case statement

case Statement Nesting if past two levels is error prone and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

case Statement Nesting if past two levels is error prone and possibly inefficient. case excels when many tests are performed on the same expression. case works well for muxes, decoders, and next state logic. SVerilog case has implied

  1. case Statement ◮ Nesting if past two levels is error prone and possibly inefficient. ◮ case excels when many tests are performed on the same expression. ◮ case works well for muxes, decoders, and next state logic. ◮ SVerilog case has implied ”break” statement unlike ”C”. ◮ case items are not-necessarily non-overlapping. case (case_expression) case_item1 : case_item_statement1; case_item2 : begin case_item_statement2a; case_item_statement2b; case_item_statement2c; end case_item3 : case_item_statement3; default : case_item_statement5; endcase

  2. case Statement U42 U35 U34 //8-wide, 4:1 multiplexer U23 module case1 ( U22 input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, d_in, U25 input [1:0] sel, U24 output logic [7:0] d_out); U27 U26 always_comb U29 case (sel) U39 U41 U28 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; U31 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; U30 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; U33 2’b11 : d_out = d_in; U32 endcase U40 endmodule U37 U36 U38

  3. case Statement Is the simulation correct? What do we do with the ”X”? //8-wide, 4:1 multiplexer module case1 ( input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, d_in, input [1:0] sel, output logic [7:0] d_out); always_comb case (sel) 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; 2’b11 : d_out = d_in; endcase endmodule /case1/a_in 10 10 /case1/b_in 20 20 /case1/c_in 30 30 /case1/d_in 40 40 /case1/sel 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 X X /case1/d_out 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40

  4. case Statement We can use a default to propagate the ”X”. What does this do for us? module case1 ( input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, d_in, input [1:0] sel, output logic [7:0] d_out); always_comb case (sel) 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; 2’b11 : d_out = d_in; default : d_out = 8’bx; endcase endmodule /case1/a_in 10 10 /case1/b_in 20 20 /case1/c_in 30 30 /case1/d_in 40 40 /case1/sel 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 X X /case1/d_out 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 xx xx

  5. case Statement - Incomplete case U17 ...g[6] //incomplete case, 8-wide, 3:1 mux U18 ...g[5] module case2 ( U19 input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, ...g[4] input [1:0] sel, U20 output logic [7:0] d_out); ...g[3] U21 always_comb U25 ...g[2] case (sel) U22 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; ...g[1] U27 U26 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; U23 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; ...g[0] U24 endcase U15 endmodule ...g[7] U16 Inferred memory devices in process in routine case2 line 6 in file ’’. =========================================================================== | Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST | =========================================================================== | d_out_reg | Latch | 8 | Y | N | N | N | - | - | - | =========================================================================== Warning: Netlist for always_comb block contains a latch. (ELAB-974) Presto compilation completed successfully.

  6. case Statement a_in[6] b_in[6] U11 c_in[6] sel[1] sel[0] //incomplete case statement d_out[7:0] a_in[5] //with default case_item U12 module case2 ( input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, b_in[5] U13 c_in[5] input [1:0] sel, a_in[4] output logic [7:0] d_out); b_in[4] c_in[4] U14 a_in[3] b_in[3] always_comb c_in[3] a_in[2] b_in[2] U15 case (sel) c_in[2] 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; a_in[1] b_in[1] U16 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; c_in[1] 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; sel[1:0] U18 n3 a_in[0] default : d_out = 8’bx; b_in[0] U17 c_in[0] endcase sel[1:0] c_in[7:0] c_in[7:0] a_in[7] endmodule a_in[7:0] a_in[7:0] b_in[7] U10 c_in[7] b_in[7:0] d_out[7:0] b_in[7:0] Does RTL and gate simulation differ when sel = 2’b11 ? What does synthesis do with the 8’bx ?

  7. case Statement - unique and priority to the Rescue ◮ SystemVerilog introduced two case and if statement modifiers ◮ priority ◮ unique ◮ Both give information to synthesis to aid optimization. ◮ Both are assertions (simulation error reporting mechanisms) ◮ Both imply that there is a case item for all the possible legal values that case expression might assume.

