water source supply study workshop 1

Water Source / Supply Study Workshop #1 Joint Shared Service - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Water Source / Supply Study Workshop #1 Joint Shared Service Committee May 18th Presentation Overview Water Water Supply Water Next System Demand Source Conservation Steps Choices Review Planning Needs Conservation Policy

  1. Water Source / Supply Study Workshop #1 Joint Shared Service Committee May 18th

  2. Presentation Overview Water Water Supply Water Next System Demand Source Conservation Steps Choices Review Planning Needs Conservation Policy • Sources and Infrastructure • Options Water Issues • Supply Needs to 2041 • Population and Water Use • New Source Criteria • 2

  3. Purpose of the Source Supply Study • Review and prioritize known sources – 3 primary sources nearing capacity (7-10 years, subject to usage and growth) – Water enabler of OCP goals – Emerging challenges/opportunities to water supply • Develop a refined solution set – Evaluate and identify conservation, optimization and source/supply opportunities – Phased, incrementable, affordable, sustainable, resilient, flexible approach 3

  4. CURRENT SHARE OF TOTAL SUPPLY 6% Norrish 12% Cannell Groundwater- Wells 82% • 80km of transmission pipe + multiple reservoirs and NWTP • License capacity > reliable capacity triggers need to predict long term adequacy • Portfolio of Sources: individual strengths offset weaknesses of others 4

  5. Source Review Capacity Portfolio Generally adequate capacity High-elevation, good quality source • Cannel Fraction of supply needs; small watershed • under normal conditions however Best for winter demands or summer • new demands, drought and demand complement turbidity spikes may affect supply Reliable, low-treatment supply all year resiliency in 7 to 10 years. • Ground- Trending water quality concerns and • water Wells higher operational footprint Distributed source to address summer • use and demands from growth Emerging gap A go-to source for unplanned events (e.g. Largest source with advanced treatment • turbidity) and planned long- Turbidity spikes lowers capacity • Norrish term growth. Transmission limited by pipe size • Concerns regarding ability and cost to • expand source storage 5

  6. Primary Opportunities for Water Supply Key Ingredients for Solution Sets • Importance of an agreed upon direction for water conservation. • Opportunity to resolve supply constraints or Optimization through transmission infrastructure. • Need to establish a reliable source portfolio including prioritized expansion. 6

  7. Role of Demand Planning Water Use Profile Prepare: the Commission and its customers • for new initiatives and projects. 14% Evaluate: choices to support broader • 12% community goals. 50% Engage: test actions for staff to deliver on • 24% political and public aspirations . Ensure: compliance with regulations and best • practices. Define: capital projects and levels of service . • Residential Commercial Agriculture NRW The use of multiple conservation tools over the 10 years demonstrates the ability of the public to adapt and conserve. But to keep demands lower still 7 will require program enhancements.

  8. Role of Demand Planning Point of Maximum Day Demand Expansion Four-Year Average Leaks Growth 52 MLD Residential Drought Redundancy 24 MLD ICI today’s demand 12 MLD Agriculture Restrictions 14 MLD NRW Conservation 102 MLD Total Densification Efficiency MDD Dictates source + system capacity and focuses Maximum conservation targets Day Demand 8

  9. OCP Alignment 1.5% to 2.0% Growth in All Demands Plan to 200,000 Strategic AgRefresh densification Commitment to water Commercial reductions conservation Intensification Rural Low Impact Use of Sustainable Enhancements meters + Development infrastructure longevity Evolve Urban Areas Development Initiatives regulations 9

  10. Water Conservation Current Programs • Common customer interface • Strong base of similar methods to build from Outdoor Water Landscape Leak Kits Restrictions Rebates Consumption- Low-Cost Rain Online Education Based Billing* Barrels and Tips Social Marketing Low-Flow Fixture Irrigation Rebates and Engagement Rebates 10

  11. Water Conservation Choices Implementation Effort Cost-Effectiveness 1. Indoor + Outdoor Water Kits Low 2. Regulations: Reuse and Efficiency (Low Impact Development) 3. Tiered + Seasonal Rates Medium 4. Watering Restrictions 5. Irrigation + Landscape Regulations 6. Education 7. Residential Water Use Audits High 8. Rebates + Fixture Subsidies 9. Commercial Audits 10. Leak Surveys 11

