what does workplace democracy look like

What does workplace democracy look like? Governance, Management and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What does workplace democracy look like? Governance, Management and Ways Worker Coops Make Decisions Agenda Review Definition 1. Introductions Examples Objectives of Governance 2. Team Evaluations Getting Clarity

  1. What does workplace democracy look like? Governance, Management and Ways Worker Coops Make Decisions

  2. Agenda Review Definition ● 1. Introductions Examples ● Objectives of Governance ● 2. Team Evaluations Getting Clarity ● Roles ● 3. Governance Meetings ● Expanding & Connecting ● 4. Dinner 5. Making Decisions: Who Decides What? Things to consider ● Scenarios Workshop ● Governance Matrix Exercise ●

  3. Team Evaluations Share your ratings ● What did you rate similarly? Where did you differ? ● Where is your team strong? Where can your team ● improve? What is one intervention to strengthen your team? ●

  4. Definition of Governance ● Governance refers to oversight and decision-making related to strategic direction, financial planning, and Bylaws - the set of core policies that outline the organization’s purpose, values, and structure. ● Governance decisions should provide guidelines for management .

  5. Los Angeles Eco-Village: A Housing Cooperative Management New members are Committee approved by the all the members by Owner consensus . Owner members members are approved Bienvenid@s (Board) by the owner members. Committee All owner members can Renter serve on the board. Members Board members are Garden elected by the owner Committee members by super majority vote ( ⅔ ). Board hires manager, Facilitation who is not considered a Committee coop member.

  6. 1. To establish organizational policies that are: Objectives of High quality ○ Responsive to wishes of coop ○ Governance members Understood/accepted in the ○ organization 2. To protect the personal rights of coop members 3. To make sure the governance system remains effective and efficient.

  7. Aim for Clarity in Systems ● Clarity around who can propose, vote, approve in different decision categories ● Keep things simple ● Exercise at end of class: to get started on this

  8. Members ● All corporate matters ○ Significant policy matters ○ Possible Other specific policies enumerated in By-Laws ○ Roles Board of Directors ● Select and oversee key managers (if any) ○ Set the budget and strategic direction ○ All other policy matters not covered by the full ○ membership Management ● Carry out the regular business of the firm ○ Generate or review policy proposals for the ○ board/membership Do not have authority to set policy ○

  9. Board Representation ● What proportion of worker owners are on the board? ○ In smaller orgs, probably all ● If there are managers, do they serve on the board?

  10. Sample ● Executive Board ● Governance Committees ● Grievance At a larger scale...Help ● Education make general Board ● Strategic Planning meetings more efficient ● Other?

  11. Sample ● Finance Management ● Production Committees ● Marketing ● Collective Evaluation ● Hiring & Evaluation

  12. ● When and how do meetings Meetings happen? ○ Board of Directors ○ Committees ○ Annual Meetings (of all membership, if not all members are on the Board)

  13. Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives

  14. Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives

  15. Things to consider: Who’s impacted? ● Making Decisions: How big is the impact? ● Who Decides What? Financially? ○ Organizationally? ○ ALL MEMBERS? How long is the impact? ● Coop Policy/Agreement or ● BOARD? Implementation? Policy violation or unfairness? ● Cmte? Mgt? Team?

  16. WRITE: What are some Making Decisions: ● Who Decides What? important decisions coops need to make? SHARE: How does your ● Scenarios team make this decision? Why? Does it work well?

  17. REVIEW: Sample matrix Making Decisions: ● Who Decides What? DISCUSS: Develop your ● team’s governance matrix Governance Matrix

  18. What does workplace democracy look like? Governance, Management and Ways Worker Coops Make Decisions


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