun 2007 Dec 2007 Feb 2008 Scenarios 1 Arrests made in TF established Investigations progressing first investigation. First public knowledge of corruption/killing link 2 Investigations As above TF established progressing 3 TF established Uncontrolled release Investigations failed of information- & compromised. unconfirmed link Increasing pressure between corruption on govt and VP to & killings agree to RC VPL.0100.0013.2373

  7. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. V I CTORIA POLICE Mar 2007 Jun 2007 Dec 2007 Feb 2008 Scenarios 1 TF established Investigations Arrests made in Arrests in second progressing first investigation. I nvesti gatio n. First public knowledge Confirms corrupt/ of corruption/killing killing links link 2 TF established Investigations As above Prosecution progressing progressing 3 TF established Uncontrolled release Investigations failed of information- & compromised. unconfirmed link Increasing pressure ? between corruption on govt and VP to & killings agree to RC VPL.0100.0013.2374

  8. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. VICTORIA POLICE Jun 2008 Dec 2008 Jun 2009 Scenarios 1 Arrests in third investigation Prosecutions in 1 & 2 progressing 2 Second arrests made Prosecution in 1 progressing 3 Royal Commission into VP VPL.0100.0013.2375

  9. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. Jun 2009 • VICTOR I A POLICE Jun 2008 Dec 2008 Scenarios 1 Arrests in third investigation Prosecutions in 1 & 2 progressing 2 Second arrests made Investigation 3 Prosecution in 1 progressing complete with no arrest. Prosecution in 1 going well but in 2 looking bad 3 Royal Commission into VP VPL.0100.0013.2376

  10. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. VICTOR I A POL I CE Jun 2008 Dec 2008 Jun 2009 Scenarios 1 Arrests in third investigation Prosecutions conclude Prosecutions in 1 & 2 Successful in all three progressing matters 2 Second arrests made Investigation 3 Prosecutions conclude Prosecution in 1 progressing complete with no Convictions in 1 arrest. Prosecution Failed in 2 in 1 going well but Public knowledge of in 2 looking bad failed investigation in 3 3 Royal Commission into VP VPL.0100.0013.2377

  11. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. VICTOR I A POL I CE Thursday 1 March 2007 11.30am Level 10 C Conference Room C N·SO·AM·KL·LC·AA·SL ' ' ' ' ' ' By Whom: By When: Issues: asap Recruit Frank Costigan to reference group - CCP Advice to Govt - CCP to seek advice from CCP asap Terry Moran Develop media strategy, including for all identified SL/SO Next meeting contingencies - Nicole McEachnie to be briefed Take seven key issues identified by OPI relating to LC April CC ensuring integrity to CC for consideration Re-examine work done by Alison Creighton looking LC and SL Next meeting at recommendations of previous RC into police and VPL.0100.0013.2378 mapping recommendations against VP

  12. This document has been redacted for Public Interest Immunity claims made by Victoria Police. These claims are not yet resolved. • VICTOR I A POLICE Thursday 1 March 2007 11 .30am Level10 C Conference Room CN· SO·AM·KL·LC·AA·SL ' ' ' ' ' ' Issue s: By Whom: By When: so Develop indicators re consideration of position on Next meeting RC so Develop and run Scenario 4 as suggested by KL Next meeting "pre-emptive killing of 'corrupt' cop to silence them" so Discuss with Jim O'Brien option of using to asap debrief CW because of non-publication orders Need to consider remediation strategy in affected All TBD work areas post arrest VPL.0100.0013.2379


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