dogmersfield parish council


DOGMERSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL DOGMERSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Development Briefing Meeting Agenda 1. How planning works 2. Questions 3. Overview of the SHLAA 4. Questions 5. Fisk Field development scheme 6. Questions 7. The views of Hart


  2. DOGMERSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Development Briefing Meeting Agenda 1. How planning works 2. Questions 3. Overview of the SHLAA 4. Questions 5. Fisk Field development scheme 6. Questions 7. The views of Hart District Council 8. Questions 9. The views of Dogmersfield Parish Council 10. Residents’ perspective 11. Any other business

  3. How should planning work in 2014 • National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) • Presumption in favour of sustainable development. • District Planning Authority produces 15 year Local Plan that identifies the number of houses required to be built and ‘suitable’ locations (including allocations to Parishes) • Local Plan approved by central government. • Planning Approval granted by District Planning Authority for sustainable applications that align with the Local Plan. • All other applications can be rejected and this decision will be supported by central government. • In the absence of a Local Plan all sustainable applications are presumed to be approvable. • Current situation in Hart – No approved Local Plan – No approved housing numbers – No allocations to Parishes such as Dogmersfield

  4. What is Sustainable Development There are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. These dimensions give rise to the need for the planning system to perform a number of roles: ●● an economic role – contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure; ●● a social role – supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being; and ●● an environmental role – contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; and, as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy.

  5. What is the SHLAA? • The primary role of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment is to identify sites put forward by landowners with potential for housing and to assess their housing potential. • The SHLAA is not a policy document but it is an evidence based study which informs the preparation of the Local Plan by identifying sites which could be used for new housing development. • It does not determine whether a site should be allocated for housing or granted planning permission.

  6. SHLAA Sites in Hart District

  7. SHLAA sites in Dogmersfield

  8. SHLAA Sites around Dogmersfield

  9. SHLAA sites within Dogmersfield • SHL15 - Land opposite Church Rise - Not currently developable – 66 houses • SHL54 - Land adjacent to primary school - Not currently developable -10 houses • SHL55 - Land at Church Lane - Not currently developable -15 houses • SHL56 - Land opposite Briar Cottage - Not currently developable - 5 houses • SHL143 - Land on Church Lane - Not currently developable – 5 houses • SHL161 - Fermoy, Farnham Road - Deliverable (with planning permission) • SHL190 - Ormersfield House, Church Lane -Deliverable (with planning permission) • SHL206 - Four Seasons Hotel - Deliverable (with planning permission) • SHL230 - Church Lodge, Church Lane - Deliverable (with planning permission) • SHL332 - Land opposite Old Laundry - Not currently developable - 6 houses • SHL356 - Land opposite The Cottage - Not currently developable – 63 houses • SHL306 - Pilcot Farm, Fleet - Not currently developable – 356 houses

  10. Key points made by Vortal • Planning must be a creative exercise in finding ways to enhance and improve the places in which we live our lives. This should be a collective enterprise. The community should benefit from housing in a way the community feels is most appropriate. • We have suggested additional parking but the community should decide perhaps consideration should be given to highways improvements, or speeds reduction, grit bins or road flood improvements. • Affordable housing has been included but this could be funded in areas you (the community) feel is more appropriate. • Planning in Hart is in a mess as a result of the local plan being rejected. If Parishes put forward development schemes (in the form of a Neighbourhood Plan) they are more likely to get what they want from the planning system. A Neighbourhood Plan would take precedence over any HDC local plan and can be followed up by Community Right to Build Orders. • The layout has not been firmed up and can be adjusted to reflect community requirements and concerns • The proposed scheme will be a self build development which will avoid S106 and CIL contributions

  11. Current Fisk Field scheme

  12. Scheme before meeting with school

  13. Sample Vortal Questionnaire

  14. Sample Vortal Questionnaire

  15. Thames Basin Special Protection Area

  16. Hart District Council Position • Dogmersfield will not be able to put a Neighbourhood Plan in place until the Hart Local Plan has been approved and allocations to the rural areas are finalised. Probably three years time. As Dogmersfield is a relatively small Parish development of a Neighbourhood Plan is not recommended .

  17. Hart District Council Position • The Hart Interim Housing Delivery Strategy identifies that in the absence of a Local Plan there is a cap on the number of houses that can be built within 5 km of the Thames Basin Special Protection Area (SPA). • The cap is 4400 houses and so far 3000 have been built or approved. There are now development proposals for more than 1400 houses in the pipeline and by early spring Hart expect the cap to be reached. • At this point each further development for new dwellings will need to be the subject of an Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Regulations. It might allow some small development but it does have significant implications for larger scale development proposals. • Given the low maturity of the schemes for the Dogmersfield sites the cap is likely to put development on hold until the Local Plan is approved. Once the Local Plan is approved the cap will be lifted and Hart DC will • expect Dogmersfield to accept some development as a contribution to meeting Hart’s housing needs.

  18. Dogmersfield Conservation Area

  19. Dogmersfield Conservation Area • Legal position - In the exercise of planning functions , with respect to any buildings or other land in a conservation area, special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area. • Hart DC position – HDC saved policy requires development to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area • Government position - The National Planning Policy Framework advises that great weight should be given to the conservation of a heritage asset (para.132) and to recognise the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness (para 131).

  20. Dogmersfield Settlement Boundary

  21. Dogmersfield Settlement Boundary Hart Interim Housing Delivery Strategy • In planning for the location of new housing development, the Council will adopt the following principles: • Development will generally be permitted within defined settlement boundaries. Development will generally be permitted outside defined settlement • boundaries provided that it: i) accords with policies relating to the countryside; or ii) is on previously developed land; or iii) is allocated for development. • The coalescence of settlements will be strongly resisted. Development will be permitted which is consistent with the character, • accessibility and provision of infrastructure and services in the area.

  22. Dogmersfield Parish Council Position • We must support Hart and do what we can to ensure their Interim Housing Delivery Strategy becomes a reality and the cap is a positive influence in protecting Dogmersfield from damaging development proposals. • We recognise that over the next 15 years some new housing development in Dogmersfield is inevitable. • Following approval of the Local Plan (in 2015?) we should work with Hart to ensure that any housing allocation to Dogmersfield is fair and in proportion and any new housing is of a design and style that will not destroy the appearance and essential character of the Parish. • We should work on the basis that Dogmersfield is essentially a linear settlement and new housing must only front onto existing roads. There should be no estates. We should maintain an arms length dialogue with developers and • landowners and do nothing to help speed up applications. We must preserve the opportunity to object.


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