company update

COMPANY UPDATE PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. Spirit of Innovation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COMPANY UPDATE PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. Spirit of Innovation DISCLAIMER This presentation may contain forward-looking objectives and statements about WIKAs financial situation, operating results, business activities and expansion

  1. COMPANY UPDATE PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. Spirit of Innovation

  2. DISCLAIMER This presentation may contain forward-looking objectives and statements about WIKA’s financial situation, operating results, business activities and expansion strategy. These objectives and statement are based on assumptions that are dependent upon significant risk and uncertainty factors that may prove to be inexact. The information is valid only at the time of writing and WIKA does not assume any obligation to update or revise the objectives on the basis of new information or future or other events, subject to applicable regulations. Additional information on the factors that could have an impact on WIKA’s financial result is contained in the documents filed by the WIKA Group with the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and available on the WIKA Group’s website at 2 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  3. VISION To be One of The Best Integrated EPC and Investment Company in South East Asia MISSION ๏ Providing Excellent Integrated Products and Services on EPC and Investment for Infrastructure, Building, Energy, Industrial Plant, Industry and Realty & Property ๏ Accomplish Key Stakeholders Expectation ๏ Practicing Business Ethics to Promote Good CoIDRorate Citizen and Company Sustainability ๏ Strategic Overseas Expansion ๏ Implementing Best Practices Integrated Management System 3 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  4. BEST INTEGRATED EPC & ROADMAP TO 2020 : INVESTMENT COMPANY • Golden Step to The Best I n t e g r a t e d E n e r g y , I n d u s t r i a l & I n f r a s t r u c t u r e S o l u t i o n • C o l l a b o r a t e w i t h M N C s l o e x p a n d INTEGRATED EPC & i n t e r n a t i o n a l m a r k e t . • I n t e r n a t i o n a l H u m a n C a p i t a l INVESTMENT COMPANY C u l t u r e • P r o v i d e g u a r a n t e e d p e r f o r m a n c e • T o t a l s o l u t i o n & f i n a n c e a n d v a l u e a d d e d . • K K K S & O v e r s e a s m a r k e t p e n e t r a t i o n • N e t w o r k i n g w i t h T e c h n o l o g y EPC PARENTING l i c e n s o r • CONSOLIDATION I n t e r n a t i o n a l l y r e c o g n i s e d h u m a n c a p i t a l • B u s i n e s s A r c h i t e c t u r e r e v i t a l i t a t i o n • B u s i n e s s p r o c e s s r e - e n g i n e e r i n g & c o n t r o l • I n v e s t m e n t a n d i n t e g r a t i o n • S O E S y n e r g y 2012 2014 2020 4 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  5. BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Public Republic Indonesia 34.95% 65.05% 89.61% 60% 96.05% 99% 80% 90.04% 99% 49% 51% 33% 50% 35% 51% 51% 34% 60% Energy Transportations Infra Renewable Energy Water & Environment 99.5% Toll Roads 0,14% 40% 14% 20% PT AIR MINUM INDONESIA TPPI 2.1% 20% 0,4% 15% 25% 20% Subsidiaries PT Citra Marga Lintas Jabar Investment in Associates 5 Sea Port Railway 15% 60% 38% Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  6. DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS REALTY & INFRASTRUCTURE & ENERGY & INDUSTRY INVESTMENT PROPERTY BUILDING INDUSTRIAL PLANT Precast Concrete : Civil Construction : EPC : Realty & Property : Energy - Precast Concrete - Road and Bridge - Oil and Gas Plant - Landed House Water & Environment Product - Seaport, Jetty - Petrochemical Plant - High-rise (Apartment, - Natural Resources - Dam & Barrage - Cement Plant, Power Plant Condotel, Office Mixed Use) Transportation Management - Mining, Biofuels, Fertiliser - Industrial Estate Building Construction : Infrastructure Industrial Facilities : Operation & - Residential & Commercial Property Management - Steel Fabrication - AiIDRort Maintenance : - Aluminium Casting - Facility - Power Plant - Plastic Injection Steel Construction : - Industrial Equipment Bitumen : - Erection - Granular Asphalt - Equipment Installation - Extraction Asphalt BACKWARD FORWARD WIKA divides its businesses into five segments which are: Infrastructure & Buildings, Energy and Industrial Plant, Realty & Property, Industry and Investment. WIKA’s running its business segments by using forward and backward strategy. Forward is WIKA’s Strategy to obtain all business that can be done in the future. Backward is WIKA’s Strategy to obtain all business or company that supports WIKA’s Key competences. 6 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  7. Progress development Semanggi fly over has reached 92.17 % out of 92 % schedule 7 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  8. MRT elevated section current progress 55.88 % and underground section 87.68 %, expect to be completed by 8 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation 2018