  12. Demand Scenarios Similar to current program • High Rely on education and information Steady Program with • Select rebates and water kits .35% • Demand Relaxed Targets Light tactics for new development • Scenario Expand on High demand scenario Enhanced Framework • Medium .70% Greater social marketing • that Builds on Strengths Demand Apply water-use audits + resources • More rebates + resources Scenario • Medium-Low Enhanced program with Wind back some programs 1.0% • Demand Metering with Bi-monthly billing low targets and less • Scenario Secure SG funding for meters • programming. Social marketing and info resources • Expand on Medium demand • Low Demand Advanced Program that 1.2% scenario Scenario Universal meters + tiered rates • meets Best Practice+ Greatest social marketing • Reuse + recycling regulations • Enforce select restrictions • 12

  13. Role of Demand Planning Reductions in 3x Scenarios New residential: 10% to 18% Existing residential: 10% to 15% ICI: 5% to 15% Agriculture: +75% to +25% Seasonal rates can NRW: 10% to 25% help to achieve target reductions in about half the time of many New residential: 20% to 55% other methods Existing residential: 10% to 35% ICI: 5% to 15% Agriculture: n/a NRW: 10% to 25% Represent cumulative reductions over 25 years. 13

  14. 25 Year Demand Projections High Demand 0.35% Scenario 160 MLD Status Quo 145MLD 130 MLD 0.7% Medium Demand Scenario Med-Low 122 MLD Water 115MLD Conservation Low Demand 1.2% Investments Scenario offset by deferring Source Expansion 14

  15. Source Review Capacity Portfolio High-elevation, good quality source • Cannel Fraction of supply and small watershed • Best for winter demands and occasional • summer demand complement Strategically prioritize sources using criteria that Solution sets include conservation, Reliable, low-treatment supply all year • Ground- Trending water quality concerns and higher • enhance our portfolio. optimization and source expansion water Wells operational footprint Distributed source to address summer use • to meet future demand projections. and demands from growth Better adapt to droughts • More Consistent water quality • Optimize sources & transmission • Largest source with advanced treatment • Meet long-term source needs • Turbidity spikes greatly lowers capacity • Transmission limited by size of main pipe • Norrish Concerns regarding ability and cost to • expand source storage 15

  16. Strategically prioritize sources using criteria that enhance our portfolio. Criteria to Prioritize Solution Sets Next Steps Consistency over time e.g. droughts • Resiliency Amount and severity of hazards; risks • Ability to phase for increasing demands/peaks • Adequacy License/regulatory assurances • Proximity/convenience to system needs • Serviceability Operational footprint e.g. effort/management • Relative cost performance of Solution A to B • Affordability Cash flow and rates considerations • Public perception of water quality • Desirability Stakeholder conflicts • 16

  17. Solution Sets: Source Evaluation • Apply criteria to sources to prioritize supply strategy • Solution sets make best use of conservation, optimization and source supply Outdoor Water Leak Kits Restrictions Rainny Wells Fraser River Stave Lake Miracle Valley Expand Norrish Other Sources 17

  18. Presentation Overview Water Water Supply Water Next System Demand Source Conservation Steps Choices Review Planning Needs Conservation Policy • Sources and Infrastructure • Options Water Issues • Supply Needs to 2041 • Population and Water Use • New Source Criteria • 18

  19. Engagement Focus Areas Schedule Core questions related to • Engage with public + • Concerns regarding system elements – and services stakeholders Starting May to end Preferences and ideas for – of the phase conservation Ideas and considerations for solution – Evaluate and report on sources • sets and conservation programs Planned Events • Taste of Abbotsford – May 28 th Return to JSSC July 13 th – • Old Car Sunday Mission – June 18 th – – Short list of priority solution sets (Tentative) Additional Events at Mission – Allow for further project – Recreation Centre – Date TBD activities leading into fall Canada Day Abbotsford – July 1 st – decisions and direction Additional water conservation events – through the summer – both – JSSC September 14 th communities – JSSC November 9 th Website Presence • 19

  20. Questions and Further Discussion 20


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