  8. case Statement - unique and priority Unique Case ◮ Unique is an assertion which implies: ◮ All possible values of case expression are in the case items ◮ At simulation run time, a match must be found in case items ◮ At run time, only one match will be found in case items ◮ Unique guides synthesis ◮ It indicates that no priority logic is necessary ◮ This produces parallel decoding which may be smaller/faster ◮ Unique usage ◮ Use when each case item is unique and only one match should occur. ◮ Using a ”default” case item removes the testing for non-existent matches, but the uniqueness test remains.

  9. case Statement - unique and priority Priority Case ◮ Priority is an assertion which implies: ◮ All possible values for case expression are in case items ◮ Priority guides synthesis ◮ It indicates that all other testable conditions are don’t cares and may be used to simplify logic ◮ This produces logic which is possibly smaller/faster ◮ Priority usage ◮ Use to explicitly say that priority is important even though the Verilog case statement is a priority statement. ◮ Using a ”default” case item will cause priority requirement to be dropped since all cases are available to be matched. ◮ Use of a ”default” also indicates that more than one match in case item is OK. ◮ Priority is a bad name. Case is already a priority structure.

  10. case Statement a_in[6] b_in[6] U11 c_in[6] sel[1] sel[0] d_out[7:0] //incomplete case statement a_in[5] U12 //with systemverilog priority modifier module case2 ( b_in[5] input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, U13 c_in[5] a_in[4] input [1:0] sel, b_in[4] output logic [7:0] d_out); c_in[4] U14 a_in[3] b_in[3] c_in[3] always_comb a_in[2] b_in[2] U15 c_in[2] priority case (sel) 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; a_in[1] b_in[1] U16 c_in[1] 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; sel[1:0] U18 n3 a_in[0] b_in[0] U17 c_in[0] endcase sel[1:0] c_in[7:0] endmodule c_in[7:0] a_in[7] a_in[7:0] a_in[7:0] b_in[7] U10 c_in[7] b_in[7:0] d_out[7:0] b_in[7:0] Synthesis reminds us of the implicit claims made by priority : Warning: Case statement marked priority does not cover all possible conditions. (VER-504)

  11. case Statement System Verilog priority Modifier ◮ OK, so now what happens now when sel is 2’b11 ? ◮ RTL Simulator issues a run-time warning. ◮ Go back, fix the RTL error that caused the disallowed case to occur. ◮ After fixing, the RTL and gate simulation will match.

  12. case Statement //incomplete case priority modifier module case2 ( input [7:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, input [1:0] sel, output logic [7:0] d_out); always_comb priority case (sel) 2’b00 : d_out = a_in; 2’b01 : d_out = b_in; 2’b10 : d_out = c_in; endcase endmodule Simulator issues warning at sel==2’11 , and with sel==2’1x ** Warning: (vsim-8315) No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. ** Warning: (vsim-8315) No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement.

  13. casez Statement ◮ casez is a special version of the case expression ◮ Allows don’t care’s in case expression or case item ◮ casez uses ? or Z as don’t care instead of as a logic value ◮ Recommendation: use ”?” as don’t care, not ”Z”. ◮ For example: ◮ case item 2b1? can match the case expressions: 2b10, 2b11, 2b1x, or 2b1z ◮ casez has overlapping case items. If more than one case item matches a case expression, the first matching case item has priority. ◮ Use caution when using this statement

  14. casez Statement This is a interrupt priority encoder. Simultaneous interrupt requests may be asserted, but returns only the highest priority request. module priority_encoder_casez ( input [7:0] irq, //interrupt requests output logic [3:0] highest_pri); //encoded highest pritority interrupt always_comb begin priority casez (irq) 8’b1??????? : highest_pri = 4’h8; //interrupt 8 8’b?1?????? : highest_pri = 4’h7; //interrupt 7 8’b??1????? : highest_pri = 4’h6; //interrupt 6 8’b???1???? : highest_pri = 4’h5; //interrupt 5 8’b????1??? : highest_pri = 4’h4; //interrupt 4 8’b?????1?? : highest_pri = 4’h3; //interrupt 3 8’b??????1? : highest_pri = 4’h2; //interrupt 2 8’b???????1 : highest_pri = 4’h1; //interrupt 1 default : highest_pri = 4’h0; //no interrupts endcase end endmodule

  15. casex Statement ◮ One more case expression exists: casex . ◮ Can be useful for testbenches. ◮ Current recommendations are to not use it in synthesizible code.


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