boerum hill rezoning

Boerum Hill Rezoning 1 March 28, 2011 Location Boerum Hill 2 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Boerum Hill Rezoning 1 March 28, 2011 Location Boerum Hill 2 2 March 2011 Location Surrounding areas have height limits or have been studied recently FT. GREENE DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN HEIGHTS Limited Height District COBBLE HILL

  1. Boerum Hill Rezoning 1 March 28, 2011

  2. Location Boerum Hill 2 2 March 2011

  3. Location Surrounding areas have height limits or have been studied recently FT. GREENE DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN HEIGHTS Limited Height District COBBLE HILL PARK SLOPE Limited Height District GOWANUS CARROLL GARDENS Boerum Hill 3 March 2011

  4. Rezoning Objectives Respond to the community’s request for contextual zoning that applies height limits throughout the rezoning area. Match new zoning to existing built character and land uses. Allow for appropriate development on vacant sites. Support commercial corridors along Court and Smith streets. Boerum Hill 4 4 March 2011

  5. Rezoning Area R6 and R7B Districts in Boerum Hill/Community District 2 Includes the Boerum Hill Historic District A-C-G 2-3-4-5 B-Q D-N-R F-G CD2 CD6 Subway Stations Boerum Hill 5 March 2011

  6. Existing Zoning and Land Uses Mostly residential Mix of uses along Court, Smith, Pacific and Bergen Streets and 3 rd Avenue Bishop * # PS 261 PS38 Mugavero Center GOWANUS WYCKOFF HOUSES GARDENS *Brooklyn High School of the Arts # MS 447 The Math and Science Exploratory School Boerum Hill 6 March 2011

  7. ● Existing Character Strong rowhouse character Dean Street between Bond and Nevins streets in the Boerum Hill Historic District Boerum Hill 7 March 2011

  8. Existing Character Strong rowhouse character ● Warren Street between Bond and Nevins streets Boerum Hill 8 March 2011

  9. Existing Character Strong rowhouse character ● St. Mark’s Place between 3 rd and 4 th avenues Boerum Hill 9 9 March 2011

  10. Existing Character Strong rowhouse character ● Warren Street between Smith and Hoyt streets Boerum Hill 10 March 2011

  11. ● Existing Character Strong rowhouse character with some areas having a mixed character Pacific Street between Smith Street and Boerum Place Boerum Hill 11 March 2011

  12. Existing Character ● Strong rowhouse character with some areas having a mixed character Bergen Street between Court Street and Boerum Place Boerum Hill 12 March 2011

  13. ● Existing Character Lively retail along Court and Smith streets Court Street between Pacific and Dean streets Boerum Hill 13 March 2011

  14. Existing Character Lively retail along Court and Smith streets ● Smith Street looking between Bergen and Wyckoff streets Boerum Hill 14 March 2011

  15. ● Existing Character Mix of uses along Pacific and Bergen streets and 3 rd Avenue Pacific Street at Boerum Place Boerum Hill 15 March 2011

  16. Existing Character ● Mix of uses along Pacific and Bergen streets and 3 rd Avenue Bergen Street between Boerum Place and Smith Street Boerum Hill 16 March 2011

  17. Existing Character ● Mix of uses along Pacific and Bergen streets and 3 rd Avenue 3 rd Avenue between Bergen and Dean streets Boerum Hill 17 March 2011

  18. Existing Densities Medium density on most residential blocks Higher density near Court and Smith streets and 3 rd Avenue Boerum Hill 18 March 2011

  19. Existing Building Heights Most buildings are between 30 and 50 feet Mix of heights between Court and Smith streets and near 3 rd Avenue Boerum Hill 19 March 2011

  20. Existing Zoning Allows a range of building types, including towers in R6 district R6 Quality Housing R6 Height Factor R6 Quality Housing R7B Existing Zoning Mapped between 3 rd & 4 th Available on Narrow Streets Available in R6 district Available on Wide Streets -- max. height 75’ max. height 55’ -- 60’ streetwall 45’ -- 40’ max FAR max FAR max FAR max FAR 3.0 2.43 2.2 3.0 Boerum Hill 20 March 2011

  21. Proposed Zoning Map contextual zoning districts with height and density limits appropriate to the existing character R6 Quality Housing R6 Height Factor R6 Quality Housing R7B Existing Zoning Mapped between 3 rd & 4 th Available on Narrow Streets Available Everywhere Available on Wide Streets -- max. height 75’ max. height 55’ -- 60’ streetwall 45’ -- 40’ max FAR max FAR max FAR max FAR 3.0 2.43 2.2 3.0 R6B R6A R7A Proposed Proposed for 3 rd Avenue Proposed for lower scale Proposed for denser areas and rowhouse blocks mixed-use blocks max. height 80’ 65’ streetwall Zoning 40’ max FAR max FAR max FAR 2.0 3.0 4.0 Boerum Hill 21 March 2011

  22. Proposed Zoning Map contextual districts with height and density limits appropriate to the existing character Boerum Hill 22 March 2011

  23. Proposed Zoning – R6B Proposed for approximately 67% of the Study Area o Max. FAR: 2.0 o Min./Max. Base Height: 30’ / 40’ ● o Max. Height: 50’ after setback o Must line up with street wall o No curb cuts on narrow lots o Parking required for 50% of units, waived if < 5 spaces required Max height: 50’ Streetwall: 30’-40’ Bergen Street: 1.8 FAR, 36 feet Boerum Hill 23 March 2011

  24. Proposed Zoning – R6A Proposed on mixed-use corridors and areas with mixed character o Max. FAR: 3.0 ● o Min./Max. Base Height: 40’/60’ o Max. Height: 70’ after setback o Must line up with street wall o No curb cuts on narrow lots o Parking required for 50% of units, waived if < 5 spaces required Max height: 70’ Streetwall: 40’-60’ Insert photo Pacific Street: 3.05 FAR, 58 feet Boerum Hill 24 March 2011

  25. Proposed Zoning – R7A Proposed for 3 rd Avenue ● o Max. FAR: 4.0 o Min./Max. Base Height: 40’ / 65’ o Max. Height: 80’ after setback o Must line up with street wall o No curb cuts on narrow lots o Parking required for 50% of units, waived if < 5 spaces required - Max. height 80’ --- base 65’ --- base 40’ 3 rd Ave. and Pacific St.: 3.13 FAR, 47 feet Boerum Hill 25 March 2011

  26. Proposed Zoning Map contextual districts with height and density limits appropriate to the existing character Boerum Hill 26 March 2011

  27. Existing Commercial Overlays C2-3 currently mapped along Court and Pacific streets C1-3 currently mapped along Smith and Hoyt streets Boerum Hill 27 March 2011

  28. Existing Commercial Overlays Boerum Hill 28 March 2011

  29. Proposed Commercial Overlays Add overlays to mixed-use sections of Bergen Street and 3 rd Avenue Change all overlays to C2-4 Trim back from residential side streets Boerum Hill 29 March 2011

  30. Proposed Zoning Map contextual districts with height limits reflecting existing character Map commercial overlays on mixed use corridors Boerum Hill 30 March 2011


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