  9. Progress of Velodrome has reached 43 % out of 41.09 % schedule, and 9 expected to be completed by June 2018 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  10. LRT project has reached 28.88 % out of 26.90 % progress schedule, and expected to be completed by August 2018 10 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  11. Awarded as The World's Most Improved AiIDRorts - Skytrax Terminal 3 Ultimate - Soekarno Hatta International AiIDRort 11 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  12. The longest bridge in Borneo , with total length 1,440 meters. cross Kapuas River in Sanggau, West Kalimantan. This bridge will be a part of Trans Kalimantan Highway (south route) that connects West Borneo with Central Borneo. Replace exsisting transportation system between Tayan and Piasak was served by two small ferries. Tayan Bridge - West Kalimantan 12 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  13. A consortium led by WIKA built the longest bridge in the eastern part of Indonesia. This new 3.4KM bridge connecting Rumah Tiga village with Hative Kecil in Ambon city. Merah Putih Bridge - Ambon 13 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  14. The $234m engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contract for the gas well pads, flowlines, pipelines, the central processing plant at Matindok with gas treatment facilities such as acid gas removal and sulphur removal, and ancillary infrastructure was awarded to the joint venture of WIKA and Technip. On the construction progress, WIKA received certificat of appreciation “ 10,018,431 Safe Man Hours Without Lose Time Injury” 14 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  15. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT 15 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  16. ORDER BOOK, NEW CONTRACT, SALES, & NET INCOME NET INC SALES ORDER BOOK (2016:2015) (2016:2015) 103,241 (2016:2015) 61.88% 15.04% 71.65% 102.937 1,218 (in bilion Rupiah) 83,290 1.218 1,012 Order Book 83.290 New Contract 1.012 Sales 54,764 Join Ventures 54.764 43,245 48,523 Non Join Ventures 48.523 625 36,764 43.245 Net Income 36.764 11,017 25,221 19,980 25.221 17,096 19.980 17.571 4,311 3,476 25,747 15,669 13,620 2015 2016 2017F 16 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  17. ORDER BOOK, NEW CONTRACT, SALES, & NET INCOME (AS OF 1 ST QUARTER) 245 245 ORDER BOOK NET INC SALES 79,342 (Q1 17 : Q1 16) (Q1 17 : Q1 16) (Q1 17 : Q1 16) 79.342 118.13% 240.28% 55.59% (in bilion Rupiah) Order Book New Contract 72 Sales Join Ventures 72 36,373 62 36.373 Non Join Ventures Net Income 27,237 27.237 17,026 17.026 5,105 6,026 3,281 4,245 1,292 2,880 6.026 568 5.105 859 4.245 3.281 2.880 2,714 3,813 2,021 Q1 2015 Q1 2016 Q1 2017 17 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  18. 1Q 2017 KEY FIGURES (bilion IDR.) Vs. 1Q2016 Group Revenue 3.813,45 +39.86% 661 Industry +93.75% 16.17% GPM -54 bps 2,534 -4.01% Infra & Building 9.30% +262 bps GPM 477 -14.98% Energy & Industrial Plant 9.87% +153 bps GPM 142 -16.29% Property 16.18% +258 bps GPM Gross Profit 442 +88.49% Gross Profit Margin 10.82% +11.56 bps Group Net Income 245 +241.95% 18 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  19. DEBT & LEVERAGE PERFORMANCE LIABILITIES to EQUITY RATIO GROSS GEARING RATIO 2,89 2,9 2,9 0,65 2,75 0,62 2,6 2,49 0,55 2,28 0,52 0,52 0,44 1,6 1,5 0,21 0,19 0,07 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1Q17 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1Q17 19 DEBT COVENANT : 3.5 DEBT COVENANT : 2.5 Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation

  20. NEW CONTRACT AND CARRY OVER (FY2017F) (IDR. Bio) 59,995.71 755,00 ORDER BOOK 9.062,00 2017F 103,240.98 2017F MAJOR AWARDED PROJECTS 54,763.47 34.97% - Serang - Panimbang Toll 28,526.17 3.343,00 Road IDR.2,85 Tn 43,245.27 7.494,00 861,00 - Lampung Toll Road Phase 4 47.454,00 4.783,00 IDR.1,34 Tn 3.534,00 7.200,00 - Kunciran - Cengkareng Toll Road IDR.1,98 Tn - Coal Fire Power Plant 39.648,00 Cilacap IDR.841 Bn 21.556,00 25.836,00 - PLTMG WIKA-MAN (JO) Phase 4 IDR.875,51 Bn - Logement 3,925 unit in 1.327,00 2.724,00 4.279,00 6.675,00 Algeria IDR.1,35 Tn 2016 2017F 2016F 2017F - Development of Storage Tank Terminal, Jetty, and NEW CONTRACT CARRY OVER Logistic IDR.875 Bn - EPC of Sugar Mill - Industry Infra & Building Energy & Industrial Plant Property & realty 20 Situbondo IDR.363,87 Bn Investor Relations Spirit of Innovation


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